Chapter 110
Time passed quickly, Gong Du, who hadn't slept all night, his eyes were bloodshot, leaning against the wall tiredly, looking at the gradually brightening sky outside, took a long breath, and said to himself: "It's finally dawn !..." As soon as the tense spirit relaxed, he couldn't control it anymore, and fell asleep sitting up.

But just as Gong Du fell asleep, he was awakened by a panic scream, and saw a general under his command hurried over in a daze.

"Commander, it's bad! The water in the moat is about to dry up!" the general shouted.

Startled, Gong Du took a long breath, shook his head vigorously, forcefully drove away the drowsiness, and asked anxiously, "What's going on?"

The general said: "Commander, it was fine last night, but at dawn, the water in the moat suddenly began to decrease, and now it has decreased by almost half! If it continues to decrease, the subordinates are worried that the enemy will take the opportunity to attack the city !"

"Let's go! Wait for me to take a look!" Gong Du stood up abruptly, and hurried to the outside of the city gate.

I saw that the moat, which was originally more than ten feet deep, was now only three feet deep, and the fish at the bottom jumped out of the water in fear from time to time, as if they knew the disaster was coming. Looking at the distance, the entire water surface of the moat was It was falling at an appalling speed.

After hearing the news, many Yellow Turban soldiers who guarded the city also ran to the top of the city, holding the walls of the outer city, their faces were shocked, and they talked a lot, saying everything, and even suggested that they go to the river to catch fish and cook them when the water dries up. to eat.

A sharp-eyed young yellow scarf soldier suddenly screamed, "Look! Enemy soldiers! There are enemy soldiers!!"

All the yellow turban soldiers looked in the direction the boy pointed, and at a glance they saw a few scouts from the enemy soldiers rushing over on the other side of the moat, as if they were observing the abnormal situation of the moat. He looked terrified.

"It's the enemy's good deed!! The enemy made a plan to dry up the water for the purpose of attacking the city!! Brothers, be careful!" A skinny old yellow scarf soldier looked nervous, with a look of fear in his eyes.

"He's right! The enemy must be attacking the dungeon!!" Some yellow turban soldiers began to echo.

These words seemed to have magical powers, and they spread throughout the city in an instant. The yellow scarf soldiers involuntarily took out their weapons and prepared to fight as if they were facing a big enemy.

Gong Du had already taken a fancy to the riot of the yellow turban soldiers defending the city, but Gong Du stood up and uttered a voice to stop the rumors. Fearing that the situation would become uncontrollable, the few confidantes gathered around and asked the coach Gong Please order.

"Marshal, what should I do?" A general asked anxiously.

"Commander, in my opinion, directly behead anyone who disturbs the morale of the army!" Another general said angrily.

Gong Du looked at the generals on the left and right, and then at the yellow scarf soldiers at the top of the city without military discipline. Chaotic images cannot control the chaos in people's hearts, at this moment, only a great virtuous teacher can save everything!"

The two generals who disagreed with each other were taken aback when they heard the words, glanced at each other, suddenly realized, smiled at each other, bowed in front of Gong Du, and responded respectfully: "Your subordinate understands!"

"Understood, you go!" Gong Du said.

After being nervous for a while, the Yellow Turban at the head of the city found that the enemy scouts outside the city had been observing for a while, and then went back as if nothing had happened. After waiting for a while, there seemed to be no special movement in the enemy camp below the city, so they all With a sigh of relief, under the restraint of all the generals, he took the weapon back.

But after relaxing, someone suddenly complained: "This is good! I can't cook without water and rice in the future!"

This unintentional remark was like a pebble thrown into the calm water. The Yellow Turban Army who had just relaxed heard the words, and suddenly panicked again. In addition to worrying about having no food to eat, some were worried that there would be no water to bathe, and some were worried that there would be no water to drink. I'm dying of thirst, and I'm worried that I won't be able to wash my clothes in the future!

The morale of the Yellow Turban Army was like the water in the moat, and it was about to bottom out. At this moment, someone in the Yellow Turban Army suddenly shouted loudly: "Brothers of Huang Tian, ​​listen to me!"

A yellow scarf corporal, about 50 years old, raised his hand and shouted loudly: "This must be the great virtuous master showing his holiness! It is the great virtuous master who used his power to suck the river water away! The great virtuous master is testing our sincerity." And perseverance! Only those who are sincere can safely pass this test! Become a true disciple of the great virtuous teacher!"

The old corporal had a pious face, and his tone was a little unpredictable!The Yellow Turban Soldiers, who didn't know why, heard that the great virtuous teacher had manifested his holiness. Immediately, many believers knelt down excitedly and prayed to the sky.

Soon, under the influence of this atmosphere, all the Yellow Turban soldiers calmed down.

At this time, Gong Du stood up and said loudly: "Brothers of Huang Tian! There are still several wells in the city! The water in the wells has not been affected in any way!! Relying on the water from these wells! It is enough to ensure that everyone has food Eat!! Everyone has water to drink!!! What we have to do now is to guard the city wall with peace of mind, and don’t let the enemy take advantage of it!!!”

"Defend to the top of the city!! To the top of the city!!" The generals of the Yellow Turban Army took the lead in shouting slogans. At first, only two or three people echoed the shout, but immediately dozens of Yellow Turban soldiers nearby followed suit. The sound spread farther and farther along the city wall, and after a while, the shouts became one piece on the four walls of the entire Yanyang City.

"Defend to the death!! The top of the city!! The top of the city!!..." The shout resounded in the air, and the sound shook the sky!The people in the city were all shocked when they heard the shout, thinking that the two armies were at war, they all stopped and listened carefully, and when they knew the details, they shook their heads and smiled, forgetting about the matter.

The shouts of the Yellow Turban soldiers lasted for a while, and then gradually calmed down under Gong Du's signal. All the Yellow Turban soldiers' faces were full of excitement!Morale reached an all-time high!If Feng Yaojun really chooses to attack the city at this time, he will face the Yellow Turban soldiers who are so excited that they have already defied life and death!
After Gong Yinglian learned that the river was dry, she hurried to find her father, Gong Du, "Father, this must be a trick conceived by that wicked Feng Yao! The upper reaches of the river must have been cut off by his troops! My daughter is going to drain the river." Unblock and solve the water problem in the city!"

"Daughter, try to bring your confidants and soldiers there, it's better not to let more people know about this!" Gong Du nodded wearily in agreement.

"Father, please rest assured! Yinglian will act carefully!" Gong Yinglian replied, but before leaving, she said with concern: "Father, you can rest for a while. I will leave the affairs of the city to Yinglian during the day, and Yinglian will handle it." All good!"

Afterwards, Gong Yinglian ordered a thousand soldiers of the headquarters' confidantes, each of them brought a set of tools, opened the west city gate, and walked westward along the north bank of the Xihe River, all the way to investigate the reason why the Xihe River stopped flowing.

At this time, the water in the Xi River has dried up, but there are still some puddles accumulated in some low-lying places. Some fish that have not had time to swim along the water are jumping among the aquatic plants on the river bed, and some are swimming in the water. Wazhong desperately wants to swim to a better place.

After some nearby villagers learned that they could pick up fish on the river bed, they happily called their family members. Regardless of the danger, the man rolled up his trousers, and moved his bare feet in the river mud, one foot deep and one shallow foot. Regardless of the size of the fish, as soon as they saw them, they would quickly move over, pick them up one by one, and throw them all into the wooden barrel.

The women and children were laughing loudly on the shore. If the man of the family snatched a larger fish, there would be a burst of cheers; There was a sigh of relief from the bystanders, and the envy and jealousy could be seen at a glance.

(End of this chapter)

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