Chapter 933

Bai Yunfei quickly left here and continued to walk forward. He has no intention of going back now, but intends to find a new place, but after searching constantly, he finds that this place is very big. No matter how he walks, Didn't see any human habitation.

Bai Yunfei had no choice but to turn the direction, but what surprised him was that when he only deviated from the direction a little, he was surprised to find that he had returned to the previous safe zone again after he fixed it.

Although no other safe zone was found, they were fortunate enough to kill a lot of wild beasts.

The moment Bai Yunfei stepped into the safe zone, he suddenly found that many, many people were all looking at him.

Gao Dashan came out at this time, and said with some admiration, "Brother Bai didn't expect that you could travel through the wild land alone. You are really amazing."

Bai Yunfei shook his head, and said lightly, "It's just some small operations, nothing to worry about, but what I'm more curious about is why all of you are looking at me?"

Gao Lou smiled slightly and explained, "That's because the moment you came in, the entire safe zone was reminded."

Bai Yunfei frowned slightly and said, "What reminder?"

Gao Dashan laughed softly and said, "Many, many people in the safe zone have received the reminder from the rich man. There is a rich man who has come to the safe zone, and this rich man is you."

Bai Yunfei asked a little puzzled, "What does this rich man mean? Why didn't I receive such a reminder?"

Gao Dashan, hehe, smiled and said, "This is a reminder from the rich man, but let everyone know that you must carry at least a thousand inner alchemy, because only when you go up and don't have inner alchemy will you remind me that there is no rich man, and the others are absolutely not. There will be any reminders."

Bai Yunfei frowned and calculated quickly, then said with a sneer, "So it seems that this so-called safe place is actually to let all of us kill each other?"

Gao Dashan sighed slightly and said, "You're right, this is the safe zone where we can kill each other, and there are often reminders of everyone's situation, so I'm afraid it won't take long for us to be here. A lot of people will die."

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said lightly, "Since you know, why do you still obey his will? The people who can come here have always been very extraordinary. Why are you able to be influenced by them? I'm afraid it's all you. Think in your heart."

Gao Dashan said indifferently, "You are right, they are all the ghosts of everyone's own desire island, but there is no way to do this. Everyone wants to survive and become stronger in this ghost place, so we can only No one can avoid following one's own desires to act."

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly and said with a sigh, "I'm just pitying you, I'm afraid you're about to lose the courage to go out and face those savage beasts alone, and when you disappear completely, it's you Here is the time to perish.”

A man in red came over quickly and said coldly, "Give me half of the inner alchemy in your hand, and I can guarantee your safety here."

Gao Dashan frowned slightly, looked at the man in red and said unhappily, "Red Ghost, what's the matter with you here, get the hell out of here."

The red ghost really didn't care, he glanced at Gao Dashan lightly, and said, "It must have been fooled by you to let you chat with him here for so long, you like fooling these newcomers the most, I obeyed your order to fool them all, but it seems that you can't eat this big fat meat by yourself."

Gao Dashan snorted coldly, and said lightly, "I'm afraid I will disappoint you. I don't mean to fool him, and he is not a newcomer. His strength is stronger than all of us. I I just want to hold a thigh and find a backer."

Bai Yunfei looked at Gao Dashan with some differences. He never thought that he could express his thoughts so clearly, and Bai Yunfei could clearly feel that he was not lying, but telling the truth.

"Gao Dashan, do you really want to fight me? Even the few people in your alliance can be my opponent? You have to think clearly, if you really want to fight me , then you should never go out, as long as you leave the safe zone, you will die." The red ghost said directly threateningly.

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "Actually, what I want to know more is whether this area is really a safe zone? Is it really possible to guarantee the safety of all personnel here? I really want to know now, if What will happen if you destroy it?"

But the red ghost said with disdain, "What you said is very light. If you can really destroy this place, then I will directly worship you as my elder brother, and everything will follow your orders."

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly and said, "You said it yourself, just be my little brother obediently."

Bai Yunfei punched directly and quickly, and hit the ground with one punch. After seeing the whole case began to shake continuously, the huge white light circle disappeared, and there was no longer any safe zone here. There was no real safety anymore, and the wild beasts around all roared as if they sensed something.

The red ghost said with an ugly face, "How is this possible, you really destroyed the safe zone, you just destroyed all the hopes of life!"

Feeling the rapid growth of energy in his body, Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "Don't you people feel the weirdness of this place? The so-called safe zone here is just treating you as flesh and blood The pigs are just raised, and when the time comes, they will be completely harvested here, you are still here at ease, I really feel a headache for your IQ."

Gao Dashan was a little shocked and said, "How is this possible? Could it be that someone did all of this, but who can do such a thing? He must be much stronger than all of us." .”

Bai Yunfei sneered and said, "Then you are wrong, his strength is not much stronger than yours, if it is true that his strength is much stronger than yours, such a thing would not happen."

(End of this chapter)

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