Chapter 936 Chaos Controller Old Hei
After everything became calm, Bai Yunfei frowned suddenly, and said lightly to the side, "Who is it?"

An old man quickly appeared in front of him, and he said with a smile, "I really didn't expect that after so many years, a new Chaos Venerable was born again. This is really very rare."

Bai Yunfei frowned slightly, looked at the old man with some puzzlement and said, "Who are you? My current strength will be called the Lord of Chaos. Why haven't I heard of you before?" What about the classification?"

The old man smiled slightly and said, "You don't have to be so nervous, there is no enmity between us, and we won't be any enemies at all, we will only be friends, because all Chaos Venerables, unless they are enemies of life and death In addition, all of them can be called friends, because everyone needs to work together to become the real master of the grandmist, so that they can truly control their own lives and everything, and now they can only live in these places with peace of mind. But if If there is a riot in Hongmeng, we will bear the brunt, and everyone will be wiped out."

Bai Yunfei frowned slightly and said, "This is really interesting, but why don't I feel that I'm being controlled by anyone now? I can feel that I can control everything about myself. I'm afraid there is nothing you can do about it." Just convince me."

The old man shook his head slightly, and said with a faint smile, "You don't have to be like this. Everything I said is true. Although neither of us felt any pressure, nor did we feel that our destiny was being manipulated by anyone, but we did It is worthy of the name, facing the possibility of being destroyed at any time, because if there is a riot in Hongmeng, everything in the world will disappear completely, and when it stops, it will play all living beings again, but we It's been wiped out."

Bai Yunfei frowned, and said lightly, "If you say it like this, wouldn't it be possible for us to have a problem at any time now? Then why didn't you notice it before? And how long will it take before it happens? What are you talking about?"

After thinking for a while, the old man said softly, "I guess there is still time for the Yuanhui. If no one becomes the master of the grandmist within the time of the Yuanhui, and stabilizes it, then I am afraid that everything in the world will be destroyed." destroy."

"Yuanhui, what kind of timekeeping method is this? Why have I never heard of it?" Bai Yunfei asked a little puzzled.

The old man coughed and said, "Well, it's also my fault. I didn't explain it to you in advance. These are some of our usual timekeeping methods, which are actually equivalent to 1 million years as you understand."

Bai Yunfei immediately rolled his eyes, and said helplessly, "It's only been a few hundred years since I practiced, and it's not even a few hundred years. It can only be said to be one or two hundred years. Tell me 200 The whole world will be destroyed in a hundred million years, how do you think I will feel?"

The old man's eyes widened immediately. He was frightened by Bai Yunfei, took a few steps back, and said in disbelief, "How is this possible? You have only cultivated for 200 years and you have the strength you have now. This is too terrifying." Well, it's you, kid, probably playing tricks on me!"

But Bai Yunfei snorted slightly and said, "You can check it yourself, you should be able to detect some marks on my body."

The old man suddenly laughed and said, "Then my friend, don't blame Old Hei for being so reckless."

There was a black light in Lao Hei's eyes, which quickly enveloped Bai Yunfei's body, but Bai Yunfei didn't resist at all, and let him sweep over his body.

The old man withdrew the black light in his eyes, and said somewhat inconceivably, "It's unbelievable, it's really unbelievable, it took only a short period of time to cultivate to the current state, you are really too perverted, compared with you , I think those so-called peerless geniuses are all bullshit. You are really great. It seems that us old guys finally don’t have to worry about the Hongmeng riots. Now that I don’t have to worry about it, I have to find a place to play After a while, I can finally let go of the fear that has made me live all these years."

Bai Yunfei looked helplessly at Lao Hei, who was about to leave crazily, and was speechless for a moment. She wanted to ask something about Lord Chaos, but she watched him leave just like that.

Lao Zhan said worriedly, "Master, that person just now was so terrifying. I can feel that it was just a thought to destroy us. How come such a terrifying person exists, but we don't even know about it?"

Lao Mo slightly sighed and said, "This should be an existence beyond the Dao level, but I didn't expect that you are also an existence of this level now, which makes us old guys really feel very emotional, especially the time you practiced. , Let us all feel that we have cultivated to the dog."

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "The reason why I have been able to cultivate to the present, I think you should all be very clear about it, it's just that we have some special things here, but now I want to replace our car The system is modified because I want to transform it into our own, so that we can control it with absolute strength, and nothing else will happen."

Old Zhan nodded slightly and said, "I think it's just right. Anyway, the master has fallen into something wrong with the system. It's just a good time to modify it. This may improve his strength. We eat chicken space. The power will become stronger."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "After my transformation is completed, I believe that everyone can quickly improve their strength again, and may even usher in the first Martial Saint-level existence in our own space. "

Lao Mo smiled slightly and said, "Wouldn't it be better, this way you can increase your strength, and then you won't have to stare at this place every day, you can freely go to other worlds to have a good time, and take a good look at each world." The universe is different, what an interesting thing this is, but it is a pity that I did not have such an idea back then. If I had, maybe I could improve my strength like you, instead of falling into the current situation. end."

(End of this chapter)

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