Chapter 963
At this time, the other two mistresses had come back with a fruitful harvest. They thoroughly searched out that Yuanwai's house, and that Yuanwai had already been killed by them.

Bai Yunfei was slightly surprised, because he found the same existence in these lives, they were all the same boxes, but they were all dusty, which seemed very strange.

Bai Yunfei quickly opened the two boxes, and there was half a piece of paper in them. After he put the two pan-fingers together, a flash of light suddenly appeared in front of him. A picture of a 10-point weird soldier.

After Yunfei carefully looked at the pictures of soldiers, he instantly realized that he could transform them into real soldiers, and he could buy them unlimitedly as long as he had money.

Yunfei immediately used this picture of soldiers, and the information about these soldiers appeared in his mind instantly.

This soldier was originally named Shura Demon Soldier, but he was a well-known killer on the mountain. They were all killers, and every time they encountered an enemy, they would never turn back unless they killed the enemy.Let them make a move, and it is almost predictable that there will be a river of blood on his side.

Bai Yunfei didn't take it to heart, because he felt that the number of 10 points was more suitable for him to be number one in this world.

What makes Bai Yunfei even more delighted is that these soldiers also have a very good feature, that is, killing evolution, they will only improve their strength in endless killings, as for how much they can improve, it depends on whether they can. able to survive a war.

Bai Yunfei immediately gave up his original plan and quickly summoned 100 of these Shura demon soldiers.

Looking at the 100 Asura Demon Soldiers in front of him, Bai Yunfei nodded slightly because he felt the aura of fighting the sky and the ground from these Asura Demon Soldiers. It is complete, can attack from a distance or attack from a short distance, it is simply born for killing.

In the early morning of the second day, the soldiers of the City Lord's Mansion acted like crazy and began to blockade the whole city, constantly searching everyone's houses.

It was precisely because of this that chaos occurred directly and quickly. Many people like Bai Yunfei and the others would never let it go, and fought against the soldiers and the soldiers of the City Lord's Mansion.

Bai Yunfei, standing on the roof of the inn, looked at all the chaos indifferently. He knew that I must have known about his world, so he searched so frantically, just to find out who stole it. his treasury.

Bai Yunfei showed a slight smile, waved his hand, and saw 100 Shura demon soldiers, all wearing veils, quickly hiding in the dark and constantly hunting down those soldiers in the city, including those like Yunfei, all They were all killed by these Shura demon soldiers.

Bai Yunfei slightly sighed and said, "If you give more money if something happens, I'm afraid it will be able to create more Shura demon soldiers. At that time, no one will be able to stop the crazy attacks of Shura demon soldiers."

At this moment, I saw that many people quickly spent all their money on these soldiers, and saw that the strength of all these soldiers was growing rapidly and crazily.

It's them after all, but this century is too short, just a day or two, so their soldiers and money are not really too much, so the soldiers in it have been promoted to the level of military commanders , and there is no improvement, but the soldiers of the City Lord's Mansion are still killing endlessly.

All those people before frowned, directly and quickly, with two soldiers, led them to want to evacuate the city, but it is a pity that the entire factory has been completely blocked, and no one can do without, so it is very difficult. Soon these people all watched helplessly as all their soldiers died, and they were directly eliminated and left this world.

At this moment, the inn where Bai Yunfei was staying had attracted the attention of some soldiers, and they rushed towards Bai Yunfei quickly, but when they were halfway through the rush, they stopped again , because the Shura demon soldiers quickly appeared, blocked their way, and fought with them.

The strength of Bai Yunfei's Shura demon soldiers is also at the level of a military commander, but they have a very heaven-defying talent, that is, they can evolve through continuous killing, so their strength is also rapidly improving. Bai Yunfei, on the other hand, bought another 1000 Shura demon soldiers directly and quickly, and let them continue to join the battle.

At the same time, Bai Yunfei also quickly raised the level of his own inn, from the first-level inn to the fourth-level inn.

The strength of the summoned soldiers is all at the level of the Martial King. As long as the inn is upgraded, their strength will be 10 points stronger, so now the 1000 soldiers are all at the Martial King level. Even more powerful.

Bai Yunfei also had a slight headache, because he found that the money was not enough. He had already looted a member and a city lord's mansion, and it was consumed so quickly. The upgrade of the inn really needed money.

At this moment, all the soldiers of the City Lord's Mansion retreated quickly, because they were all timid. Their strength, the highest was only at the level of a military commander, and the strength of a low-level general was even higher. The strength of the armed forces was simply not enough for Bai Yunfei's soldiers to fight, and gradually they all began to retreat.

But what frightened them was that Bai Yunfei's Asura demon soldiers had no intention of letting them go at all. They kept chasing and killing them, and gradually, the entire City Lord's Mansion had been killed by the Asura demon soldiers. Transparent, including the location of the city lord, has been completely killed by the Shura demon soldiers.

Bai Yunfei sighed, he is real now, and he has seen the weakness of this Shura demon soldier, that is, once they kill, they will no longer listen to anyone's orders, and they will never stop unless they kill the enemy in front of them However, if the enemy didn't die and follow up, they wouldn't listen to anyone's orders, even Bai Yunfei's orders, and would just keep fighting.

Bai Yunfei frowned slightly, but now he is not the only soldier to choose from, he can directly and quickly buy some rangers, and these rangers are also 10 points strong, but the only disadvantage is that they are not Will cooperate with each other, only act alone.

(End of this chapter)

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