Chapter 140
Feng Yao was taken aback, how could Dai Ling's body be in such an unsteady state, could it be that he was injured?He asked, "Dai Ling, what's going on?"

"I..., my lord, I'm fine." Dai Ling wanted to bend down to pick up the big shield, but Feng Yao stepped forward and stopped him.

"You must be injured! Let me see if the injury is serious!" Feng Yao said.

Dai Ling had no choice but to touch his right knee, saying: "It's just a little skin trauma, it will be fine in a few days."

Feng Yao bent down and found that there was a wound near Dai Ling's right knee, which should have been stabbed by a gun or something, but fortunately, no bones were injured.

"It's all hurt like this, you should bandage it up and sit down! Let me bandage it up for you!" Feng Yao ordered Dai Ling to sit down with a serious face.

Dai Ling was greatly moved, and sat on the shield according to his orders, stretching out his legs.

Feng Yao summoned a personal attendant, found a bottle of wound medicine, applied medicine to Dai Ling, then tore off a piece of cloth from the lining of his robe, bandaged the wound, and finally ordered: "You just Rest here, don't move around, I'll just go to prison by myself!"

"My lord! This little injury is nothing! It's just a few steps away. As long as I'm careful and don't use too much force, I'll be fine!" Dai Ling said, standing up again, to prove It didn't matter, and walked a few more steps.

"Okay then, just don't bring this big shield and mace!" Feng Yao thought about it, and the prison was in the southwest corner of the county mansion. After walking a few times, it was nothing, so he agreed, but this Dai Ling's The set of weapons was too heavy. The large shield weighed 69 jin, and the weapon weighed 120 jin. The sum of the two was nearly [-] jin. Dai Ling must not be injured and carried on his back.

While speaking, Feng Yao picked up the steel shield from the ground. His hands were heavy, but with Feng Yao's current strength, he could still pick it up easily.

"Hey! Dai Ling! Is this the big shield I made for you back then?" Feng Yao suddenly found that the big shield was completely changed after a closer look, and there were many damages on it, and his heart was shocked. , thought: "How many attacks must be blocked to do this!!"

Dai Ling said: "Dai Ling dare not give up what the lord gave me. This is the shield that the lord gave me before!"

Feng Yao looked at Dai Ling's weapon again, and saw that the Potian mace was also damaged a lot, and many of the top tips had been bent or broken!
"Dai Ling, I'll build you a better big shield and a better mace someday!" Feng Yao stretched out his hand on the damaged big shield and patted it lightly, and then there was a buzzing sound. Voice.


After the trip to the prison, Feng Yao was deeply touched. Although some of them were county officials who were forcibly captured by Liu Pi, there were still a large number of wicked people, and some were unwilling to pay military rations to the Yellow Turban Army. Gentleman of the city.

The chaos in Pingyu City was greatly improved after Feng Yao withdrew a large number of soldiers and horses from the city. At night, some bold people started to go out.

Throughout the whole night, Feng Yao stayed up all night, sitting in front of the oil lamp, looking through the various documents and briefings sent up, as well as the roster of officials in the county who were killed in the Yellow Turban Rebellion and who are still in office. Some useful talents were found in the roster, and it wasn't until dawn that Xu Xuan, Dai Ling, and Yang Wu strongly demanded to put down the bamboo slips in their hands, and sighed inwardly, "We must find someone to do this hard work." , I am a majestic county guard, I can't be bound by these official affairs every day!"

"Yang Wu, immediately issue a recruitment order and post it everywhere in the city. Most of the county officials in Runan County have been killed by the Yellow Turbans. We must recruit suitable talents as soon as possible!" Feng Yao said.

"Obey!" Yang Wu responded immediately.

"Okay, let me lie down for a while, and when all the generals arrive, call me up! Today is a very important day, and there are too many things to deal with!" Feng Yao said sleepily.

As he said that, Feng Yao lay down on the mat in the study with his clothes on, and as soon as he closed his eyes, he fell into a deep sleep.

After Feng Yao fell asleep, Xu Chu found a thin quilt and gently covered Feng Yao.


It was already the second day of autumn and September, and on the morning when Feng Yao was sleeping in his clothes, Puyang City received another fierce attack from Cao Cao.

Cao Cao has no worries now. Not only has most of Yanzhou been recovered, but it is also stronger than before. Before Lu Bu won Yanzhou, although the prefects of the counties flattered Cao Cao as the state shepherd, they did not obey Cao Cao's management very much. , but under pressure, temporarily succumbed, and mostly violated Cao Cao's orders.

After Lu Bu won Yanzhou, the attitudes of all the counties and counties were revealed at once, and the judgment of loyalty and treachery was established.

Although Cao Cao escaped death, after this catastrophe, he became stronger instead. All the counties and counties that were recaptured appointed loyal members of the Cao family and Xiahou family to hold important positions, or appointed those firm-willed supporters to hold important positions in the counties and counties. long.

He even took this opportunity to fabricate records and swallow up a large amount of official grain and official money in the original county government treasury, under the pretext that they were all looted by bandit soldiers.

What Qingzhou soldiers lack is not people, but money, food and equipment. With these equipment and money and food, Cao Cao regrouped more than 3000 soldiers and surrounded Puyang tightly. , now there are only more than [-] troops in Puyang City!
In Dunqiu City on the north bank of the Yellow River, although Gao Shun had [-] troops in his hands, he couldn't spare any troops to help Puyang!Yuan Shao sent [-] troops, with Gao Lan as his general, stationed troops under the city of Dunqiu, attacking the city non-stop every day. If Gao Shun hadn't defended the city well, Yuan Shao might have captured Dunqiu long ago. Where would the five thousand troops be? Can spare troops be spared to support Puyang?

In the south, Zhang Liao of Dingtao City also couldn't get away. Even if he could pull out his troops, Juyang County between Dingtao and Puyang had already been occupied by Cao Bing. Even when they arrived at the city of Puyang, they were just sent to the tiger's mouth, with no hope of victory at all.

After Lu Bu received the news of Cao Cao's siege, he immediately mobilized two thousand elite soldiers, personally led dozens of cavalry soldiers, and killed Xiahou Dun and Dian Wei. After beheading hundreds of Cao soldiers, Cao Cao had to withdraw again to attack the city. army.

"Lü Bu is brave and invincible. If this continues, our army may not be able to break through Puyang even though we have a large number of troops!" Cao Cao sighed.

At this time, Xi Zhong, a new counselor in Cao Cao's tent, said, "My lord! I have a plan to break Puyang!"

He is loyal and talented. He is a counselor recommended by Xun Yu to Cao Cao not long ago. Like Xun Yu, he is also from Yingchuan. strategist.

(End of this chapter)

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