Chapter 970 Take the initiative
Bai Yunfei sighed softly, looking at the displaced and fleeing civilians outside, sighed slightly, "Actually, the pain you bring will always be the pain you bring to the common people, not To cause pain to those in high positions, I hate war, but to have to go to war is really a very helpless choice."

Xu Tian also said sadly, "All of this is because of me. If I hadn't insisted on revenge, such a war would not have happened completely. If I knew at that time that such a powerful war would be caused, I would I am absolutely not in a hurry to avenge the deaths of so many people, and I have the main responsibility."

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said softly, "If you think this way, you are really wrong, because this war is already doomed, it's just a matter of time, and you just played an introduction The problem, but the real thing is the psychology of these people. All people are afraid of death, so they can't wait to have a war, because only the last person who wins will not die, so this war is doomed , the only thing we can do now is to bring this war to a quick end."

But if you want to achieve the end of this war, I am afraid that there must be a person who directly and quickly suppresses all the forces with a strong posture, and subdue all the forces, but such a person is difficult to exist, because many forces are all It may not be that simple to hide one's own strength, even Bai Yunfei is not very sure that he can completely win.

Bai Yunfei frowned slightly and said, "I need to wait quietly for a month. Once my inn is upgraded, I will be able to make my soldiers stronger. After that moment, I believe that this This war will definitely become easier, and you can protect as many people as you can protect."

While Bai Yunfei was waiting slowly, tens of thousands of soldiers formed by the alliance directly and quickly besieged Bai Yunfei's inn.

Bai Yunfei narrowed his eyes slightly, and said coldly, "These guys came in a timely manner. Originally, I planned to quietly improve the strength of my soldiers, but I didn't expect them to come here by themselves. You can’t blame me.”

All 1 Galewind Shura soldiers were dispatched quickly, and the lawyer fought with the surrounded soldiers. The strength of these soldiers of Bai Yunfei was all shocked. The people around, because their soldiers' bodies were only But they are all at the level of Wudi, but Bai Yunfei and the others have all reached Wuling, and it can almost be said that a few random soldiers can increase their group.

The war came very quickly, and it ended very quickly. I saw that all of their soldiers had been killed by the soldiers of the transportation fee, and Bai Yunfei's soldiers had all quickly stood at the original position. Gradually, he silently improved his aura, and his strength also increased rapidly. All of them broke through their current strength and became a strong man at the level of the five immortals.

In fact, this is Bai Yunfei's biggest cheating method, because once his inn is upgraded, the strength of their soldiers can also be improved, but the power of other people is not like this, they have to increase the actual strength of all soldiers step by step. , so for them, it will consume a huge amount of resources not only to increase the level of power, but also to increase the strength of soldiers, but so far Bai Yunfei has no such worries. He only needs to increase the strength of the inn. , can quickly improve the strength of soldiers, so he will save more worry and effort than others.

Bai Yunfei snorted softly, and said loudly to the people around him who hadn't died yet, "If you want to pass on anything between you to me, I'm not so easy to talk to them, and I don't know what to say." It's not their weak ones, you guys can find other people to fight at will, but don't come to trouble me, otherwise I will uproot you, and tell you the people behind the scenes, don't think that I don't care about their small actions You will know that I just don't want to talk to them, if they are really making trouble for me, I will let them know what is called great terror."

I saw that the people from the forces around them all ran away in a hurry. After they went back and told the people behind the scenes, all the people behind them were frightened.

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly, and said softly, "These idiots are really interesting. It's really great that they helped me find the whereabouts of these people so quickly."

Xu Tian said puzzledly, "Brother, are you going to start a war now?"

"Yes, sometimes, it's not as simple as you imagined. War still has to happen, so there is nothing avoidable about these things. Therefore, only by taking the initiative can you not be passive, and the ones I killed were all related to me. You can rest assured that the same person will never seek trouble with those forces." Bai Yunfei said lightly.

All the people in the Blazing Escort are very cautiously paying attention to the environment for four weeks, because they have already received the news that someone will attack them, so they are very worried, and they are all on guard quickly, but they have been waiting In the middle of the night, no one came to launch an attack, and all of them were a little curious, and sent some bold people to the periphery to investigate, and when they finished their investigation, they were all surprised by the news they got.

A middle-aged man walked out quickly, frowned slightly and said to the people around 4 weeks old, "You can be sure that there are dead people everywhere, but they are not, our people are all people in black, and they The weapons in your hands and some other symptoms are people who came to kill us?"

The subordinate nodded slightly, and said, "I'm 10% sure, it's definitely the people who came to kill us again, but I don't know who killed them, and their death conditions are very cruel, but we But I didn't hear any movement at all, I can only say that the people who killed them are very strong, but I don't know why they came to help us, do they know the head of the bodyguard?"

The Chief Escort shook his head slightly and said, "I don't have such a friend at all. If I had such a friend, I wouldn't be so worried. It's just that what do these people want, or what is it? We don't know what their intentions are, so we can only be careful and guard now."

(End of this chapter)

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