Chapter 906 Hu Ke
Time passed slowly, and Bai Yunfei appeared in a new world directly and quickly. After he brought them back to the chicken eating space, he acted alone.

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly because he could still imagine Bai Xiaoxiao and the others' disappointed expressions at that time.

Bai Yunfei directly and quickly left the real space and came to this space because he felt that there was something abnormal in this space, and he didn't dare to let them come here to take risks, because he didn't have any problems, but if he added them, I'm afraid There will be some unnecessary troubles, and maybe they will lose their lives here.

Bai Yunfei walked slowly in this world like an ordinary person, but his speed was not slow, and he soon came inside a city wall.

Bai Yunfei walked slowly in the city, and found that all the people around him were very calm and peaceful, without the terrifying feeling that Bai Yunfei felt before.

At this moment, suddenly a very powerful energy burst out from mid-air quickly, and a huge reversal happened directly and quickly on a man who was originally very ordinary, and a huge black armor appeared on him.

Bai Yunfei frowned, because he clearly felt that it was a magic armor.

I saw the man madly killing the people around him very quickly, and all the people around him ran away quickly. Obviously, no one dared to resist her, but judging from the situation, this kind of thing should happen often. So all the people escaped very experienced, and not many people were killed by this man.

This man had already noticed that Bai Yunfei was waving the black knife in his hand quickly, and charged towards Bai Yunfei.

Bai Yunfei flicked his index finger quickly and lightly, and immediately flicked his knife out.

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly and said, "Actually, a little devil like you dares to act wild here, and really doesn't take me to heart."

The man suddenly took a few steps back, and said in disbelief, "You are not from this world, who are you? Why did you come to this world? This world is our world now, you hurry up and give it to me." I'm out of here."

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said flatly, "From the moment I came to this world, this world no longer belongs to you. People like you really don't know what to do."

The man was very angry immediately, directly and quickly injected all the magic energy into the knife, and quickly slashed towards Bai Yunfei.

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and slapped the man's body with a palm, and the armor on his body was instantly shattered.

After hearing a scream of a demon, he was dispirited, and the man also fell to the ground, but he was fine, just passed out.

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly and walked out directly, but he knew that this was just the beginning, and more demons would come to trouble him in the future, but he didn't take it to heart, he came to this world just to Destroy them all.

Bai Yunfei went directly to a tavern, sat down, ordered some good wine and meat, and ate there slowly.

A woman quickly came to Bai Yunfei's side with a sword on her back and sat down, she said with a smile, "I didn't expect you to be very powerful just now, how did you do it? You were able to break the armor on that demon's body." where?"

Bai Yunfei said curiously, "It's really strange, why didn't you completely destroy this world?"

The woman shook her head slightly, and said softly, "We have no way to destroy this world at all, because this thing is now 10% unbreakable, even if the big sword comes in person, there is no way to destroy it, we can only destroy it." All the demons in it are wiped out, but this world can be saved, otherwise, after this world is completely and thoroughly controlled by the demons, it will erode the next world."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "If I'm not wrong, then he has been so endless. In fact, he can replace Dao in the end, so that's why I let you take the risk to come to this world and exhibit all of them." If you want to save this world, Luo Feng will come?"

Hu Ke shook his head slightly, smiled slightly, and said, "Master Luo didn't come, but he said that this world will be saved by someone, and we just need to do our part well. I will know when I see you." , there is definitely no problem with this matter."

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly and said, "It seems that you have recognized me a long time ago, but the way you strike up a conversation is really old-fashioned, but what I'm even more curious about is that Luo Feng is able to put you guys at ease. Take pictures of all of them, isn't he afraid that you will all die here?"

Hu Ke shook his head slightly, and said softly, "We are not afraid of any death at all, as long as we can guarantee safety, we don't have any concerns, but now there are so many demons that we can't die yet. "

At this moment, three men suddenly and quickly jumped out of the inn, all of them with magic armor appeared on their bodies, and attacked Bai Yunfei and Hu Ke frantically.

Hu Ke quickly took out two long swords, and quickly killed the three men, but his sword could not cause any damage to the three men at all, it just made them retreat quickly, But there is no way to hurt them at all.

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, patted the table directly, and suddenly a few chopsticks flew out quickly, hitting the three men.

There was only a click, and the magic armor on the three men was directly smashed to pieces, and the three men fell directly to the ground. At the same time, there were several screams in the void, obviously the same It's also frightening.

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, smiled lightly and said, "With your three-legged cat's skill, I'm afraid there is no way to smash these demon armors, and you have already been killed by them."

Hu Ke shook his head slightly, and said with a wry smile, "Our strength is not as perverted as yours. Although we will be injured when we deal with them, we will never die, because our blood can also eat their magic armor, but we must Just be fully prepared.”

(End of this chapter)

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