992 - Hundred Flowers Valley

Bai Yunfei chuckled and said, "If this is the case, wouldn't it be easy to encounter any danger if you stay outside the inn?"

The old man looked at Bai Yunfei in a puzzled manner and said, "What on earth do you mean, child? Are you planning to stay here? Don't forget that people have died here. If you stay here, you will die, or Hurry up and find a place where you can hide."

Bai Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, it's not such a trouble, I will help you catch this troublemaker, so that none of you need to worry anymore, and in this way, everyone will have a place to live , and don’t have to suffer outside.”

The old man shook his head casually, and said with some concern, "Are you sure you can do this? I advise you not to be brave. You are happy to find a place to hide every day?"

Bai Yun shook his head bawlingly, showing a slight smile, when the night slowly fell, Bai Yunfei looked over slowly, and sure enough, he found some people sneaking around the inn.

"He said that these people are really easy to deceive. They only need a little bit of tricks, and they can stay in the inn obediently and dare not come out. It's really interesting. We have made a fortune again. .”

Bai Yunfei frowned slightly, looked at them there, discussing various things, frowned slightly, kicked open the door, and walked over.

Seeing that the four people frowned suddenly, looked at Bai Yunfei coldly and said, "Who are you, you dare to spoil our good deeds here, don't you, you are not afraid of death? I haven't seen you before, you are an outsider, you can really say that you are the only outsider who discovered our existence, but even so, you are bound to die."

But before the four of them could take any action, Bai Yunfei flew all over them, and after performing lightness kung fu, he sat on the roof of the inn and said with a faint smile, "You just wait here obediently for the government's response." Come on, like you, you are a kind of guy who pretends to be a fool, and death is really too simple for you, and only by letting you suffer all kinds of punishments can you truly repent."

I saw the four people looked at each other, and found that they could not move or speak, and they were all frightened, their eyes rolled around, hoping to attract Bai Yunfei's attention.

Baiyun Speed ​​didn't look at them at all. Don't throw all 4 of them into the government when it dawns. The people in the government didn't believe it at first, but after searching a lot of things on them, they believed it. Baiyun Fly words.

Baiyun area shook his head helplessly, and left the city, because he felt helpless in this city, and because the people here are really too selfish, so he didn't want to stay in this city anymore. He left again and continued to look for new interesting places.

This time Bai Yunfei came to a valley directly and quickly, and saw that there were all kinds of flowers planted in the valley, and there were many, 10-cent-sized bees collecting honey back and forth there.

"Who are you? Why do you want to come to our Hundred Flowers Valley? We don't seem to be accepting any guests in our Hundred Flowers Valley, right? Who are you? Why do you have any intentions when you come here?" The two women said quickly.

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, and said with a slight smile, "I just came to your place by walking randomly, and I was attracted by the flowers here, but don't you have other places here? How come? How about all living in one valley?"

One of the women snorted slightly and said, "You are really good enough. You can manage so much. This is our place. It's none of your business. You don't need to talk too much here. I don't think you can do it at all." It's not a guest, but Walker, so we don't welcome you here at all, go back wherever you come from."

Bai Yunfei snorted slightly, and when he saw the women of these forces, he snorted softly, and saw flames burning in the entire valley in an instant, and everyone fled out quickly in fright.

But when they looked again, they found that there was no fire in the valley at all, and what they saw was like an illusion, and they all looked at Bai Yunfei in disbelief.

"This is a small lesson for you dogs to look down on people. If you do this again next time, I will completely burn your valley to ashes, including your leader. With any special treatment, I will definitely turn them all into the best fertilizer in the world."

The owner of Baihua Valley frowned slightly, looked at Bai Yunfei and said, "If you really come here as a guest, of course we welcome you, and if you come to make trouble, we will definitely not be afraid of you, but we just don't know you Is it a guest or…”

Bai Yunfei shook his head slightly, smiled lightly and said, "Don't worry, we're not here to make trouble, it's really just to let you have a good time in this valley, why don't you welcome it!"

Princess Baihuagu suddenly felt a very strong pressure on her body, she quickly shook her head and said, "Of course we welcome you, of course you are welcome to be our guest, so we will go get you the best wine now." , the best meat, what do you think?"

Bai Yunfei showed a smile, nodded slightly and said, "This is what you look like. You didn't look like anything before. It's so good that everyone is friendly and playing together, how interesting it is." What a meaningless thing it is to fight and kill all day long."

The owner of Baihua Valley nodded slightly, and said with a soft smile, "You are right, in fact, we don't want to fight, but there will always be some people who come to us to make trouble, if we don't If we repel them, I'm afraid we will be completely controlled by them, which violates our original intention before, so it will become what we are now."

"If they can come and attack you, then their strength must be very interesting. What kind of people came to attack you. But now there are still clues."

(End of this chapter)

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