Chapter 893 Yan Lie
Zhao Li smiled faintly and said, "The four of them teamed up, and the strength of the general Martial Saint level is definitely not his opponent, so you'd better cooperate with me obediently, or you will bear the consequences."

Bai Yunfei, hehe, smiled and said, "You can't be soft, but you can be tough. You only have these few tricks. Do you think these 4 people can stop me? But since you are already planning to tie me up , then you have to be prepared for the consequences of marrying me, and the consequences of going against me is that your soul will fly away, are you ready?"

Zhao Li immediately snorted and winked at the four people.

I saw those four people quickly took out their black long swords, formed a strange battle formation, and quickly stabbed towards Bai Yunfei.

Bai Yunfei took a step calmly and calmly, but just this step surprised all 4 people, because their attacks all failed.

After Bai Yunfei lightly tapped the four people with his right hand a few times, he sat aside again, Zhao Li stared wide-eyed, watching all this happen.

All four of them came back to their senses quickly and continued to attack Bai Yunfei, but as soon as they took a step, they began to make continuous bang bang sounds recently.

Bai Yunfei didn't even look at them, but said to Zhao Li who was stunned, "Now it's your turn, tell me, how do you plan to die?"

Zhao Li shuddered and begged for mercy, "Doesn't your lord remember the faults of villains? Do you, a big man, still care about me, a little girl? I just want to try it."

But Bai Yunfei didn't pay attention to Zhao Lier, he patted the table with his left hand, and saw that the ground flew out immediately, at the moment she flew out, many fine needles appeared on her body, but they all shot Towards the sky, but did not shoot at Bai Yunfei.

Bai Yunfei snorted lightly, and a throwing knife appeared in his hand, flew out instantly, and shot Zhao Li's forehead.

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and left here quickly. As for the mess here, he didn't care.

Not long after Bai Yunfei left, dozens of personnel from mysterious forces quickly came here, and after seeing all this happened, they were all a little shocked, but then they quickly disposed of all the corpses across the country net.

A man in a black robe stood quietly in the small pavilion, looked at these corpses, shook his head slightly, and said to the void, "It seems that your plan has failed, and his strength has broken through again. Anyone who can really threaten him, or kill him."

"So what? Anyway, now that I know his approximate strength, sooner or later I will be able to make him look good." A big man appeared in the void and said coldly.

The black-robed man smiled slightly, and said curiously, "I'm more curious about why you must target him? He shouldn't have troubled you before, so how could you deal with him like this?"

The big man snorted, looked coldly at the black-robed man and said, "That's my own business, there's no need for you, Yan Lie, to meddle in your own business, you just need to do these follow-up things well, as for other things, You can take care of yourself."

Yan Lie smiled slightly and said, "I'm just feeling sorry for you. The general under him died like this, and he didn't have any chance to fight back. What a loss. This is not a cat or a dog. But don’t you feel sorry for the mighty Martial Saint-level powerhouse dying like this?”

I saw the big man snorted, and said lightly, "They died well. Now that there are their bodies, everyone already knows the seriousness of the matter, and they will definitely attack in groups, just like my plan. can be truly successful.”

Yan Lie shook his head slightly, and said with a smile, "Hu Kun, you are really cold-blooded, and you are so evil. If you want to be an enemy of you, you really have to be careful. It's really possible that you'll kill me."

However, Hu Kun smiled slightly, looked at Yan Lie and said, "Aren't you afraid that I will attack you? You know a lot of my secrets, don't you worry?"

Yan Lie didn't care about this, instead he said with a smile, "I'm just a corpse collector, and other things have nothing to do with me, so how do you fight on your own, don't bother me, collect these corpses That's it."

Hu Kun frowned slightly and said, "There seems to be something wrong here, it wasn't like this just now, is it your kid's fault?"

Yan Lie looked at the four weeks with some curiosity, but he didn't find anything abnormal. He smiled slightly and said, "Are you a little nervous? Is there anything strange here? Except for these corpses What else is there? Could it be that you are suddenly scared now?"

Hu Kun shook his head slightly, and said lightly, "In this universe, there can't be one more strong man who is beyond the level of a martial saint. If there is one more, he will get an extra share of the cake, so Bai Yunfei must die. Inevitable, so why should I be afraid?."

"I'd like to see if you have any other tricks you can use, which can just relieve my boredom." Bai Yunfei's voice directly and quickly rang out between the two of them.

I saw Bai Yunfei appearing on top of the small pavilion at some point, drinking some wine and listening quietly to the two below, discussing how to treat him.

Hu Kun's face changed slightly, and he said in disbelief, "How is this possible? Why did you appear here? Didn't you just leave?"

Yan Lie frowned slightly, and said with a smile, "This is a matter between you, so don't get involved with me. I'm just a corpse collector, so I still talk about my own affairs, and you beat your own. Bar."

Bai Yunfei chuckled, and said to Yan Lie, "Let's have a good chat later, after I deal with this person, I still have some questions to ask you."

Yan Lie smiled slightly and said, "I'm just a tidy one. Don't tell me you still have business to introduce to me? If that's the case, then I really have to wait here. You know I am very interested in the world of all strong men, and it would be great fun if I could collect more of them.”

(End of this chapter)

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