Chapter 898 Ye Li
Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, smiled faintly and said, "Actually, human nature itself is all kind, but it's just changed by some external factors, but you, brother, should be motivated by jealousy. Now that he has become like this, he must pay attention to his qualities when teaching others in the future, and it is best not to encounter a villain like this again."

After Bai Yunfei finished speaking, he took the wine and left here.

Bai Xiaoxiao also stood up quickly, smiled softly and said, "A kind-hearted person like you must be careful, because there are many bad people who may come to cheat you, so you must be careful .”

The shopkeeper nodded seriously and said, "I know, I will be careful."

When the shopkeeper raised his head again, he found that they could no longer be seen. He couldn't help but sigh that his life was good, and he met a nobleman.

Bai Yunfei and the others walked slowly on the street. Liu Xuexing sighed slightly and said, "I didn't expect to see a good man of ten generations in this small world. This is really incredible."

Bai Xiaoxiao was also a little surprised and said, "It's true that I didn't expect that if he lived through this life in a stable way, then he might really be able to cultivate success, improve his status directly and quickly, and become a great benevolent existence."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "If the difference is not too far away, he should be able to live a stable life in this life, and officially he doesn't have to worry about reincarnation anymore."

Ah Tu asked curiously, "Then where will he go?"

Bai Yunfei said indifferently, "He will go to another world directly after his meritorious deeds are fulfilled in this world. In that world, no matter what he does, everything goes smoothly, and it is possible to improve to our current strength."

Atu said curiously, "What is the other world? I'm really curious, what kind of world is that world, can we have a look?"

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly and said, "Of course, let's go, there is nothing interesting here anyway, so let's go to that world to have a look."

Bai Yunfei directly and quickly waved his hand, leading the three of them directly and quickly into a passage in the sky, and came to a new world in an instant.

They had just arrived in this world when they saw a child being thrown out by a soldier quickly.

I saw the soldier, looking at the child with disgust, said, "You are full of evil spirits. I saw that you did not have a good self-cultivation in your previous life, and you were able to come here. I really don't know how you came here." , Get out of here quickly, or you will die."

I saw the child, looking at the soldier coldly but did not make any resistance, but he stood up quickly, gritted his teeth and left here.

However, Bai Yunfei showed a hint of excitement, and said with a soft smile, "The evil spirit is soaring, but there is still justice in the shoes, and the evil and the righteous fit together. I haven't seen such a person for many years. It's really amazing to see this world here." It's quite interesting."

Bai Xiaoxiao shook her head slightly, smiled slightly and said, "He has been abused a lot here."

Bai Yunfei smiled and said, "His state like this can be said to be a strange thing. I don't like to have him, so it has created his current embarrassment."

Ah Tu frowned slightly and said, "But I feel a big theater in him. He should be the protagonist of this world, otherwise, he wouldn't have such great luck. I'm afraid it would be bad luck if he didn't accept his strength." of."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "That's right, for a person like him whom everyone hates, if he gets a big chance, I'm afraid that those who look down on him will really suffer."

Liu Xuexing frowned slightly and said, "But why do I feel the kindness and innocence in his heart? He is not that kind of evil person at all. This is probably the reason for his righteousness."

Bai Yunfei looked at Liu Xuexing curiously and said, "Why are you planning to help him?"

Liu Xuexing nodded slightly and said, "Brother, I plan to help him now."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "If you want to help, you can help him. I'll see how far he can go with your help."

At this time, the young man was already exhausted and sat up in a rather dilapidated place. He no longer had any strength.

Liu Xuexing squatted down and looked at the boy curiously, "So many people hate you, why don't you hate them?"

The young man looked at Liu Xuexing curiously. He didn't expect that this child would not be afraid of him, nor would he hate him, and would talk to him, but he shook his head slightly after hearing his words.

"Why should I hate them? All of this is my own fault. I can't blame anyone else. I can only blame myself for not coming to this world. I just didn't expect that the world after death would come to a new world, and it is still With such an identity, I can blame no one but myself, I'm afraid I'm about to leave this world, and I can finally be truly liberated."

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, walked over, hehe smiled and said, "Originally I didn't plan to help you, my brother is willing to help you, and I also promised to let him help you himself, but from your attitude just now I'll help you too."

The young man shook his head slightly and said with a wry smile, "No one can help me, including you. You can't help me, so don't waste your efforts, just let me leave quietly."

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly and said, "What's your name?"

The boy chuckled and said, "Ye Li."

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said, "The night that welcomes the dawn, the name is really good. Now you have truly welcomed the dawn that belongs to you."

Bai Yunfei directly and quickly pointed at the top of Ye Li's head.

Ye Li's eyes widened, and he looked at Bai Yunfei in disbelief.Because he suddenly felt a powerful energy entering his body, and a very strange piece of knowledge appeared, which included sword skills.And other martial arts are 10 points miraculous, and they are all 10 points powerful, so he couldn't believe it, he thought he was dreaming, because only in dreams can such good things happen.

(End of this chapter)

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