Chapter 931 Savage Beast

Gao Dashan nodded slightly, and said with a smile, "Yes, you are right, you must get two, so many people choose to form an alliance, and I am responsible for recruiting allies for them."

Bai Yunfei narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "The so-called alliance, so what is the law of alliance?"

Gao Dashan smiled slightly and said, "10 points is simple, that is, if you meet your own people in a martial arts competition, you can be merciful, you don't need to kill him, just knock him off the ring, and if you meet other people who are not The cute person can kill him and everyone grades his things, or we can go hunting together in the wild to those wild beasts that are 10 points stronger, and everyone can work together, which is simple and fast."

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "I'm afraid I will disappoint you. I have no intention of forming an alliance because I feel that I should be able to adapt well here, so there is no need to form an alliance."

Gao Dashan frowned slightly and said, "Brother, don't you really regret it? You know that this place is 10 points dangerous. Are you really not going to form an alliance with us? If you really don't want to form an alliance with us, then we If you meet them in the martial arts arena, you will be in a hurry, I am afraid that no one will care if you are a newcomer, they will tear you to pieces."

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly and said, "Thank you for your kindness, but it's a pity that I don't have any intention of forming an alliance at all, so you don't have to worry about me."

After Bai Yunfei finished speaking, he continued to sit on the ground to rest, without any desire to continue the conversation.

Bai Yunfei wasn't in any hurry, because for them they needed inner alchemy to supplement the nutrition or energy brought by their bodies, but for him, there was no trouble at all, because he had a lot of food .

Bai Yunfei casually took out a jug of wine and drank it. Slowly feeling that there was no weakness in his body anymore, he stood up immediately and walked into the city.

The moment he just walked in, he suddenly felt a call, as if he was going to participate in the competition.

However, Bai Yunfei didn't pay any attention to it. Instead, he snorted faintly, walked to the side, and began to look at the people around him to see how strong they were.

Gao Dashan didn’t tell the truth just now, because there is no mandatory competition here, if you want to participate, you can participate, if you don’t want to participate, you don’t want to participate, if you want to participate, then only the winner can enjoy the 100 coins Neidan, if you don't participate, you just need to find food by yourself, so those newcomers, once they are fooled by them, will unconsciously go to the competition, and with this subconscious call, It will make everyone believe it.

Bai Yunfei sat aside with great interest, watching those people coming and going, although he didn't see that they were like ordinary people, but the powerful force in their bodies showed that they were extraordinary, but all All the people were in a hurry, and some called their companions to go out of the city to hunt wild beasts.There are also people who invite other people to participate in the contest.

After Bai Yunfei looked here for a while, he shook his head slightly. Without any interest, he turned his head and left the safe zone, and went outside.

Because he intends to see how powerful the so-called wild beast outside is, and it can make so many people dare not go out to hunt at will.

Just before he had gone far, he felt a murderous intent, and immediately looked in the direction of the killing intent, and found that it was a very strange white ape.

Bai Yunfei frowned slightly, because he found that this murderous aura was 10% different, as if it was targeted, and he was 10% sure that he had never seen this white ape before, but he didn't know that he Why would he be so murderous towards himself.

I saw the white ape beating his body quickly and punching Bai Yunfei.

After Bai Yunfei quickly walked past his punch, a whip punch hit the top of Bai Yuan's head, knocking him to the ground immediately.

Taking advantage of the situation, Bai Yunfei quickly kicked the top of Bai Yuan's head, which almost exploded his head immediately.

I saw that the power of this white ape quickly dissipated and entered Bai Yunfei's body, and the inner alchemy in his body appeared in front of Bai Yunfei.

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly as he felt his power becoming stronger again. He really didn't know what this place was like now. If he killed everyone, how would its power be? He himself will be 10% shocked at how big it is. I'm afraid he can punch through the universe with a light punch.

However, this is just Bai Yunfei's own imagination, and he is not sure what it really is, but he will not destroy a universe boringly.

However, Bai Yunfei weighed the inner alchemy in his hand, only to find that it does contain a lot of energy, no wonder it can make people live for 100 days without eating or drinking, it turns out that these energy can already provide the energy for survival, it is indeed 10 points for magic.

Bai Yunfei continued to walk, and gradually he came to a forest, and saw countless monkeys quickly jumping down from it, all of them holding wooden sticks, and quickly smashed towards Bai Yunfei.

Seeing so many wooden sticks, Bai Yunfei instantly took out Fang Tian's painting halberd, blocked their attacks, and pushed them all back a few steps with a slight effort.

Taking advantage of the situation, Bai Yunfei quickly swung Fang Tian's painting halberd, and instantly cut all the monkeys that were close to him in half.

All the other monkeys quickly threw the wooden sticks in their hands towards Bai Yunfei, and then distanced themselves from each other, throwing stones continuously.

Looking at the overwhelming stones, Bai Yunfei quickly swung Fang Tian's painting halberd, forming a huge circle with Fang Tian's painting halberd, blocking all the stones back.

I saw that all these monkeys were screaming and screaming after being hit, but then quickly fled away, and all the monkeys killed by Bai Yunfei turned into rays of light and shrouded Bai Yunfei's body. Their number was very large, so Bai Yunfei also clearly felt that his strength was growing rapidly, and his body became stronger.

What surprised Bai Yunfei even more was that he could feel that the power of his soul was also growing slowly. Although it was not too fast, it was still a considerable improvement. After all, the soul rarely grows. But now it has grown a bit.

(End of this chapter)

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