Chapter 104
August [-]

The Yellow Turban Army in Runan was suppressed steadily by Feng Yao. Under the attack of nearly 2 people from Ji Ling, Zhou Cang, Zhou Zheng, and Chenggu Fourth Route Army, the Runan Yellow Turban concentrated its forces in Pingyu, Xiyang, Zhaoling, Bei Among the four cities of Yichun, prepare to defend to the death.

According to the intelligence of the scouts, there are [-] Yellow Turban troops in Pingyu, [-] in Xiyang, [-] in Zhaoling, and [-] in Beiyichun.A total of [-] yellow scarves.

Feng Yao's Sixth Route Army merged into three groups. Zhoucang Chenggu, who attacked Zhaoling City, had [-] troops, Ji Lingzhou, who attacked Yichun in the north, had [-] troops, and Feng Yao only led [-] troops. Xu Chu led [-] troops each for the right army and marched towards Xiyang.

Gong Du, the chief general of the Yellow Turban in Xiyang City, is about 40 years old. He is eight feet tall and has a dignified appearance. , with a little spare money, he studied martial arts for a few years while studying in a private school. Later, after his father died of illness, Gong Du made a living by hunting. He had two sons and two daughters. He left home and soon died in battle.

When the Yellow Turban Rebellion broke out in 184, Gong Du did not participate in the Yellow Turbans at that time. The villages they passed by not only robbed money and food, but also accused Gong Du and other villagers of being Yellow Turbans in order to cover up the facts. Fleeing, his second daughter and his wife were killed by officers and soldiers while fleeing.

Gong Du led his eldest daughter Gong Yinglian and youngest son Gong Ming, and turned to the Yellow Turban Army angrily. Already 19 years old, the youngest son is also 12 years old, both are very smart and filial.

His eldest daughter, Gong Yinglian, has been practicing martial arts and studying military books every day since she joined the Yellow Turban Army because of her childhood experience. Gong Du also had nothing to do with her. , Who would have thought that the great event that the eighteen princes came to Beijing to challenge Dong Zhuo happened back then, the world was in chaos again, the people were in dire straits, the Yellow Turban Army was also attacked by various princes, and the Yellow Turbans of Gongdu's department were also scattered...

After capturing Runan, Gong Yinglian has become a well-known female general in the Yellow Turban Army. There are few opponents in Gong Du's army.

Many self-proclaimed Yellow Turban generals wanted to marry her, but she firmly refused!Gong Du didn't know what to do, and when asked the reason, Gong Yinglian never said anything, but just prevaricated with reasons such as the world is not peaceful and why the family is the reason.

On this day, Gong Yinglian, who was guarding Xiyang City with her father, heard that Feng Yao's army was coming to attack, so she privately asked her father, Gong Du, for orders: "Father, Feng Yao is very hateful. He took our city and killed our general." , please allow me to bring [-] elite soldiers, and kill Weifeng first before the camp is established!"

Gong Du hurriedly said: "Yinglian, don't underestimate Feng Yao. It is because Huang Shao underestimated Feng Yao that Ruyin fell. If not for this, how could we wait for the rebels to be in this passive situation! I won't allow it. You're out of town!"

"Father, my daughter didn't underestimate Feng Yao, but I thought that Feng Yao's successive victories must be a little bit too big, thinking that our army dared not go out of the city, but only dared to defend to the death, so I dared to lead nine thousand troops to attack me and fifteen thousand A city guarded by thousands of troops!" Gong Yinglian said.

"No! If you have something good or bad, how can you explain to your dead mother as a father! Our army only needs to defend the city. Feng Yao doesn't have much food and grass, so it won't last! We will retreat when the time comes, and when he withdraws, If our army attacks again, we will definitely win!" Gong Du looked stern and determined, and denied Gong Yinglian's request.

Seeing that her father not only disagreed, but also mentioned her dead mother, Gong Yinglian's eyes turned red, she knelt on Gong Du's knees, and cried, "Father! My daughter is just for revenge! The rebel army has been forced to such a point. If I The army can't take the initiative to attack, I'm afraid that the rebels will think that our army is afraid of the officers and soldiers and dare not fight, then I'm afraid that the army's morale will be disturbed, and if the officers and soldiers can't hold on to the army and retreat, we will be defeated by ourselves!"

As a father, no one knows how much Gong Yinglian has suffered since she was a child!Therefore, he loved Gong Yinglian since he was a child. Seeing her daughter crying, Gong Du knew that his tone was a bit serious. He couldn't help but sighed, showing his true feelings, pulled his daughter up, and said, "Daughter, there is something in what you said." Reasonable, my father agrees that you lead three thousand elite soldiers out to defeat the morale of the enemy soldiers, but you must not love to fight, just accept it when you are good, and return to the city quickly to stand firm!"

Only then did Gong Yinglian burst into tears, and sat beside Gong Du, and asked again: "Father, even if I wait for the rebels to hold on, Feng Yao will not dare to attack the city for the time being, but after all the counties in the north and south are destroyed by him, Our army will be besieged in the two cities of Pingyu and Bencheng, and I am afraid that it will be difficult to escape the result of the city being destroyed and killed after a long time!"

Gong Du remained silent.

Seeing this, Gong Yinglian looked sad again, and said desolately: "Father, my daughter is not afraid of death. If she can die soon, she can meet my mother as soon as possible under Jiuquan. Brother Ming is still young. For my Gong family As well as the children of thousands of rebels, the daughter is willing to fight to the death. If she is lucky enough to behead the enemy general Feng Yao, all problems will be solved! If not, it will only be a loss of [-] soldiers and horses. At that time, father can still stick to the city! "

Seeing that Gong Yinglian was determined to die, Gong Du felt great grief. According to the superficial situation of the Runan battle, this was obviously correct, but Gong Du had already made a big plan three days ago. No one in the army knows anymore, but now everyone knows that Gong Yinglian can no longer hide it from Gong Yinglian. If she is not allowed to know, her daughter will really fight to the death outside the city!
"Yinglian! I know you are brave as a father, but you must not fight to the death! I have conspired with Marshal Liu in the battle of Runan, but I didn't let you know because I was afraid of leaking it! If my plan is followed, Feng Yao's northern and southern armies will soon Afterwards, they will return in a big defeat, and at that time, with Feng Yao's [-] lone troops outside the city, it is just a joke to attack the city!" Gong Du said confidently.

"Father! You don't want to lie to your daughter, do you?" Gong Yinglian's face was full of surprise, her beautiful eyes were wide open, the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, and the two rows of neat white teeth were exposed from time to time between her words, she looked very cute, and the sad look just now also disappeared instantly. Not seen, as if it had never been the same.

Gong Du looked at his daughter's solemn and serious appearance, and her expression of half-belief, and his mood suddenly improved. Gong Du himself didn't know why, no matter how bad his mood was, he would be confused when he saw his daughter. Satisfied and proud, he laughed a few times, Gong couldn't help but patted his daughter's head, and said with a smile: "Good girl! Let me tell you this secret for my father, but after you hear it, don't let others know !"

"Hmm!!" Gong Yinglian tightly closed her lips, looked at her father with a smile on her face, and put on a posture of listening seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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