Chapter 136
"Huang Yi, that's why I want to talk to you now!" Feng Yao said.

Huang Yi looked at Feng Yao suspiciously. Although he didn't understand why, since Feng Yao left last time and became the prefect of Runan, his whole person seemed to have changed. Huang Yi didn't know the relationship between Feng Yao and Yuan Shu. I only know that Feng Yao went out with Lu Bu's army, and after he came back he became the prefect, and within a short period of time he surrendered all the Yellow Turbans in Runan. Huang Yi also wanted to go to find Feng Yao, but After returning from Shi Sanyi, he changed his mind.

"Huang Yi! Does the scar on your face hurt now?" Feng Yao couldn't bear the slanting scar on Huang Yi's face.

"My lord, I basically don't feel anything now, but occasionally when the weather is bad, I will feel a faint tingling sensation!" Huang Yi touched the scar on his face and smiled wryly.

Feng Yao took a step forward, helped Huang Yi and his wife up, and said: "This room is just you and me, master and servant, so there is no need to be so polite. Although the relationship between us is master and servant, I have never treated you as a servant." From the perspective of outsiders, in the six months since you left Pingyu, you have been able to develop the store like this, which is enough to prove your loyalty, and I will remember this credit! So, starting today, I want to give you an important task!"

"Thank you, my lord, for your trust. Huang Yi will live up to my lord's entrustment!" Huang Yi knelt down again and said.

"Huang Yi, do you have to remember how you came to Pingyu?" Feng Yao asked.

When Huang Yi heard this, his eyes suddenly became sad, and he gritted his teeth and said: "If it weren't for that dog thief Cao Cao, how could I, Huang Yi, have left my hometown and almost starved my son to death!! Never forget!"

Feng Yao nodded and said, "Then you can know that Cao Cao has not only not received retribution, but may even occupy the entire territory north of the Yangtze River?"

Huang Yi was stunned, and shook his head, "How is it possible? Even if Bandit Cao can defeat Marquis Wen, he is definitely no match for Yuan Shao!"

Huang Yi's answer made Feng Yao feel a little guilty. These foresights cannot be seen by Huang Yi. Even if the whole big man can see this step, there are probably only one or two people!I told Huang Yi that these didn’t work and that I had made a mistake, so I changed the topic, “Huang Yi, according to my speculation, because of the Xujiazhuang incident, Cao thief may have regarded us as a thorn in my side! But now Cao thief Yanzhou and Runan in Zhan are not connected, so they cannot directly attack Runan, but due to their character, they will definitely send assassins to assassinate us secretly. There is no doubt that their biggest target must be me, but they will not give up Assassinate my subordinates!! This time you were tied to the head of the city in front of the army, I believe it will not be long before Thief Cao will know that you are my subordinates, and you are already in danger!"

Before Huang Yi finished listening, he was already furious. After listening to all Feng Yao's words, his eyes were full of shock and anger, and he was slightly afraid.

This is exactly the expression Feng Yao wants to see. As long as Huang Yi regards Cao Cao as an enemy and fears that Cao Cao will become powerful, he will definitely try his best to oppose Cao and play the greatest role!

"My lord! What should I do with the little one?" Huang Yi said.

"Please tell me clearly, my lord! The servants and maidservants will definitely do things according to the lord's will!" His wife Tian Yuerong begged.

Feng Yao said: "Okay! You two obey orders!"

"Yes!" Huang Yi's expression lifted.

"From now on, the Shisanxiang Steamed Bun Shop will be cancelled, stop selling, and resell the shop! You two will cut off all ties with Shisanxiang Baozi from now on, and will hide behind the scenes from then on, still secretly manipulating Pingyu as before. The operation of the four inns in the city!" Feng Yao ordered.

"Little one obeys!" Huang Yi responded.

"Also, from now on, you secretly recruit some absolutely reliable men, and get back as much information as possible, but if it's not an emergency, don't contact me directly, and don't show up, and send another person to contact me secretly , I will let Liang Teng personally guide you on how to operate it!" Feng Yao said again.

Huang Yi was suddenly enlightened, and immediately understood Feng Yao's intentions. It turned out that he wanted him to set up a secret spy organization! !
Huang Yi's expression was very excited, not only because of Feng Yao's trust and trust, but also because Huang Yi had been waiting for this day for too long! !With this condition, he can show his talent and aspirations, contribute to the Lord, and finally avenge Cao Cao's hatred for slaughtering Xuzhou! !
"My lord!! Huang Yi is willing to wipe out all the enemies in the dark for the lord!! He can even use his own way to deal with his own body! Cao thief dares to send assassins secretly, Huang Yi will not only make these assassins have nowhere to go, I also want to buy some more assassins to assassinate Cao thief!! If the lord allows it!" Huang Yi said excitedly.

"Okay! Huang Yi, I allow you to do this, but you must explain to me the target of the assassination in advance! And I allow you to kill people in future operations, if it is related to the leakage of important information, you can kill people and kill them first! But if you let I know that you have a little bit of infidelity, so don't blame me for not thinking about the past! Such a great weight of power is accompanied by risks, I hope you can understand what I said today when you act in the future!" Feng Yaoxian said He praised it loudly, and then his face became serious.

Huang Yi felt the murderous aura on Feng Yao, and couldn't help shaking his body, but he quickly calmed down. There was no longer any fluctuation in his eyes looking at Feng Yao, and he nodded slightly towards Feng Yao. In his eyes, he had already With a very clear direction, Huang Yi is no longer confused, and at the same time understands that the protagonist is different from before, and that is this frightening murderous aura! !In Huang Yi's eyes, this murderous aura was not only not scary, but it became the reason why he admired Feng Yao even more!
In the past, when Feng Yao was first recognized as the master, it was mainly because of gratitude. Although Feng Yao often had unexpected actions that were admirable, in Huang Yi's eyes, Feng Yao was not very mature, just a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy , and now Feng Yao in Huang Yi's eyes, gave Huang Yi a feeling of awe again, and there was no longer any confusion!For the rest of his life, even if his son Huang Ding grows up in the future, Huang will only regard Feng Yao as his only master! !For Feng Yao, no matter how unbelievable it is, it is absolutely right! !

In Huang Yi's eyes, Feng Yao is a hero who creates miracles! !
Huang Yi knelt on the ground, and turned his head to look at the distance of nothingness, where he seemed to be able to see the intelligence network densely covering the entire earth in the future!And all of that will have him, Huang Yi, an important seat!
"My lord!" Huang Yi withdrew his gaze, and said seriously: "Huang Yi can meet the lord who is so enlightened, how dare he have any intention of being unfaithful! Even if he died for this, he would have no complaints!" Huang Yi said.

"Well! Finally, there are two points I want to explain. You are the third base for spying based on inns. Currently, Yuan Ping is in charge of Puyang City, Liang Teng is in charge of Ruyin City, and Pingyu City is in charge. It is you who are in charge, and the second is that your goal is not these four inns, I hope that one day in the future, this organization can be extended to every county!!" Feng Yao said.

(End of this chapter)

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