Chapter 145 Revenge
Feng Yao immediately ordered Shi Tao and Meng Jian to take up the post, and immediately began to take over the affairs of the county, the two dared not neglect, and went separately.

The next thing will be easy to handle. Xu Shu just came to the county, so he must not be familiar with many things. Feng Yao didn't ask too much advice. Anyway, Xu Shu will always be by his side in the future, and he can give Feng Yao good advice at any time. Suggestion, don't rush to chat in detail on today's busiest day.

Because Xu Shu and other matters were put on hold, it was already the end of the day. In the past half morning, Feng Yao hurriedly led Xu Shu to the front meeting hall.

At this time, all the generals in the meeting hall had already arrived, just waiting for Feng Yao to give a new order.

Zhou Cang had already returned, stood at the head, saw Feng Yao coming out, and reported: "My lord! The subordinates have captured all the fugitives! There are more than 100 bandit soldiers, 35 male and female fugitives! And several boxes of money. !"

"Prisoners surnamed Liu, regardless of men, women, old or young, were all taken to the execution ground and executed at noon. Among other unrelated prisoners, the men were killed directly, and the women were beaten as lowly, and rewarded as slaves to meritorious officers and men! For military pay!" Feng Yao immediately made a verdict, the reason why he didn't order Zhou Cang to be killed on the spot was because he wanted everyone in the city to see the consequences of violating himself!
Liu Pi himself was a Yellow Turban thief, a key criminal that the court wanted to arrest, even if Feng Yao didn't kill him, and if he was taken to the state capital or the court, it would still be a crime to exterminate the three clans!Everyone can't escape a word of death. If Liu Pi hadn't threatened Feng Yao with Feng Yao's people before, Feng Yao might have let Liu Pi's family members go!Now that this is the case, there is nothing more to say!If you don't kill Yi Jingbai ruthlessly, I'm afraid someone else will do the same thing!

Chen Dao didn't say much, but just handed over a roll of bamboo slips, on which were written about the treatment of Chen Ying and Chen Fu's family, Feng Yao glanced at it, and ordered the newly appointed guards to bring Chen Ying and Chen Fu to the court. , and ordered his subordinate secretary to return the bamboo slips to Chen Dao, and said: "You can decide for yourself what to do with the rest of the Chen family. I don't want to cause too many killings, but just don't let anyone who should be killed be spared! There is no need to report this bamboo slip, and it will be destroyed later, otherwise the court will find out, and the Chen family will be punished!"

Not long after, eight guards, four in each, brought Chen Ying and Chen Fu, who were shackled in shackles, to the court.

At this time, Chen Ying was no longer as beautiful as before. His long hair was scattered on his head because of struggling, his face was beaten blue and red by someone, and bloodshot eyes could be seen at the corner of his mouth. Fu's appearance was even worse, his eyes were bruised and he could barely open his eyes, his nose was tilted to one side, and his mouth kept yelling in pain.

As soon as Chen Yingcai came to the hall, he saw Feng Yao sitting on the eunuch's seat, and immediately cursed: "Zhuzi, what did I do wrong?"

Feng Yao didn't get angry, but just yelled: "How dare you yell at the court! The left and right guards, first give him [-] slaps, let him understand the truth!"

Chen Ying didn't know at this time that he had already been sentenced to death in Feng Yao's mind, so Feng Yao would not be angry at all because of Chen Ying at this time, what's the point of getting angry with a dead person?What Feng Yao had to do was to accuse Chen Ying'an of being a thief in public, and then kill him openly with this charge!

The four guards immediately pulled hands and feet, one by one, and forced Chen Ying to lie on the ground. Another guard came up and removed Chen Ying's trousers, exposing his flesh. Then another guard came up and lifted the The big board hit the flesh hard, and with a slap, Chen Ying gasped, his body straightened, obviously in extreme pain, his expression was distorted, how could he speak!

With twenty big boards, Chen Ying lost half of his life, his body was covered with blood, he could only breathe in, and he was almost exhausted.

Chen Fu on the side knelt aside, his face turned pale with fright, and his body couldn't stop trembling.

At this time, another guard came over and poured half a bucket of cold water directly on the place where Chen Ying was beaten to a bloody mess. When the cold water was stirred up, Chen Ying yelled and hissed, "Feng Yao, kill him if you have the guts!" I!"

Feng Yao said bitterly: "Chen Ying, do you think I will let you go after beating you? You have colluded with the bandits and common people, I already have evidence, and it will only be a matter of time before I kill you! If you can be obedient If you cooperate, I will reward you! If you dare to be rude again, I will lock you up for a few more days and torture you every day!"

Chen Ying tremblingly stretched out an index finger, pointed at Feng Yao and said angrily: "Feng Yao! Don't think that the Chen family is yours to touch! The Chen family in the world! If you dare to touch my Pingyu Chen family, it is the same as the Chen family in the world. Your clan is your enemy! My Chen clan will never let you go, just wait for you to lose your official position and be punished by the nine clans!!"

"Enough! Don't use the Chen family as your shield anymore, you are not worthy of being part of the Chen family!!" Chen Dao, who had been silent at the side, suddenly yelled.

Chen Ying was stunned, looked at Chen Dao with complicated eyes, and said, "Uncle Zhi, I also did it for the good of our Chen family! If I hadn't been forced to, how could I have made such a decision?"

Chen Dao snorted and said, "Who are you? Others don't know. How can I not know? Let me ask you, why did assassins appear in the barracks last year? How dare you say you didn't arrange them!"

Chen Yingdao: "Even if I arranged it, so what? Any person in power would do this! I only hate that I was not cruel enough to cause today's disaster, to let you soldiers come to the city, and to force me to make such a choice." !!"

When Zhou Cang heard that Chen Ying admitted what happened last year, he was furious and immediately stepped forward to ask for orders: "My lord, I ask the supervisor to kill Chen Ying!"

Feng Yao nodded and said: "Yuan Fu, I will leave this matter to you! Pull it out and execute it with Liu's family!"

Zhou Cang received the order and immediately called the guards to do the work. Chen Ying and Chen Fu saw that they were doomed, their faces turned ashen, and they collapsed to the ground. Lifting his feet, he insisted on dragging Chen Ying and Chen Fu out of the house.

The rest of the generals in the hall were also secretly afraid. They only saw Feng Yao's caring side on weekdays, but never seen Feng Yao's cold-blooded and cruel side!
Especially Cheng Gu and Wang Hu, the two yellow scarf generals, looked at Feng Yao with a lot more fear than before, and at the same time secretly rejoiced in their hearts, glad that they chose the right path and followed the right lord, otherwise Now Liu Pi's end is their end!

Although Gong Du is also a general of the Yellow Turban, but because of his special relationship with Feng Yao, he no longer has this kind of fear. Instead, he admires Feng Yao's courage in his heart, without the benevolence of a woman, he will definitely achieve great things in the future!
Feng Yao glanced at the generals standing in the hall, took the expressions of the generals into his eyes one by one, and nodded slightly.

Military advisor Xu Shu had been standing by Feng Yao's side. Feng Yao really wanted to know Xu Shu's opinion, so he turned around and asked, "Brother Yuanzhi, do you think my method of handling the case is reasonable?"

Xu Shu immediately bowed down, nodded approvingly and said, "My lord, you just act according to your ideas. As a lord, you must establish your own prestige, and you can't just look at other people's faces in everything!!"

(End of this chapter)

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