Chapter 881 Strength Recovery
Guo Tian frowned slightly, and had no choice but to follow Bai Yunfei and the others to leave here quickly. Not long after they left, there was a booming sound from behind, and it really collapsed.

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly and said, "Because those were able to support for a while just now, but when we left, the air flow was brought in, which caused the collapse. If we didn't leave immediately just now, the back and forth air circulation would also cause the collapse." They pose a risk of collapse."

Gao Yan smiled slightly, looked at Guo Tian on the side and said, "Now you should know how powerful you are, but you still don't believe Brother Bai's words, I think you should reflect on it in the bottom, and then you Get out."

Guo Tian said with a little embarrassment, "I just have some regrets about those things. It's a pity that so many crystals are buried in the bottom like this."

Bai Yunfei smiled faintly and said, "Those things inside have no energy, and how long do you think we have stayed here?"

Guo Tianman said indifferently, "We'll be inside for a few months at most. It shouldn't be too long. If it's too long, I should be able to figure it out."

Bai Yunfei rolled his eyes, and said lightly, "Your sense of time is really bad enough, do you know that we have stayed in the spider for several years, otherwise why do you think your strength has improved so much? ?”

The three of Guo Tian were stunned and screamed in disbelief, "How is this possible? How did it take so long to suddenly become 7 years? Does it take such a long time to break through the strength?"

Bai Yunfei smiled and said, "You may not know it. Once you have made a new breakthrough, your lifespan will increase a lot. Time is of no use to you. That's why you have a bad idea of ​​time. Nothing, no more like I have become a strong martial artist now, I can already swim in the long river of time without being troubled by lifespan."

Zhuge Tianming said with some puzzlement, "But why we really didn't notice anything, and we didn't feel any tiredness in our bodies, and we didn't even feel hungry. This can be said to be unreasonable. Is it normal to still need to eat sometimes, but right now I don't have any cravings at all?"

"Of course it's normal. That's because your bodies are full of energy. These energy can supplement some of the things you need, so you don't have to continue to eat. Of course, the more important thing is that you are constantly breaking through your current strength. , so now it can be said that the level of life has evolved a lot again."

Gao Yan was a little puzzled and said, "Isn't it true that now we can be said to be gods in legends?"

Bai Yunfei smiled faintly and said, "Then you are overthinking, no matter how powerful your lives were, you still belong to human beings after all, don't regard yourself as gods, because those who regard themselves as gods People have driven themselves crazy."

Zhuge Tianming asked curiously, "Why is this happening? How could they drive themselves crazy? Could it be that they can't think about it?"

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "That's because they are all a bunch of psychopaths, who elevate themselves high and treat everyone like a building. In fact, there is no difference between them and ants. That's why I call them psychos."

Gao Yan smiled slightly and said, "So that's the case, but I really put myself in a high position, and it will be even more difficult to find some intimate people. I am afraid that I will really become a crazy person in the long run." .”

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said with a faint smile, "Your current strength has almost reached the peak, and if you want to continue to improve, it will take a lot of time to accumulate, so I will take you to experience it now. How to survive in this place, it will definitely help you."

Zhuge Tianming said slightly curiously, "Brother Bai, have you found the traces of those people? It's really not easy for them to stop now."

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly and said, "It's nothing easy or difficult. Everyone has their own way of living, and everyone survives according to their own way. As long as they can survive, it is a very good thing. It has been almost 20 years now, and everyone's strength has improved almost the same, so it should be a flat time in the next time."

Guo Tian was a little surprised and said, "If this is the case, wouldn't there be no way to get through it at the end? This world is really as stingy and hateful as before."

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly, and said, "This 10 points is normal, because now we have used their materials to improve our own strength, so we can be regarded as a real moth to him, so we will They want to do everything possible to eliminate us, because only after we are eliminated can the resources return to their own hands again, and this is where the real contradiction lies.”

Guo Tian and the others smiled wryly. They didn't expect Bai Yunfei to arrange them like this, but what Bai Yunfei was talking about was also an agent. The materials they needed to improve their strength were indeed from this world. It can really be said It is to constantly absorb their resources in this world to improve their own strength.

Seeing that the three of them agreed with his point of view, Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and led the three of them quickly across the mountains to find the surviving human.

In fact, sometimes Bai Yunfei doesn't want to meddle in any nosy business, but he has nothing to do now, because he has already discovered that if he doesn't unite with all the surviving humans, it may be really difficult to truly live in this world. In the end, because the last time will be the craziest time, if the number of people is not enough, or if the defense force is not enough, there is only one dead end, no one wants to leave here alive, this is also Bai Yunfei, why did he The reason for such an active search for those survivors.

(End of this chapter)

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