Chapter 131
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Feng Yao saw it from the top of the city, secretly sighed what a pity!

The rest of the Yellow Turban Army saw that the general was dead and had no more fighting spirit. At this time, Zhou Cang knew that the time had come, so he shouted: "The one who surrenders will not die!"

The remaining more than 1000 elite yellow scarf sword and shield soldiers silently put down their swords and shields, and raised their hands in surrender.

Not long after, news of the surrender came from the south gate and west gate one after another. Feng Yao was overjoyed and congratulated. The victory of this siege battle really makes people feel so lucky! !

But after the joy was over, Feng Yao's eyes became cold again! !This battle is over, but the accounts that should be settled have not yet been settled!First of all, the head of the Chen family betrayed Huang Yi. Originally, he planned to keep Chen Ying. Since Huang Yi's accident, Feng Yao has decided to eradicate Chen Ying. Feng Yao's headquarters is now, how can Chen Ying be allowed to live in the city! !

Another thing is Liu Pi's family!Feng Yao will never let the enemy's son still live in this world!

It's fine if you're alone, you're not afraid of anything, but now Feng Yao already has parents, relatives, and a wife who is about to get married!There will be children in the future!Feng Yao does not allow anyone to hurt these closest relatives! !

"Third Brother! Do you still remember what Eldest Brother said when we first met? Eldest Brother is asking you as a righteous brother to bring three thousand soldiers to capture Chen Ying right away. Eldest Brother wants to kill him in public with the law of the king! And the Chen family must also want you to be the head of the family!" Feng Yao said bitterly.

"Brother, Chen Dao never thought of taking over the position of Patriarch." Chen Dao said.

"Third brother, you don't have to refuse. The eldest brother actually wants you to help me. The Chen family needs someone I can trust to manage it! If you can't accept it, for the future development of Pingyu City, this Chen family can only Disbanded by force!" Feng Yao said.

"In that case, Chen Dao is willing to do it!" Chen Dao said.

Feng Yao immediately mobilized [-] elite soldiers, and when Chen Dao received the soldiers, he went straight to the Chen residence without saying a word!

At this time, Uncle Chen and his family, who almost died, wanted to see Feng Yao, and Feng Yao readily agreed.

Chen Bo led his wife and a dozen or so family members, came over, and said to Feng Yao, "Thank you, Mr. Feng, on behalf of the young master!"

Feng Yaodao: "Uncle Chen, I still remember the kindness you gave me when you gave me a meal! If Uncle Chen wants something, I will do my best to satisfy it!"

Chen Bodao: "Mr. Feng, don't mention those things again!" Then Chen Bo bid farewell to Feng Yao and left. After suffering the whole night, Chen Bo's family was exhausted and wanted to return home as soon as possible, so that Family rest.

After Zhou Cang, Xu Chu, and Dai Ling dealt with the captives, they also went into the gate tower to report the results to Feng Yaojiang!
After Feng Yao looked at the three people approvingly, he said to Zhou Cang: "Second brother! You lead an army of three thousand to capture all of Liu Pi's family members! Put them in prison and wait for trial tomorrow!"

Zhou Cang didn't say much, and happily took his orders and left!

After Feng Yao finished dealing with these two matters, he felt very happy!Seeing his army marching into the city in an orderly manner outside the city, he finally took a breath of air!So far, Pingyu City has basically been taken down, and the whole Runan County except Li Tong's three counties is under his control!

Not far away, Gong Yinglian and her younger brother Gong Ming had already met each other, and they were standing near the city gate, talking to each other, while Gong Ming looked at Feng Yao curiously from time to time.

"Yinglian must have told Gong Ming about her relationship with me!" Feng Yao secretly laughed in his heart, just by looking at Gong Ming's eyes, he could guess the truth.

Huang Yi and his wife were also not far from Gong Ming. His wife, Tian Yuerong, was slowly coaxing her frightened son with a sad and excited expression. He didn't come to disturb Feng Yao's handling of various affairs, but was waiting for Feng Yao's orders and summons.

After Feng Yao's calculations, he hasn't seen Huang Yi for nearly five months!
Just as he was about to call Huang Yi for questioning, he saw Wang Junhou coming down the wall, asking for the guard Feng Yao to follow him, and to see the prefect Feng.

"Let him come over!" Feng Yao immediately ordered his subordinates to let him go, and at the same time went up to meet him.

"Wang Junhou! You have done a great job this time!" Feng Yao smiled and patted Wang Junhou's shoulder vigorously.

Feng Yao showed his kindness to Wang Junhou, but Wang Junhou was slightly taken aback when he didn't want to, and thought to himself: "I don't know this person, why is he so affectionate to me? Hmm? I heard him call me Wang Junhou. I haven't heard anyone call me like this for a year. Has it been weighed? Could it be...?"

Although Wang Junhou thought so in his heart, after being slightly taken aback, he immediately smiled heartily, and then knelt down on one knee, "Wang Hu pays homage to Fujun!"

Feng Yao nodded, helped Wang Hu up, and asked, "Wang Junhou, don't you really recognize me?"

"Fujun, you?" Wang Hu suddenly thought of someone, but quickly suppressed that thought, shook his head, and muttered to himself: "Impossible! It can't be him!"

Seeing Wang Hu's expression, Feng Yao didn't tell the truth, but patted Wang Hu's shoulder again, and said: "Tomorrow will be the first day of discussion, I hope General Wang will not be late!"

After finishing speaking, Feng Yao strode towards Huang Yi.

"My lord!!" Seeing Feng Yao approaching, Huang Yi was so excited that he immediately knelt down to greet Feng Yao, and his wife Tian Yuerong also knelt down with Huang Yi.

"Huang Yi, you all get up and go back to Taolin Residence with me, I have something to arrange for you to do." Feng Yao said.

Huang Yi nodded happily, pulled up his wife Tian Yuerong, and followed Feng Yao closely.

Gong Yinglian's sister and brother had seen Feng Yao coming, and seeing that Feng Yao was finally free, her younger brother Gong Ming opened his eyes and looked at Feng Yao with admiration: "Are you my brother-in-law?"

Gong Yinglian hastily pinched her younger brother Gong Ming's arm, signaling him not to ask any more questions!
Unexpectedly, Gong Ming didn't understand what he meant, but he groaned and protested dissatisfiedly: "Sister, you know how to bully me, do you dare to bully brother-in-law? Brother-in-law is now a prefect!" When Gong Ming said this, Gong Yinglian's face was flushed with embarrassment, she looked angry and resentful, she looked really cute!
Feng Yao was stunned for a moment, and thought: "Yinglian looks tough and masculine, but she also has such a daughter's heart inside! There is a slight similarity with Lingqi, but they are very different. The two women have their own differences. Long!! Each has its own charm! Unexpectedly, I, Feng Yao, have such a blessing to be equal to others!"

"Yinglian, my mother must be waiting impatiently now, go back with me and report to my mother that she is safe! And Gong Ming, you also come with me, your father has no time to take care of you now!"

Gong Ming raised his chest and said in disbelief, "Brother-in-law, Gong Ming is a man now! He will take care of himself!"

Feng Yao patted Gong Ming's head, feeling a little guilty towards Gong Ming in his heart, for the sake of the whole of Runan, for the great cause of the future, Gong Ming almost became a victim of the war!Fortunately, God has eyes, and a Wang Hu came out halfway! !That's why Gong Ming kept his sex!
(End of this chapter)

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