Carry the chicken-eating system to enter the infinite

Chapter 940 Interesting world, interesting universe.

Chapter 940 Interesting world, interesting universe.

Bai Yunfei returned to the chicken-eating space. Seeing that Lao Zhan and the others had also returned, he immediately smiled and said, "How is it? Not bad, your strength should be improved by now."

Old Zhan nodded slightly, and said a little happily, "I just didn't expect that this is an event that actually made us all reach the level of military commanders. The speed of improvement is 10 points fast, and the foundation is still 10 points." The score is stable, but there are some places that are more tricky, because there are many places that are suitable for hiding people, once you enter, you will never see him again, isn't this too bad?"

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly and said, "There's nothing wrong with it. Being good at hiding is also a person's ability. If you don't have the ability to hide, you can only count yourself as unlucky. And carefully observe the environment around the bushes for four weeks. It is also possible to know whether there are any participants in it, which is to improve one's observation ability, I think this is 4 points, so there is no need to change anything at all."

"It seems that when we go in from now on, we must carefully look at the surrounding grass, and even if we see the grass, we have to launch an attack, regardless of whether there is anyone inside." Liu Xuexing said helplessly.

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "No matter where you look at it, we are all 10 points good, so we have officially started to operate. You guys are here to watch these. I will go to other universes to play and experience other universes by the way." The rules in it can let me know more about the origin."

Bai Yunfei directly and quickly tore open the space and the cosmic barrier, and entered the new universe in an instant.

When he entered this new universe, he did not disturb the controller of the Dao in this new universe, but directly came to a very ordinary world, because he could only understand from these ordinary worlds if he wanted to understand.

Bai Yunfei randomly found an inn to live in. In the inn, he slowly observed the guests coming and going, and gradually he had figured out what the ordinary rules that appeared in this universe were.

It seems that the avenue controller of this universe is a person who hates using knives 10 points, so all the people here use swords, guns or other weapons, but the only ones are those who don't use knives.

Bai Yunfei was suddenly helpless, he always has some words now, he always felt that the controllers of these avenues were very naive, and it was really naive to erase all the things he hated.

Bai Yunfei was a little helpless, he could only put away all the knives and flying knives, after all, he had to abide by it when he came here, otherwise it would cause some unnecessary troubles, when she wanted to experience life But I can't experience it anymore.

Bai Yunfei walked down the stairs of the inn, looked at Xiao Er beside him and said calmly, "Where is your blacksmith shop?"

Xiao Er smiled slightly and said, "Guest officer, are you going to build weapons? If you hit the border, you can tell me, and I will fetch them for you. You can save yourself running errands."

Bai Yunfei smiled faintly and said, "There is no need to be so troublesome, I just want to take a good stroll in your city, see the customs and customs of your place, and buy some weapons by the way, so it's all on the way. Don't bother you so much."

Xiaoer nodded slightly, pointed to the front quickly and said softly, "You can go up to the front, turn left in the front, that is the blacksmith's shop, it's not too far from here, you can pick up things when the time comes Very convenient."

Bai Yunfei threw down a tael of silver, then left here directly, and quickly entered the blacksmith's shop. When he entered the blacksmith's shop, he found that the blacksmith's shop was filled with all kinds of weapons. Yes, even one of the spears actually has three heads, which is even more weird.

Bai Yunfei frowned slightly, and said loudly to the blacksmith who was working beside him, "The boss brought me some hidden weapons, I wonder what hidden weapons you have here?"

The blacksmith smiled slightly and said, "I have sticks and needles here. Look at these little treasures. They can be carried around, and they can kill people in an instant. Not bad."

Bai Yunfei chuckled, nodded and said, "They look pretty good, but what effect do they have? You don't want me to buy just such a stick, do you?"

The blacksmith shook his head slightly, smiled softly, took out the short stick, and quickly threw it towards a shield next to him, just like the short stick flying out, there were many people in an instant. Many thin needles flew out from its center.

I only heard a sound of jingling falling from the iron shield, and Tie Jian smiled slightly and said, "How is it? Such a hidden weapon is not in line with your ideas. If you don't want this baby, I'll give it a try. There are more other deformed hidden weapons, as long as you want, there is nothing I can't do."

Bai Yunfei sighed softly and said, "I don't need anything else, just prepare some flying needles for me."

The blacksmith nodded helplessly, and said softly, "Then how much do you want?"

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "How much do you have in stock now?"

The blacksmith frowned slightly, and after checking it, he said softly, "I only have 1 flying needles in stock, how many do you want?"

Bai Yunfei smiled lightly and threw out 100 taels of silver, and said softly, "Is this enough?"

The blacksmith put it away, put the 1 flying needles in front of him, and said softly, "Tap all of them here. If there are any missing, I will not be responsible."

Bai Yunfei chuckled, put it away, and left the blacksmith's shop. When he left, he didn't look at the blacksmith's fixed eyes, because it was quite surprising that the things disappeared immediately.

Bai Yunfei was walking slowly on the street, and at this moment there was a sound of struggling, and a woman was slowly walking towards the alley with her mouth covered by a man in black.

Bai Yunfei didn't intend to go there, but threw a flying needle casually, which pierced the black-clothed man's hand in an instant, and the woman was able to break free and escape quickly.

And the man in black was struggling very painfully, because he lost his feeling when he felt himself, but he also felt a kind of pain, but he felt that he could not control his fingers at all, and could feel the pain , so very tragic.

(End of this chapter)

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