Chapter 889 The Final Battle
Bai Yunfei saw that all the strange beasts around him had been killed by Ah Tu, he nodded slightly, and said softly, "You can rest now, I can take care of the rest."

I saw that all of them appeared in a very far place quickly, and many strange beasts all rushed towards Bai Yunfei quickly, and their auras were all strong at the level of martial saints.

However, Bai Yunfei looked at the phones in their hands very calmly and gently put them aside, took out a few throwing knives and flew towards the strange beasts.

I saw that these flying knives were very ordinary, flying towards them slowly, and all the strange beasts showed a look of disdain.

But at this moment, the faces of some of the strange beasts suddenly changed, because they suddenly felt a breath of death locking them in, as if no matter how they tried to escape, there was no way they could escape the breath of death.

The few throwing knives shot at their vital points very flatly, killing them directly. The strange beasts behind did not find any doctors still rushing forward, but suddenly the last few strange beasts The beast stopped, and looked at the few companions who had passed away with some horror.

They had already discovered the anomaly, but those in front didn't find any anomaly and kept charging. Obviously they were still dreaming sweetly, hoping to tear Bai Yunfei's body into pieces.

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and took a step forward, but with just one step, he came in front of these strange beasts in an instant.

Bai Yunfei tapped his fingers quickly, and countless light spots quickly appeared on the foreheads of these strange beasts.

Before these strange beasts could take any action, they all fell to the ground, and a small hole appeared in the place where they were originally bright spots.

The surviving alien beasts looked at each other, and all of them burst out with the greatest aura, gathered all their energy together, and attacked Bai Yunfei.

Bai Yunfei directly and quickly put his hands together in front of his chest, a very huge energy ball burst out from his hands, and quickly threw it towards the places where the energy gathered.

After hearing a booming sound, Bai Yunfei took a few steps back, and all those strange beasts were gone.No bones remained.

Bai Yunfei didn't relax at all, instead he looked at the sky carefully, because he felt an aura similar to his own appearing in the sky, but he hadn't launched any attack yet.

Ah Tu also noticed some abnormalities, took a light breath and said, "This should be the last one, but I haven't felt its breath before, but I can clearly feel that he should be formed by this world." Yes, you must be careful."

At this moment, a ball of bright light began to gather slowly, and a man in golden armor appeared in front of Bai Yunfei, looked at Bai Yunfei from high in the sky and said, "Ants like you dare to challenge me!" Majesty, you have caused me such misery, how can I spare you."

Bai Yunfei snorted slightly with disdain, and said coldly, "It's just you, I want to see how I can spare me, don't let me beat you to the point of begging for mercy, that would really be a slap in the face."

The man in the golden armor roared, and quickly chopped the lightning in his hand towards Bai Yunfei.

The thunder and lightning that fell from the sky, but Bai Yunfei smashed the lightning with a very ordinary punch, and said with a slight sneer, "Only your move is really mediocre, let's take a good look at what is called real martial arts."

Bai Yunfei's figure was like a cannonball, and he rushed out of the sky quickly, and in an instant he came to Jiangnan. The fist in his hand hit him like a shooting star, and the man in golden armor was in midair. Being hit by Bai Yunfei quickly back and forth.

As time passed, Bai Yunfei slowly landed, and the man in the golden armor also lay on the ground far away in a very embarrassed state.

Bai Yunfei was tall, looked at the man in the golden armor, smiled slightly and said, "Why is it not as crazy as before? A person like you deserves a beating. If I don't give you a hard beating, I will See if you never know that there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people."

The man in the golden armor took a breath, stood up in embarrassment, and said coldly, "You successfully angered me, you made me really angry, and you will regret the choice you made."

I saw a golden spear appearing in the hands of the man in golden armor, and quickly stabbed towards Bai Yunfei.

Bai Yunfei quickly blocked the golden spear in his hand with the Fang Tian painted halberd in his hand, smiled slightly and said, "This kind of attack is still worth seeing, but so what? You are still not my opponent. "

The man in the golden armor snorted, and the gun in his hand quickly transformed into dozens of golden guns and quickly surrounded Bai Yunfei, only to see that their long guns seemed to have spirituality, and they were specially aimed at places where Bai Yunfei could hardly resist.

Bai Yunfei quickly swung Fang Tian's painting halberd like a huge circle, instantly blocking all attacks.

"That's right, the attack is quite tricky, but it's useless. Let me show you what a real tricky attack is."

The Fang Tian painted halberd in Ai Yunfei's hand flew out of his hand in an instant, stabbing at the heart of the man in golden armor.

The man in the golden armor snorted slightly, and quickly swung the spear in his hand. Obviously, he wanted to block Bai Yunfei's Fang Tianhua, but at this moment, ten throwing knives suddenly appeared In Bai Yunfei's hands.

After Bai Yunfei's throwing knives swayed in front of the man in golden armor, he threw all the throwing knives out in an instant.

The man in the golden armor suddenly felt a sense of threat, and quickly transformed the spear in his hand into dozens of spears again, blocking those flying knives, but his sense of threat did not shorten, but became stronger.

The man in the golden armor suddenly frantically looked around but couldn't find where the threat came from, but at this moment, suddenly there was a clicking sound from behind him, and the golden armor on his body It was actually pierced directly, and his body was pierced with a thin needle.

After the man in the golden armor immediately destroyed all the attacks, he looked behind him in disbelief.

"How can you break through my defenses? I am an invincible existence. It is impossible for you to break through my defenses. How is it possible? It is impossible for you to break through my defenses!"

(End of this chapter)

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