Carry the chicken-eating system to enter the infinite

Chapter 938 Transforming the Chicken Battlefield

Chapter 938 Transforming the Chicken Battlefield

Bai Yunfei sent them all to the positive space, and then looked into the distance by himself with a complicated expression.

Because when he was transforming, he immediately saw through their origin and saw some things that should not be seen. After a certain number of years, the owners of the car system like them will all gather in a mysterious place, Have a chicken eating competition there.Those who are defeated will become stronger, and those who are defeated will be wiped out in ashes. 10 points of cruelty, and only one person can survive.

Bai Yunfei didn't have any plans to win, because he didn't know if there was anyone stronger than him, so he was trying to keep his own strength.

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly at this time, and he also planned to experience the check-in system he modified, so he also entered the battlefield of eating chicken.

When Bai Yunfei entered the chicken-eating battlefield, all the people appeared on a very huge platform, and the platform was walking slowly in the sky.

After arriving at the destination, all the people jumped off the platform continuously, and landed in some resource-rich places below. Bai Yunfei also jumped directly and quickly. This time he chose to jump off a block of houses. In a small village, there will definitely be some good resources.

Bai Yunfei quickly searched all the places in this small seal, and found some good weapons and equipment, and also found a lot of food and medicine, so he can live here more securely, but it's a pity, but there is no Find any martial arts.

At this moment, some strange sounds suddenly appeared, and a few black monsters rushed in quickly.

Bai Yunfei quickly held up his weapon and looked carefully at the black monsters, because although these monsters were not strong enough, it was very easy for ordinary people to deal with them. It was difficult to deal with them, so Bai Yunfei was very careful.

Bai Yunfei directly and quickly shot a hidden weapon at one of the black monsters, killing that monster immediately.

I saw the other monsters slamming back and forth like mindless flies, but they couldn't find who was behind the scenes. Their simple minds left here after searching for a while without finding it.

Bai Yunfei touched the black monster and the monster with his hands, and it turned into a black light and entered Bai Yunfei's body. Bai Yunfei's body, which was originally an ordinary person, directly and quickly became the strength of a military soldier.

Bai Yunfei smiled faintly. This is his latest design. As long as you kill this black monster, you can improve the strength of the people inside. If you keep committing suicide, you will become even stronger in the end. But exactly how strong it is depends on how strong it is when it finally wins.

Bai Yunfei strode forward directly, and the black monsters from before reappeared, and they all rushed towards Bai Yunfei quickly, but at this time, Bai Yunfei was no longer afraid of them, and It was by waving the scimitar in his hand that he easily bought their lives and absorbed their energy to improve his strength.

At this moment, there was the sound of a horse, Bai Yunfei quickly dodged and waited quietly.

I saw a man riding a white horse quickly landed, intending to search for it, but at the moment he just bought it for me, Bai Yunfei quickly launched an attack, hacking him to death with a single knife.

Bai Yunfei quickly searched his package, and immediately found some martial arts. After learning martial arts quickly, he found that he became even stronger.

Bai Yunfei directly rode on the white horse and left here quickly, but after his continuous searching, he didn't meet any black monsters, nor anyone, so he had no choice but to find a relatively hidden place. The place rested up.

At this moment, a gust of wind suddenly blew up from the periphery, and a puff of black smoke quickly blew towards the place where he was.

Bai Yunfei hurriedly counted the white horse, fled here, and ran towards a place where there was no black smoke, because if he was touched by these black smoke, he would definitely die.

As Bai Yunfei continued to gallop on the white horse at a high speed, he gradually came to a very clear place without any black mist, so he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Bai Yunfei checked the number of surviving limbs, and found that there were only more than 2000 people left. It didn't take long, and more than 1000 people had died.

At this moment, many black monsters suddenly and quickly appeared behind Bai Yunfei, all of them were fast runners, apparently hiding from the black smoke behind them.

Of course, Bai Yunfei would not let go of such an opportunity, and jumped over quickly. The scimitar in his hand quickly cut the monster closest to him in half, absorbing his flesh.

But at this moment, the few monsters around all screamed quickly, and a very powerful aura erupted instantly, and a very huge monster quickly appeared in front of Bai Yunfei.

Bai Yunfei suddenly showed a hint of excitement, because this was his design based on other places, and a very huge monster would appear from time to time, and as long as he killed it, he would become even stronger.

I saw this very huge monster quickly attacking Bai Yunfei, but Bai Yunfei had expected it and dodged his attack. He threw the scimitar in his hand quickly, and the scimitar was flying In the process of cutting off the arm of this monster quickly, the monster was in great pain, and wanted to attack Bai Yunfei again, but at this time Bai Yunfei directly and quickly came to his head, and a long sword appeared in his hand. stabbed him in the top of the head and killed him.

At the moment when the giant monster died, Bai Yunfei's strength increased rapidly to the level of a military commander.

What Bai Yunfei didn't expect was that this huge monster actually dropped a black spear and a book of martial arts for him.

This kind of situation can be said to be 10 points rare, because most of them will not drop anything, but once they drop things, they are all very superb things.

Freight quickly put away the long gun, looked at the cheat book and started learning quickly, and suddenly found that these martial arts cheat books were actually a book of marksmanship, and they were matched with the long gun, almost enough, now he can be 10 points sure of himself , You should be able to eat chicken safely.

(End of this chapter)

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