Chapter 877 Combat
Zhuge Tianming smiled slightly and said, "There's nothing to be afraid of, don't worry, let you see how good I am recently."

Zhuge Tianming walked up quickly, waving his hands back and forth, and saw a huge gossip, quickly covering all the different cows.

Immediately, all the cows crazily bumped into the gossip around them, but there was no way to knock them away. They all ran and bumped angrily there, but it was useless, and all of them did not take a while. Tired of bumping.

Zhuge Tianming smiled slightly, and came directly in a flash. In front of them, he performed the Baguazhang technique, killing them all one by one. It was completely dead.

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "Not bad, you are all very good now, you can really have the strength to protect yourself in this world, now I will take you to see what the strength of the Martial God level looks like. "

Bai Yunfei led the three of them directly and quickly to a strange mountain.

Guo Tian looked at this weird mountain curiously and said, "Could it be that the boss is here? Is it his fault that our mountains are so weird?"

Bai Yunfei nodded lightly and said, "That's right, he did it, how about it? It's very interesting, but it's just something he made at will. As you can imagine, one can change a mountain at will. How terrifying is a strong man who looks like this."

Gao Yan nodded slightly and said, "However, judging from the present, there is no way we can do it, so what we can do is indeed 10 points strong. Can you be sure, Big Brother Bai?"

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said with a light smile, "If I hadn't been sure, I wouldn't have called you here, but now I need you to take a good look at how good I am."

Bai Yunfei, after taking a quick look over there, smiled, found some stones from the ground, and quickly threw them towards the other end of the mountain.

I saw that these stones disappeared in an instant from Guo Tian's eyes, but after a while, they heard the sound of booming from the opposite mountain peak.

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly and said, "You guys just stay aside, he will come soon, don't involve you in that time, it will be wronged."

Bai Yunfei waved his hands directly and quickly, and saw a very weird ball appearing in his hand. Bai Yunfei played the ball back and forth in his hand. When a black shadow appeared on the opposite side, Bai Yunfei held the ball in his hand. The weird ball flew out quickly.

Although Guo Tian and the others didn't know what the ball in Bai Yunfei's hand was, they clearly felt a trace of fear, as if if it hit them, they would be wiped out.

I saw the black ball directly and quickly hit the black shadow, and the black shadow immediately flew upside down and smashed his mountain into pieces. After that, the black shadow quickly stood up again and roared, "Yes! Where? The despicable villain dares to sabotage me, even dare to sneak attack me, I want you to die without a place to bury you!"

Zhuge Tianming said curiously, "It's really strange, he can talk?"

Gao Yan shook his head slightly and said, "It's not surprising. They should be able to talk when they enter Wuling, but they don't want to. It can even be said that they don't bother to talk about us humans."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly and said, "That's right, they don't want to talk about us at all, but don't they say it as usual now? Let's teach him a little lesson now."

Bai Yunfei stomped the ground quickly, and saw countless stones flying out in front of him.

All these stones hit the black shadow quickly, and the black shadow wailed in pain.

Guo Tian frowned slightly and said, "I don't know why, why do I feel that he is 10 points weak? It doesn't seem to belong to the same level as the boss at all."

Zhuge Tianming shook his head slightly and said, "His aura is also 10 points stronger, much stronger than ours, and he should indeed be the strong man of the Martial God level that the elder brother said, but as for why he is so miserable, it is because He has provoked the big brother, and our big brother's current strength, we can't see through it at all, so it should be 10 points easy to deal with him."

Gao Yan nodded in agreement and said, "When have you ever seen Big Brother Bai suffer? When have you seen that Big Brother Bai has someone he can't beat?"

After thinking for a while, Guo Tian shook his head and said, "There is really no defeat, and it seems to be a victory from the beginning to the end. There is really no time when there is a failure."

At this moment, the black shadow directly revealed its true colors, it was a very huge lizard, but this one was a bit weird because it had two very huge wings on its back, but overall it looked like a huge lizard. Not like a western dragon.

"Damn human, you are bullying me. I want to make you look good now, and let you know how miserable the end is for bullying me!" The huge lizard roared angrily at Bai Yunfei.

Bai Yunfei snorted, and appeared behind the lizard in an instant, grabbed her by the tail, waved it back and forth quickly, and threw it out when he was about to play.

I saw this huge lizard directly and quickly fell to the ground, smashing out a very huge deep pit.

The huge lizard was a bit miserable, got up again, checked its wings, flew up quickly, and flew towards Bai Yunfei's direction at the same time.

Bai Yunfei had obviously discovered his intentions, but he didn't have any worries. Instead, he gently swung his right palm, only to see a golden dragon flying out from his right palm, competing with the huge The lizards bumped into each other.

I saw a very strong light flying out from there quickly, and all the people closed their eyes involuntarily.

When everyone opened their eyes, they found that the sky had become very clear, and there was no sign of that huge lizard anymore, as if he had never appeared before, but everyone knew what caused it All of these are people they originally regarded as trash, and looking at them now, their expressions have become very embarrassing.

(End of this chapter)

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