Chapter 965 Gale Wind Asura Soldier

Bai Yunfei, looking at the 1 soldiers he was eating fish, was very satisfied, because their strength has all reached the level of Emperor Wu

In this way, he will be safer. Although it is fixed at 1 soldiers now, he can use his greatest efforts to train these 1 soldiers. At least it means that as long as they are trained by her, their strength will also increase. They will be powerful, no one can resist them, and the weapons and equipment on them have already been raised to a very high level by Bai Yunfei. People of almost the same level may not be their opponents, even It's possible that they couldn't even resist a move.

On the second day, the sky lightened up slightly, and Bai Yunfei directly and quickly opened the inn to start business, because after all, some money was needed, so he had to start earning money.

The place Bai Yunfei chose to open his shop was very good, the entire inn was full in a short while, and the food he ordered was all 10 cents expensive, just like Bai Yunfei, who earned hundreds of taels of silver a day, It can be said that it was a good day with 10 points.

"Is the shopkeeper here? Hurry up, do you have a problem here?" A big man shouted directly and quickly.

Bai Yunfei walked out directly and quickly, looked at the big man and said coldly, "If you want to eat here, you can eat here honestly. If you want to make trouble, you have to worry about your own life. If you If you lose your life, you can't blame anyone."

The big man didn't have any fear, instead he showed a trace of disdain, pointed at Bai Yunfei and said coldly, "This kid actually dares to threaten me, do you know who I am?"

Bai Yunfei turned his head directly, and said flatly, "Drag him out and kill him, and put his head outside."

Before the big man had time to speak, he was thrown out by a Tian Tian and hit the outside heavily. After a gust of wind passed, the head of the big man landed directly on an obvious place.

A sign appeared next to his head, and it said "Anyone who makes trouble in the inn will be killed without mercy!!!"

All the guests coming and going saw this sign and this head, and they were all startled, because they all knew the owner of this head, he was the younger brother of the biggest bully here, and now his head was placed here , I am afraid that his brother will never let the owner of this inn go, so many people left here quickly, and there are more people who like to watch the excitement, all of them are far away, waiting for the excitement to come .

Sure enough, it didn't take long, Tu Tianba rushed over directly and quickly, leading all his people towards this side.

When he saw his brother's head, he burst into tears, and wept loudly.

"My poor brother, who is it? You dare to put your head here after killing you. Don't worry, brother, I will avenge you. I will avenge you. I will let him beat you It's even worse, I'll kill him!"

Tu Tianba stood up quickly, walked towards the inn, and at the same time, shouted loudly at the inn as he walked, "The people inside quickly get out of here, whoever killed my brother stood up, I will never spare him, if anyone can help me report him, I will give him a hundred taels of gold!"

Bai Yunfei appeared directly on the roof of the inn, looked at Tu Tianba and his people below, and said calmly, "Now I'll give you a chance, get out of here quickly, I can, I want your dog's life, if If you continue to make trouble here, it will be like what is written on the sign, all troublemakers will be killed without mercy!!!"

Tu Tianba laughed wildly and pointed at Bai Yunfei and said coldly, "My brother must have been killed by your people, how dare you be so arrogant, I will tear down your damn inn today, I will make you cramp Bone, let you pay for my brother's life."

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said flatly, "If you want to die, you can't blame anyone."

At this moment, countless gusts of wind blew up quickly, and the wind came very strangely, but when the wind stopped, all the people watching the excitement around were all staring at the front in amazement, because they were still alive and well just now. , Zhou Tianba and his men had all fallen to the ground, and their heads were all placed at his brother's place.

Bai Yunfei nodded very satisfied, because he is very satisfied with his Gale Wind Shura Soldier now.

I saw many mistresses appearing quickly, and after cleaning up all the corpses, they returned to the inn again and continued to entertain the guests. At this time, the guests in the inn were all very quiet. No one dares to eat there, speak loudly, and no one dares to make trouble again.

Bai Yunfei looked at the guests who were still eating there, smiled a little, and said to everyone, "You can rest assured, I will not kill innocent people randomly, as long as they don't cause trouble here, I will definitely not kill anyone. But if anyone dares to make trouble here, I will put his head there, with so many people accompanying him, he will not be lonely."

All the people around breathed a sigh of relief, and then they all showed a little excitement, because if there is no danger in staying here, then they are all willing to live here for a long time, because many people have all provoked some unscrupulous people. You can provoke the forces, and I'm afraid they will silence you, but if you stay with Bai Yunfei, it means that you don't have to be afraid of them anymore.

Of course, Bai Yunfei knew the purpose of some of them to pay money directly and quickly to live here, but he didn't care about it, because this was a long-term guest after all, so of course they were very welcome.

Soon, what happened to Bai Yunfei spread throughout the world, but it didn't attract the attention of other people. The only thing that attracted the attention of some forces around him was that they were still busy improving their strength. , to improve the strength of those soldiers under him, so no one cared about Bai Yunfei's performance this time. They even regarded Bai Yunfei as an aboriginal character, so they didn't take it to heart.

None of the other forces thought that Bai Yunfei was actually the same player as them. If they knew, they would definitely join forces to eliminate the transportation fee, because if they really wanted to join forces, Bai Yunfei's soldiers would really disappear To be able to break through successfully.

(End of this chapter)

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