Chapter 976 Ouyang Feng

Xiaoer smiled slightly and said, "Brothers, you can rest assured that we have many, many rooms here, and you will definitely be able to live in your respective rooms happily, and there will never be any mistakes. Therefore, You should hurry up and eat something here, and after you finish eating, your rooms will all be arranged."

A middle-aged man walked up to Ouyang Feng and said in a low voice, "Miss, all of these people are not normal, their time is 10% horrible, and I have no way to find out how bad they are." Powerful, but one thing is certain, that is, their strength is definitely above mine, so we must play by ear, and we must not act recklessly, otherwise we will all die here."

Ouyang Feng nodded slightly and said, "They are indeed a little weird, and 1, we haven't seen their shopkeepers until now, so I'm even more curious about their masters being so many masters here. How high is the shopkeeper's martial arts?"

At this time, Bai Yunfei walked in from the outside unsteadily, drinking softly with a flagon in his hand, walking, and gradually arrived.

"What happened in the past few days, or in other words, has anything interesting happened recently?"

One of the juniors nodded slightly and said, "There is indeed a very interesting thing. It is widely rumored in the Jianghu that the Foluo Knife has completely appeared in the Jianghu, but it is not known who has it, but There are rumors that anyone who can get the Foluo Knife will be able to get the martial arts secrets in it, and then he will become the most powerful existence in the world."

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "It's really interesting. I didn't expect a knife to attract so many people's attention. If I could hold this knife in my hand and put it in the inn, then it would definitely It is really a very good idea to be able to attract many people to come to trouble you, and then you can teach them a good lesson."

"Master, there is one more thing that Ouyang Feng wants to see you. I wonder if you plan to see her?"

Bai Yunfei frowned and said, "Why does she want to see me? What's going on?"

Xiao Er hurriedly told Bai Yunfei what happened during the day.

Bai Yunfei suddenly showed a smile, and said softly, "I will see you when I see you. I just plan to take a look at what kind of virtue is the son of heaven and earth in this world? See if there is any capital to help him. If you can see it, you can help him, if you don't like it, then let him fend for himself."

Bai Yunfei walked out directly and quickly, seeing Ouyang Feng who was still eating slowly in the hall, he laughed.

"You don't know that the eldest lady of Ouyang's family has another little boss who runs an inn. This is really interesting. I don't know what you want from me?"

Ouyang Feng quickly raised her head at this time, carefully questioned Bai Yunfei, and raised her eyebrows slightly, because she didn't notice any fluctuations in Bai Yunfei's strength, just like an ordinary person without any martial arts. But he didn't dare to underestimate him, because being able to be called the shopkeeper by so many masters, and they were all very obedient to him, that could only show that Bai Yunfei's strength was stronger than what she wanted to see.

Ouyang Feng smiled slightly and said, "But I didn't expect that the shopkeeper of Baiyun Inn is so young, and, looking at you, I'm afraid your martial arts are already 10 points strong, but why are you willing to open an inn here? , instead of going to other places? If you can find a random faction according to your strength, you can be a guest, why bother to open an inn here, so hard?"

Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "That's really a coincidence, it's because we don't want to go at all, it's so fun to open an inn here under the fence, and have a good time, and if we worship a family , there will be a lot of troubles coming to you, so it's not fun."

Ouyang Feng frowned slightly and said, "Then you really don't think about it? You all have such good skills. It's really a bit too condescending to stay in this inn. If you can come Our Ouyang family, our Ouyang family will never believe any of your actions, and any action can be rejected, unless it is when our Ouyang family's life and death are in crisis, we will ask you to take action. Isn't this better than you opening a room? Inn, do you still want to be refreshed?"

"I still think it's more fun to open an inn, and the most important thing is that there is no force in the whole world that can get into my eyes, so, I'm sorry, you don't want to think about it anymore, if If you plan to stay here for a long time, please pay the money first, if not, please leave here after eating."

Ouyang Feng sighed slightly and said, "Don't you have any room for thinking, sir?"

"You don't have to waste your time. For me, dealing with you is better than drinking a jug of wine on the roof alone, so I won't be here with you."

With a sway of his body, Bai Yunfei came directly to the roof of the inn, lay down on the roof of the inn, drank some wine, looked at the people coming and going outside, and showed a slight smile.

"But sometimes I really envy these ordinary people. They will not experience life and death crises, and they can live the life they want in peace. This is what I want most, but no one can regret it. , but I have no choice, this is the most tragic thing."

At this time, Xiao Er quickly came up and said that the master has obtained new information, someone wants to harm us, should we dispatch in advance to get rid of all these dangerous factors, "

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "Don't be in such a hurry, let's observe it slowly, if they really intend to harm us, then let them know why the flowers are so popular, if they still If you dare to continue to resist, let them know why the flowers are so popular."

Xiao Er nodded and said, "Knowing about the master, we will definitely handle things beautifully, and won't let anyone find out any abnormalities."

(End of this chapter)

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