Chapter 983 Bad Meals

Time flies, Bai Yunfei and the others have been here for a full 10 years, and Ouyang Ying, who was both good and evil before, is just 20 years old at this time.

Jia Tianlong looked helplessly at the slim young girl in front of him at this time, he had a headache now, because this young girl is now a true fusion of good and evil, and can reach the most perfect state, but it is precisely because of this that he will Such a headache.

"Uncle, why do you have such a mournful face? Why don't you want to eat such delicious food when I cook it for you? If you don't want to eat it, then I'll go and eat it for Uncle Xia."

Xia Heilong frowned slightly at this moment, and said lightly, "I was full just now, you can take it to your two little masters, they probably haven't eaten yet."

Ouyang Ying shook her head slightly, and said with lingering fear, "Forget it, I don't want to taste their mistakes, their food is really too bad, it's not as good as my own food , but they are all so proud, I'd better take it to Brother Bai to eat, I believe he should like to eat my food very much."

After Ouyang Ying left, Xia Heilong heaved a sigh of relief, looked at Jia Tianlong who was also heaving a sigh of relief, and said with a slight snort, "I don't know what you are thinking, but you have to come to this poor place. This is great, the achievement of the two of us has now become the achievement of 4 people, and living here is simply... this life is almost unbearable."

Jia Tianlong shook his head slightly, and said with a wry smile, "I don't know how this place became what it is now, and I don't know how there are such evil and kind people here, I am also number one. This is the first time I met me. If I had met before, I would never bring him here again. Now it’s good, I can’t leave even if I want to, but this girl has grown up now, it’s time to let her Go out and wander the rivers and lakes."

Xia Heilong shook his head slightly and said, "It's not up to the two of us to let him go out and wander the rivers and lakes. It depends on other people's opinions. If other people agree, then it's fine. If other people don't agree , then we have no right to let him go out."

Jia Tianlong also shook his head slightly, and sighed helplessly. After all, after arriving at the Baiyun Inn, everything was no longer what they said.

Up to now, I can still remember the two of them deeply. When they arrived at the Baiyun Inn, the two little kids quickly stopped their way and said to Ouyang Ying who was on the side, "The two of us can teach you To better control the good and evil in your body, do you want to take the two of us as teachers."

The two of them wanted to stop them at the time, but they were no match for the two of them at all. After being abused by the two brats, they had no choice but to accept the fact that the two of them also taught Ouyang Ying to practice.

Liu Xuexing left at this time, came over and saw the two of them looking at each other there, smiled slightly and said, "Those two people are really interesting, they are both like a boring gourd, why are you still caring about the fact that we beat you up at that time?" ? Otherwise, how about I beat you two by myself?"

Xia Heilong's face darkened, he turned his head and left, ignoring Liu Xuexing.

Jia Tianlong shook his head slightly, and said with a wry smile, "Don't you think you should be very kind? Why are you so black-bellied now? Is it really primitive kindness?"

Liu Xuexing smiled slightly, and said softly, "Don't you know what is good and what is evil? In fact, there is no such thing as good, and there is no such thing as evil. Everything is just the world itself. Just look at it."

Jia Tianlong nodded slightly and said, "Of course I understand, but I'm still a little uncomfortable with it. I really didn't think that the so-called good and the so-called evil are just me who are outspoken and can only restore the original self." In order to be able to truly live in this world, what is evil or good is actually not that important, as long as one's own beliefs are unobstructed."

Liu Xuexing smiled slightly and said, "I guess that girl is coming soon, I'd better avoid it for a while, I don't want to taste her cooking, I really didn't expect that Bai Xiaoxiao was also inspired by him to cook Talent, this day is really going to be impossible, I'd better avoid it first."

Jia Tianlong nodded in agreement and said, "Yes, I really didn't expect that there are such unpalatable dishes in the world, and I have never encountered them before. I still miss the meals made by the chefs. The food is really delicious, but after having these two little guys, those chefs are 10% afraid of these two little guys, so that everyone can only eat secretly now, I really don’t know What to do next."

Bai Yunfei had a very headache, looked at the girl who was looking at him pitifully, sighed helplessly and said, "Didn't I already say it just now, I have already eaten, so you can go and give these meals to others." Eat it, they will love your food."

Ouyang Ying shook her head slightly, and said sadly, "They have worked very hard to cook, but they still don't understand that they still think their food is unpalatable, and they all run faster than rabbits." Come on, is it so unpalatable when someone else cooks? But the food that Master Bai cooks is even worse than mine, how can you still eat it?"

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, patted his own head helplessly and said, "Those two guys have no choice but to eat, and the food you cook is indeed a bit poor, you should talk to the chef Learn from those chefs and see how they do it. If you follow them, you will be able to make meals they all love. You really can’t eat with your current skills. If you don’t believe it, you can do it yourself. Taste it, and I'm sure you'll know what to do when you taste it yourself."

Ouyang Ying was a little puzzled, and took a quick bite of the food she cooked, but then she shook her head slightly, and said in a puzzled way, "I feel it's disgusting, I think it's delicious, why do you all feel this way?" Is it weird? And the meals made by those chefs, I feel that some of them are not very tasty, and I feel that the meals made by myself are delicious."

(End of this chapter)

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