Back to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty

Chapter 113 Love in Troubled Times

Chapter 113 Love in Troubled Times
Later, as he grew older, when Goudan grew taller than Gong Yinglian, Goudan began to call Gong Yinglian's small character "Yinglian" directly, but Gong Yinglian still called Goudan "Goudan".

When Goudan was 15 years old, Gong Du's Yellow Turban Rebel Army suffered an unprecedented defeat in Yingchuan. Nine out of ten rebels were killed. Goudan fled all the way to the southeast, and contracted a serious illness in the process of fleeing. When Goudan dragged his seriously ill body to a peach forest, he couldn't walk anymore,...


Feng Yao had a very long dream, this time in the dream he finally saw another woman's face clearly, it was a heroic and handsome face of a young girl, with a complexion like wheat, eyebrows like a painting, and eyes like a dandelion Feng, when she was ruthless, her face was like cold winter, and when she smiled, she was like a flower blooming, and this girl turned out to be Gong Yinglian!

It seemed that Gong Yinglian called Feng Yao's ear, Feng Yao suddenly woke up, and found himself lying in the tent, Yang Wu stood beside him, with a hint of worry on his face, Zhao Wang was holding a towel, giving Wipe the sweat off my brow!
"Master?" Zhao Wang was the first to notice that Feng Yao had woken up, and he yelled with joy.

Later, Yang Wu also noticed that Feng Yao had opened his eyes, frowning, and said happily, "My lord!"

"What's wrong with me? Is the battle over? Are you all okay, brothers?" Feng Yao sat up, asking a series of questions.

"My lord, except for a few brothers who were slightly injured, no one was killed in this battle. A total of [-] enemies were killed. Because we were worried about the situation of the lord, we spared those yellow scarf thieves who escaped. Please punish the lord!" Yang Wu He knelt down and pleaded guilty.

Hearing this, Feng Yao immediately felt relieved. What he was most worried about was that the more than 100 cavalry he had trained so hard would be lost due to the battle.

"Yang Wu, you did the right thing! It doesn't matter if you kill a few enemies less, the safety of the brothers is the most important thing! It's too late for me to praise you, how can I punish you? Get up!" Feng Yao said happily.

"Yes, the main company." Yang Wu stood up happily, not knowing what to do for a while.

It was Zhao Wang who asked at this time: "My lord, are you okay? Would you like some hot soup?"

Feng Yao nodded, and asked again: "What time is it now? How long have I been asleep?"

"My lord slept for a day and a night! It's already the morning of August 22!" Yang Wu replied. Zhao Wang nodded and affirmed Yang Wu's answer. Went to make hot soup.

Feng Yao tried his body and felt very good. His headache and fatigue had disappeared without a trace, and he was very full and clear-headed, but suddenly there were many memories in his mind. This time he finally put "Yuan "Yao", "Dog Dan" and his own memory are all coherent.

It turned out that he had been unable to understand what happened after he was hit on the head by "Uncle Chen" when he was six years old. , with Yuan Yao himself, I am afraid that he will be just a mediocre person for the rest of his life!"

Feng Yao jumped off the bed, stretched his arms and legs, and suddenly remembered that he seemed to be grabbing the enemy's chief general, Gong Yinglian, before he passed out?Why didn't I see anyone? Could it be that he was killed?Feng Yao was taken aback, and hurriedly asked Yang Wu, "Yang Wu! I remember capturing the enemy general alive. Is there such a thing?"

"My lord, do you mean Gong Yinglian?" Yang Wu asked.

"What happened to her?" Feng Yao asked worriedly.

"After the lord captured the enemy general alive, she passed out, but for some reason, Gong Yinglian, who was clearly able to resist, was willing to capture her without a fight, and asked us to let her soldiers go! After I brought Gong Yinglian back, I didn't dare to do anything. Decided, I'm still being held in a cage!" Yang Wu answered Feng Yao's words in detail, and then stood aside respectfully.

Feng Yao heaved a sigh of relief and thought, "It's dangerous. Fortunately, I asked to capture the enemy general alive, otherwise Gong Yinglian might have been killed!"

"Go, take me to have a look!" Feng Yao immediately made a decision, since Gong Yinglian has an old relationship with her former self, it's easy to deal with, just to move her affection and let her persuade his father, Gong Du, to surrender!
Yang Wu obeyed and opened the way ahead.

Opening the curtain of the tent, Feng Yao took a breath of fresh air as soon as he walked out of the tent, and he was in a good mood. However, what moved Feng Yao was that the outside of the tent today was different from the past. There are more than 110 followers in one round, and each time there are only less than 110 followers and guards, but today the tent is full of [-] and [-] followers!

"My lord!" As soon as Feng Yao came out of the tent, the two relatives of 110 were overjoyed to see them, knelt down one after another, clasped their fists and shouted in unison.

There are not too many words, because they know their identities, so they can only use this voice to express their worries, admiration and joy!

If you are happy, you are happy, if you are worried, you are worried!
Feng Yao looked at the entourage kneeling on the ground, saw the blood in their eyes, and saw their inner feelings!

"Get up! Those who should sleep! Those who should be on duty! This is an order!" Feng Yao was deeply moved, and his majestic tone revealed concern.

"Obey!" The two entourages of 110 responded in unison, then quickly stood up and followed orders.

Gong Yinglian was imprisoned in a small cell temporarily built by the wall of the camp. Because Gong Yinglian claimed to know Feng Yao, she was treated preferentially and was not tied up. However, [-] additional prisoners were sent outside the cell. The soldiers were guarding, and the scout commander Liu Shun was in charge of guarding.

Seeing that Feng Yao was safe, Liu Shun first knelt down to greet him, and then said: "My lord, since yesterday, the leader of the Yellow Turban Army, Gong Du, has scolded and fought outside twice, claiming to redeem his daughter!"

"I see, I will take care of this matter, if there is any news, please let me know immediately!" Feng Yao said.

At this time, Gong Yinglian, who was locked in the prison, saw Feng Yao coming, and immediately stood up, leaning behind the wooden pillar of the prison cell, watching Feng Yao silently from the gap between the wooden pillars, without saying a word, but her eyes were full. She shed tears, Gong Yinglian wasn't sure if Feng Yao was a dog, she couldn't believe that he could become the prefect of a county with the skills of a dog!

But judging from Feng Yao's face, figure and voice, it is very similar to the dog egg in memory!

Gong Yinglian has already figured it out, if this man named Feng Yao is really a dog egg, then she must let outsiders know Feng Yao's past, let alone let outsiders know that Feng Yao once had a nickname "Doudan"!Even if Feng Yao doesn't intend to recognize her, it doesn't matter, at least she has seen him who has been longing for him again and again!The person who has been waiting to marry!

(End of this chapter)

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