Carry the chicken-eating system to enter the infinite

Chapter 869 The Disaster of the Second Year

Chapter 869 The Disaster of the Second Year

Bai Yunfei also smiled softly and said, "Your appearance is very different from the appearance I saw you in the past. You were fearless in the past, why are you so timid now? It's a mouse."

"Boss, I'm not as timid as a mouse, I just have some insights." Guo Tian said unconvinced.

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "Then you don't have any more thoughts, just wait here quietly, a new catastrophe will be enough, it is estimated that it will take three days for the catastrophe to come, when the time comes, everyone It’s about to get ready.”

Zhuge Tianming frowned slightly and said, "Brother Bai, don't you have a way to figure out what kind of catastrophe it is?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly and said, "I really don't know, because no one knows what kind of disaster will happen to them. Maybe there will be a meteor shower in the sky, and there will be fire pits everywhere."

Three days passed in a flash, and the catastrophe came quickly, just as Bai Yunfei expected, and many fireballs appeared in the sky, smashing towards Bai Yunfei and the others.

The four of Bai Yunfei and the others quickly avoided these fireballs, and saw that the houses in this small town had been completely destroyed, and there were seas of flames everywhere, showing what happened just now.

Gao Yan said with lingering fear, "I really didn't expect that the catastrophe this time would be these fireballs. This is really too dangerous. If we hadn't warned in advance, I'm afraid we would really be smashed to death."

Bai Yunfei frowned slightly and said, "These are just foreplay, the real danger is yet to come."

Gao Yan frowned slightly, looked around and said in confusion, "There shouldn't be any danger around, even if he comes to other dangers, we should be able to avoid them, but why haven't those strange beasts appeared yet?"

Zhuge Tianming squatted down, felt the ground, his expression changed drastically, and he said to everyone, "No, the ground is trembling, those strange beasts should be underground."

The 4 people directly and quickly moved away from the place they were in before, and saw many strange beasts bursting out of the ground, and all of them had a sharp thorn on their heads. If they were still standing in place just now, It is easy to be stabbed to death by them.

Guo Tian suddenly said angrily, "Damn it, you can even think of such an insidious trick. This really wants to put us to death, and you won't hold back at all."

Bai Yunfei clasped his palms together and slapped forward quickly, only to see a fierce tiger appear vividly in front of everyone, attacking and biting those strange beasts frantically.

And those strange beasts were like paper, they would be torn into pieces with just a touch by the Mongolian.

Guo Tian was stunned and said, "Boss, is this the attack method of becoming a strong martial spirit? Isn't this too powerful?"

Bai Yunfei smiled faintly and said, "All you need to know is that after entering the strength of the Martial Spirit level, it will no longer be in its previous form. A strong man of the Martial Spirit level can hunt and kill 1 Martial Venerable level warriors at will. the strong."

Zhuge Tianming said in disbelief, "This gap is too big, it can be said that there is such a big difference in the world, can it be that there is only one realm gap that has such a big gap?"

Seeing their disbelieving expressions, Bai Yunfei smiled faintly and said, "You will understand after you break through, and you won't believe me if I tell you now."

At this moment, all the strange beasts around had been killed. Bai Yunfei stood up, looked at the sky, and said lightly, "I didn't expect that there would be a second wave of attack and it was the sky! deep calculations."

Bai Yunfei slapped the sky again, and a golden dragon directly and quickly appeared in the sky, and killed the strange beast in the sky.

I saw those strange beasts in the sky falling down like rain.

Bai Yunfei left there directly and quickly, and Guo Tian and the others were startled by these falling strange beasts, and quickly avoided their corpses.

After everything calmed down, they knew that they had passed this second year of disaster.

Bai Yunfei smiled and said, "What are you three still doing there? Why don't you hurry up and collect materials?"

Gao Yan said with a wry smile, "But sir, look at the corpses of these strange beasts, none of them are complete, and almost all of them are tattered. Is there any material that can be collected?"

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "Those complete and good materials can definitely be used. It doesn't matter if you don't need the tattered ones. Hurry up, I'll take a rest here."

Seeing Bai Yunfei sitting on the side drinking wine, seeing them working so hard, the three of them rolled their eyes involuntarily, complained about Bai Yunfei's evil interest, but obediently went to collect materials .

After collecting all the materials, Bai Yunfei stood up and said with a smile, "I really didn't expect that there are quite a lot of materials. It can allow one of you to make a breakthrough, and it can also allow the three of you to gain some strength at the same time. But the requirements for a breakthrough have not yet been met, so how do the three of you choose?"

Guo Tian Gaoyan and Zhuge Tianming looked at each other, and said in unison, "Let's improve your strength together. The strength raised by a single person is not as good as three people at the same time. This way, you won't be a burden to everyone, and the catastrophe in the future, Our current strength can still handle it.”

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly, nodded in satisfaction and said, "These materials are indeed not enough for the three of you to break through, but those materials obtained before can be added to it, I just didn't count those That's all."

Guo Tian Gao Yan, Zhuge Tianming, all three of them sighed involuntarily.Then there was a wry smile, obviously they didn't know what to say now.

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "I have to make some breakthroughs, otherwise I will be copied by you. Let's start to break through your strength now, and you will be greeted by a realm that you have never encountered before." , will definitely make you happy."

Although Guo Tian and the others were very excited at the same time, they also looked at Bai Yunfei helplessly, because Bai Yunfei hadn't given them the materials yet.

(End of this chapter)

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