Chapter 900

Bai Xiaoxiao smiled slightly and said, "This world is 10% interesting. Good and evil are opposed to each other, and they survive each other. What's even more incredible is that they don't fight each other. This is the most interesting part, but I think this world It shouldn't last long, because it is impossible for them to appear in such a balanced state, and someone will definitely break this balance."

Ah Tu was a little surprised and said, "Why is this? Why can't they last long? Could it be that they will continue to kill each other forever?"

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly and said, "Of course, but since Ye Li is the protagonist of the world here, it means that he will definitely be able to quell the war, and he is the protagonist of this war. He should be able to save everyone. He wants to combine all good and evil into one, because he is very mysterious, half good and half evil, this is the real law of heaven and earth."

Bai Xiaoxiao showed an evil smile, smiled lightly and said, "Brother, guess what will happen to him next?"

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly and said, "I don't need to know anymore, so I don't need to stare at him. Let's have a good time in this world."

Bai Yunfei and the others left here directly and quickly, and slowly wandered towards the four weeks. Slowly, they came to a city guarded by soldiers who were very clever and did not block their way, but let them enter directly and quickly. in the city.

Liu Xuexing said curiously, "It's really strange. How could these people let us in so easily? They didn't check or look, and didn't stop or ask. This is too relaxed."

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly and said, "It's not that they are 10 points relaxed, but they have become accustomed to it. Don't you find that there are many different people in this city? There are good and evil, there are demons, and there are even some weird existences." , but everyone is 10% self-conscious and will never intentionally reincarnate, which is why the current situation has been created. In fact, the most important thing is that there is actually a Martial Emperor level existence in this city."

Bai Xiaoxiao said in a daze, "So that's it. I'm afraid this place is just like what his name Zizai City said, it has always been quite carefree."

Bai Yunfei's nose moved suddenly, showing a trace of excitement, he said, "Good wine comes out, it's better to come early than coincidentally, this is really too timely, you can taste good wine."

Bai Yunfei didn't pay attention to the three of them, and quickly ran towards the place where the good wine was.

Bai Xiaoxiao, Liu Xuexing, and Atu looked at each other, shook their heads helplessly, and quickly followed behind Bai Yunfei.

Bai Yunfei directly and quickly came to a very closed small courtyard, and jumped in instantly, completely ignoring some formations next to him, just like that, he came to the very center of the small courtyard in a daze.

An old man in the small courtyard was a little surprised at once, and then looked at Bai Yunfei curiously and said, "Young man, you are courageous enough, don't you know that if you use martial arts casually here, you will be killed? "

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "I can smell the good wine, so I can't help it, but it's nothing too big and no one should notice."

The old man suddenly showed a slight smile, looked at Bai Yunfei and said very pleasing to the eye, "I really didn't expect to meet like-minded friends here. Taste it."

Bai Yunfei was also not polite, he directly picked up the wine next to him, and drank it in a gulp.

After a while, Bai Yunfei's eyes turned red, and after a while, they returned to their original state again, but at this moment, Bai Yunfei's aura became even more strange and unpredictable.

The old man looked at Bai Yunfei curiously and said, "What happened to you just now? My wine shouldn't make you enchanted, right?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said with a little sigh, "What a powerful wine, it almost made me enchanted. I really didn't expect there to be a wine that could make me enchanted. Your wine is really amazing. If you If other people drink your wine, I'm afraid it will be really dangerous."

The old man sighed slightly and said, "I really didn't expect that there will be people who can taste my Wenxin wine in their lifetime. It's nothing. It's really God's favor for me."

Bai Yunfei asked curiously, "What? Doesn't anyone dare to taste your wine? Why doesn't anyone dare to taste such a good wine?"

The old man smiled wryly and said, "Didn't you already taste it just now? You were almost enchanted, and those who are weaker than you may become enchanted even faster, so who dares to taste my Xinxin Wine."

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, smiled lightly and said, "You are wrong, in fact, your wine is very good, and other people can drink it, but only those who have the heart of a child can drink it." Taste, and those with complex thoughts will of course become enchanted after drinking it. If you want to drink your wine, but the strength of the person who is not enchanted means that they have all of them. The heart of a child or the mind is very focused. , People like them will definitely not be possessed by demons."

The old man suddenly showed a hint of laughter, and said with a haha ​​smile, "Sure enough, you are indeed my like-minded fellow Taoist, and these wines are given to you by me. They finally have their own destination, old man I Now you can die in peace.”

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "How could you die in such a strong body? Can you rest in peace? Judging by your posture, you should be able to live for hundreds of years. Why do you want to die so quickly?"

The old man showed a free and easy smile and said, "That's because my enemy is coming, I'm afraid I will be killed by him in a short time, and I can see like-minded friends before I die, even if I am old Heaven has favored me, and now I have no regrets in dying."

Bai Xiaoxiao and the three of them had already rushed over at this time, looking at the old man's appearance, they said curiously, "You are really strange, don't you know how to escape quickly? Why are you still waiting here to die? As long as you Go to other places incognito, he probably won't find you, unless your enemy can keep track of your movements at any time, but that's not right, if he can keep track of your movements at any time, he should have come here long ago After killing you, why did you wait so long?"

(End of this chapter)

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