Chapter 951
The old man frowned slightly and said coldly, "Can I still feel wrong? This world no longer belongs to this universe, but you have taken it away. Doesn't this mean that this world is destroyed?" ?”

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "Then you are wrong. I didn't really accept him, but just to pursue her. All of this is just a small misunderstanding, but the cause of the matter is still yours." You are asking for trouble, this has nothing to do with me, if you plan to fight me, then I will have a good time with you, I just don’t know if you can withstand my attack.”

The old man frowned slightly and said coldly, "Since that's the case, I want to learn about your master's tricks. I'll see if you can really defeat me when the time comes."

Bai Yunfei took a step forward, and in an instant he came in front of the old man, and pointed towards him with a light finger.

The old man was taken aback immediately, and quickly took a step back, but Bai Yunfei's finger was still in front of him and was about to reach his chest. No matter how he dodged, he found that he had no way to avoid Bai Yunfei's finger.

With a click, the old man flew upside down and hit the ground heavily.

Bai Yunfei didn't kill him, but shook his head slightly, waved his hand lightly, and the old man stood up again.

"Why did you do it just now? You have the strength to kill me? Why didn't you kill me?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said with a faint smile, "Why do I have to kill you? I just want to play here and don't want to suffer from other boring things, so you just need to remember It's ok, don't let people come to trouble me again, otherwise, I can't guarantee whether I will do other things, even if I destroy your universe, it is 10 points easy for me, don't Drive me to that point, or I'll show you what real terror is."

The old man sighed slightly, nodded and said, "I know what to do, I hope you can do what you say, don't do anything to those innocent people, they are all innocent people, and they are all innocent people." Poor people, you can't kill them at will."

Bai Yunfei shook his head helplessly.

"Why don't you believe me? And do you think I'm the kind of murderous person? If I really want to kill someone, do you think you can stop it? Is killing people really that interesting? To me, the only interesting thing is to kill those who deserve to be killed, and the only interesting thing for those innocent people is to make them feel happy."

The old man nodded slightly, and left here directly and quickly.

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, directly and quickly checked some strange places in this universe, because he just wanted to visit some strange places, so he directly and quickly tore open the space and came to the most strange place here. office space.

I saw that there are strong winds everywhere in this space, and these winds all hide some saber energy. Once stabbed by these things, you will die without a doubt. However, these are of no use to Bai Yunfei, because they beat him It was like a breeze blowing over Bai Yunfei's body without leaving any traces.

Bai Yunfei walked forward slowly, because now he wants to see the person in this world who gives him some strange feelings, because he can feel that this person is very interesting, if he is received, eat chicken space It is definitely a very interesting thing inside.

As he continued to walk, he gradually came to the target he wanted to find, and saw a young man sitting cross-legged on the ground, and the surrounding winds were quickly eaten away, and his body made him feel very tired Uncomfortable, but he is still holding on there, and his body is still getting stronger, and the sword intent on his body is also getting stronger.

Bai Yunfei sat on the side, and said with a faint smile, "Don't you have any idea of ​​improving your own strength? Just improving your physical body here will not have any effect at all, you still need to improve your strength." Some energy, this can make you stronger, and your universe doesn't care about the body, why are you still forging your own body here?"

The young man opened his eyes and said coldly, "Who are you and why did you come here? No one should be able to enter here. How did you get in?"

"You don't have to worry about how I got in, you just need to know that it's very easy for me to come in, but why do you keep beating your body here, but don't strengthen the energy in your body?" Bai Yunfei said lightly He smiled and said.

The young man shook his head slightly, sighed softly and said, "It's none of your business if I do this, you have come to this world, you can go to other places by yourself, don't bother me here, I'm still here Continue to practice, if you disturb me again, don't blame me for being rude to you."

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "I really want to know how you are rude to me. I stand here and if you can knock me back a step, I will give you a very great opportunity."

The young man stood up, snorted and said, "You are really good enough. I, Chu Kuang, have never met such an arrogant person. If that's the case, then you can take my knife and see if you can carry it!" live."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly, and put on a gesture of invitation.

Chu Kuang suddenly became a little mad, quickly pulled out the knife on his body, and quickly slashed towards Bai Yunfei, only to see a strong knife energy quickly formed, and immediately moved towards Baiyun with lightning speed. Fly cut over.

Bai Yunfei didn't have any worries, instead he stretched out his left hand with a smile, and slapped that saber aura, the powerful saber aura of his sister was directly torn apart by him, completely dissipating in this world up.

Chu Kuang took a few steps back, looked at Bai Yunfei in shock and said, "How is this possible? How can you accept my saber energy? Who are you?"

Bai Yunfei nodded slightly, and said with a faint smile, "It's not bad, your saber qi is really good at cultivation."

(End of this chapter)

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