Chapter 873 Ten Years
Zhuge Tianming sighed slightly and said, "If I hadn't met Brother Bai before, I'm afraid I would have ended up like this."

Guo Tian smiled slightly and said, "Although we have no intention of harming others, we must take precautions. To deal with these people with ulterior motives, only death is the greatest reward for them."

Gao Yan, hehe, smiled and said, "Don't be emotional here, let's quickly collect the surrounding materials, these can make us make new breakthroughs in strength."

The four of Bai Yunfei and the others quickly collected the materials prepared by the machine, gathered all the materials together, and then set fire to the city.

Time flies quickly and 10 years have passed by.

In these 10 years, all four of Bai Yunfei and the others have broken through their own strength, and Bai Yunfei has successfully become the peak level of Wuxian.

Guo Tian and the three of them directly and quickly broke through and became the strength of the peak level of Wuling.

Bai Yunfei stood on a high place, smiled lightly and said, "I just didn't expect that time flies so fast, it's already 10 years in the blink of an eye."

Zhuge Tianming smiled slightly and said, "I used to think that it was very difficult to survive 10 years, but now it seems that it is really easy, but now I don't know how many people can survive."

Guo Tian smiled softly and said, "How many people they love can survive is none of our business, as long as we can live well."

Gao Yan looked at Bai Yunfei slightly puzzled and said, "Brother Bai, it's just that I don't know why you insisted on letting us stay here for such a long time? If we continue to search for other materials, we should have been able to break through a long time ago. strength now."

Bai Yunfei chuckled, looked at the puzzled faces of the three of them, and said softly, "Don't you feel that your strength has become very solid over the years, and you are no longer as impetuous as before?" ?”

Zhuge Tianming frowned slightly and said in a daze, "I see, Brother Bai, are you afraid that our strength will increase too fast and we will lose ourselves?"

Bai Yunfei said lightly, "This is just one of the aspects. In fact, the main reason is that you are not suitable for continuing to break through at all. Your physical body has not really adapted to your current strength. Forcibly breaking through will only make your body directly and thoroughly Crash."

Gao Yan asked slightly curiously, "We have been silent here, have we been able to make new breakthroughs in the past few years?"

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "That's right, it is indeed possible to make a breakthrough."

The four of them left here directly and quickly, and continued to walk, but as they continued to move, they gradually discovered that the surrounding area had become very barren, many houses were dilapidated, and there were still many Many camps have been destroyed.

Guo Tian sighed slightly and said, "I'm afraid everyone is almost dead now."

Zhuge Tianming shook his head slightly and said, "I didn't think so at the time, I think there should be many people, but I don't know if their strength will be stronger than ours. After all, we have been silent for too long. long."

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "If you think this way, you are totally wrong. Don't worry, their strength will never be stronger than yours, and they will even be much worse than yours. If you If you don’t believe me, you can keep going.”

At this moment, suddenly a strange beast quickly appeared in front of them, opened its big mouth and bit towards everyone.

Guo Tian swung his right fist quickly, and saw a very powerful black giant wolf appearing in front of him, tearing the strange beast to pieces in a flash.

Guo Tian shook his head slightly, sighed softly and said, "This is too weak, even I can't stand it in a circle, it's so boring, is it true that the current alien beasts are so weak Yet?"

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "It's not that they are too weak, it's that you have become strong now, but you don't know how strong you are, that's why the current situation is caused, slowly adapt to it That's it."

Gao Yan looked into the distance with some curiosity and said, "You didn't see that there seems to be cooking smoke there. Could it be that there are people living there? Let's go and have a look."

The four of them walked over there quickly, and sure enough, they found that there were four people baking something there.

The 4 people over there also found Bai Yunfei and they immediately said with some joy, "I really didn't expect that I could continue to see it here. This is really great news. You are hungry, come and eat quickly."

Bai Yunfei chuckled, and said curiously, "The four of you are really strong enough. What are your names? Why are you here?"

"Our 4 brothers have been going out for a long time, so our strength is very strong. We happened to be resting here today. You are finally blessed." Wuhan University said with a slight smile.

Guo Tian said curiously, "Why don't you choose to survive the calamity in the camp? How safe is it to survive the calamity in the camp?"

Wu Er frowned slightly and said, "Don't you know? Going through the calamity in the camp is harming one's own foundation, and only oneself will be harmed at that time. This has been proven a few years ago, and now there is no Don't you know that people will survive the robbery in the camp?"

Gao Yan laughed and said, "I said why we couldn't find the camp? It turns out that everyone has given up the camp now. I'm sorry, we haven't communicated with other people for a long time."

Wuhan University sighed slightly and said, "We are the same. We haven't communicated with other people for a long time. Only our four brothers talk to each other. As for other people, we rarely see it."

Wu San frowned slightly and said, "There are fewer and fewer human beings left, so everyone is helping each other now, otherwise no one will survive the next catastrophe."

Zhuge Tianming said curiously, "You are all strong at the Martial Lord level now, why are you not sure that you will be able to survive the next catastrophe?"

Wu Si smiled wryly and said, "What you said is easy, even with the current strength, there is nothing you can do about it, because the 10-year catastrophe is the most terrifying."

(End of this chapter)

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