Chapter 875
Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "We need to have confidence in him, don't dampen his enthusiasm, we can just watch here, if something unexpected happens, then we can directly and quickly make up for it gone."

Bai Yunfei had already made up his mind, so no one said anything, but quietly watched Zhuge Tianming's performance.

After Zhuge Tianming was busy for a while, he sat on the spot, quietly waiting for the disaster to come.

One month later, the catastrophe came as expected. I saw a large number of strange beasts rushing in here quickly, and even the surrounding weather became very bad, with strong winds hitting here quickly.

Zhuge Tianming smiled slightly, and quickly activated his formation, only to see a five-element and eight-diagram formation, which quickly appeared around the crowd, resisting these vile attacks.

I saw that all the strange beasts were shrouded in this one, and it could be said that there was no way out in it, and they were all bumping back and forth like headless flies.

Zhuge Tianming slightly picked up a red flag, only to see countless flames quickly appearing in an instant.

Those strange beasts were burned by these flames and howled in pain, and they were all burned to death in a short while.

Zhuge Tianming picked up another golden flag and pointed it at the sky.

Countless sharp swords appeared quickly, aiming at the strange beasts in the sky, shooting them all down.

Zhuge Tianming picked up a blue flag again, only to see a lot of ice quickly appearing around, sealing the ground, making it impossible for those strange beasts to land on the ground, and they all fell down on the ground involuntarily. land.

Some large alien beasts wanted to use brute force to break out of the formation, but found that no matter how they collided, they would encounter some stone walls, and these stone walls were very strong and difficult to destroy.

Guo Tian smiled slightly and said, "I really didn't expect it to be so effective. It seems that Tianping's formation is really powerful."

Gao Yan also agreed and said, "It seems that we really have some formations that underestimate Tianming. If we accidentally enter his formation, it may be difficult for us to escape from his formation."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "His formation relies on the law of the five elements, so in a sense this is a very remarkable formation because it can be endlessly alive, and the power of the five elements can complement each other outrageously. It can be said to be a perfect formation."

Guo Tian said curiously, "Then how can we really crack these formations?"

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "It's very easy to break through these formations. Breaking through formations with formations is the simplest method, and there are even simpler methods, but this method is beyond the reach of ordinary people. , that is brute force breaking."

Gao Yan shook his head slightly, and said softly, "I'm afraid according to our strength, there is no way to break through it with real brute force."

Bai Yunfei nodded lightly and said, "Your physical strength is not really too strong, so you have no way to use brute force to break his formation. Of course, you can use the power of the five elements to fight against the power of the five elements." , so that he can escape from his formation."

At this moment, the surrounding strange beasts had been almost killed, but there were still some strange beasts resisting stubbornly there.

Just when everyone thought it was about to end, there was a sudden, shocking roar that quickly enveloped Bai Yunfei and his area.

Bai Yunfei frowned slightly and said, "This is the real last beast that came, but I'm afraid it will be difficult to deal with."

Zhuge Tianming said confidently, "Don't worry, I will definitely kill them, you just wait here."

At this moment, a terrifying giant hand appeared suddenly and quickly, and slapped towards the formation.

Everyone felt a burst of sucking sensations, and the formation that Zhuge Tianming relied on the most was directly shattered by this palm.

Bai Yunfei stood up, stretched his hands and feet, smiled faintly and said, "The materials for my breakthrough are here, you all go back now, the real battle will really begin."

Bai Yunfei threw a punch casually, and saw a very huge fist mark, which quickly hit the huge hand.

The owner of that giant hand immediately took a few steps back, revealing its original appearance as a tall white ape.

Bai Yuan was very angry, took out a very huge wooden stick, and threw it at Bai Yunfei directly and quickly.

An Yunfei snorted, and brandished the halberd directly and quickly, Fang Tian stabbed at the white ape.

A very strong ray of light quickly burst out from Bai Yunfei's hand, and a very huge Fang Tian Huajian instantly hit the wooden stick in Bai Yuan's hand.

The wooden stick in Bai Yuan's hand was split in two, and a scar appeared on Bai Yuan's chest.

Bai Yuan was very angry, and after throwing the broken stick in his hand towards Bai Yunfei, he waved his palm and patted towards Bai Yunfei.

Bai Yunfei lightly shot a throwing knife at Bai Yuan.

I saw that the throwing knife was very simple and did not change in any way, but its speed was very fast, like a laser beam, it penetrated the heart of the white ape in an instant.

The white ape clutched his heart in pain, but he didn't die, but directly and quickly ran towards Bai Yunfei.

Bai Yunfei frowned slightly, and quickly slapped his palms forward. At the same time, all the energy and aura on his body merged into his palms, and he saw a very huge golden dragon burst out from his palms quickly. He went out and bumped into the body of the white ape.

Boom boom boom!
After hearing a violent collision, the white ape fell to the ground, and then there was a calm surrounding, obviously the white ape had been completely killed by Bai Yunfei.

Bai Yunfei squatted down, quickly harvested the materials of the white ape, looked at Guo Tian Gaoyan who was still dazed aside, smiled slightly and said, "Why are you two still standing there? Why don't you hurry up and collect the materials? Take a look at the materials around you, they are all used for your breakthrough, don’t you just waste them like this? Then you are really sorry for Tianming’s hard work.”

Zhuge Tianming coughed lightly, and said with some panting, "It's okay, we can tidy up together after I've rested."

(End of this chapter)

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