Back to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty

Chapter 151 Investigating the Terrain

Chapter 151 Investigating the Terrain
Zhang Liang looked at Feng Yao expectantly, not daring to let out a sigh of relief. Building a lake was Zhang Liang's lifelong dream. Over the years, although he was idle at home, Zhang Liang never stopped this dream. In his dreams, he often rode A small boat, rowing on the beautiful lake, or sitting in a small boat, fishing from morning to night, and bringing home a basket of fresh lake fish, you can always see the happy smile of your wife and the cheering expressions of your children.

But every time the dream always wakes up suddenly at the most beautiful time!The rest is a loss. At this time, Zhang Liang will always go to the water's edge to watch the passing fishermen or businessmen in a daze.

If this lake is created, not only Pingyu County will benefit, but Ze and half of Runan County will benefit!

Military advisor Xu Shu was also a little shocked!Five hundred million is by no means a small number! !Feng Yao didn't tell Xu Shu that he had one billion yuan in money, so when Feng Yao cast a questioning look, Xu Shu cupped his hands and said, "My lord, if you don't have enough money, you can put off building the lake first. If you have enough money, I suggest that you must Make it! If this is accomplished, we can do our best to enhance the reputation and prestige of our lord!!"


Feng Yao gritted his teeth, with an extremely determined look on his face, and said loudly.

If you can't bear the child, you can't set the wolf!
Isn't it just [-] million copper coins? It still can't empty Feng Yao's pocket!Feng Yao has one billion yuan, even if he builds a city or a lake, he can only spend seven hundred million yuan. Another two hundred million yuan is almost enough for the annual salary of fifty thousand soldiers, and there is still one hundred million yuan left!This [-] million is enough to build a batch of sophisticated equipment!
"Bokui, you must build this lake well for me! When it is completed, I will definitely add an official title to you! I will ensure that you have food and clothing for generations to come!" Feng Yao said firmly.

Hearing the sound, Zhang Liang trembled and knelt down, with tears in his eyes, choked up and said: "Your Majesty can do a feat that will benefit all people for generations. I, Zhang Liang, am willing to be a servant, and I order the descendants of my Zhang family to follow at the feet of your Majesty forever." !!"

Feng Yao was also very excited, "Bokui, if you have this heart, I believe you will live up to my expectations!"

Zhang Liang was overjoyed, wiped away his tears, and kowtowed three times to Feng Yao, "My lord! Zhang Liang will not be able to repay such kindness even if he dies!"

Feng Yao smiled and accepted Zhang Liang's big gift calmly. After Zhang Liang had called the lord, he helped Zhang Liang up, "Bokui! You will not fail me, and I will not fail you!"

Xu Shu stood aside, nodding with a smile on his face. For Feng Yao, Xu Shu is now completely in admiration. Although Feng Yao doesn't understand many aspects very well, even sometimes he doesn't pay much attention to basic etiquette, but Feng Yao always can. Let everyone feel admiration!Let everyone have a sense of peace of mind!

"Sure enough, I saw the right person! My lord will definitely be the one who can rule the world in the future!" Xu Shu thought in his heart!
After Feng Yao made up his plan to build a lake, he asked Zhang Liang to lead the way. He rode a horse and led dozens of relatives to the west of Pingyu City. He personally inspected several places mentioned by Zhang Liang. At one place, Zhang Liang pointed to rivers and lakes, and excitedly talked about his vision and the steps of how to transform it.

Feng Yao can only understand the general meaning of many plans. For example, Zhang Liang mentioned that more lakes should be built at the same time. Bring them all into the newly dug lakes, and then deepen those shallow lakes. After the lakes are basically completed, dig out the fresh water and rebuild the main river channel of the fresh water!

It is also mentioned that autumn is now, and winter will soon come, and the water in winter is dry, which is a good time to start construction, and try to complete the construction before the rainy season next year, otherwise a large amount of rainwater will pour into the newly dug lake at that time, which will cause damage to the construction site. The difficulty of the lake is multiplied!
Zhang Liang also borrowed shovels from farmers on the way, and proposed several transformation methods, which can achieve twice the result with half the effort. In addition to requiring a large number of various shovels, he also specially recommended a wooden shovel, which is used for digging. Thin mud is easier to use than a shovel. First of all, it is much lighter in weight, and it is not easy to absorb mud. It is very effective for digging shallow lakes with deep water!

Feng Yao praised Zhang Liang greatly. Although the accompanying guards Xu Chu and Dai Ling could not understand the conversation between the two, they imagined that in the future, the west of the city would become a huge lake with a radius of hundreds of miles. His eyes were shining, as if he saw the magnificent scene described by the two of them.

Along the way, sometimes it is in the deserted wilderness, sometimes it is near the village. Whenever it is near the village, it will always attract countless curious children to follow and watch. Old, to please the left and right, Feng Yaoling's subordinates claimed to be county officials, but did not explicitly say that they were prefects on patrol, and ordered county officials at all levels not to follow.

If you walk all the way, you will lose the meaning of inspection with a lot of officials in the village. Feng Yao doesn't want to waste time on these people.

Near noon, when passing through a Linhe village with more than 100 households, a farmer woman was driving a cow. When Feng Yao and others rode by on horseback, the cow was frightened and dragged the woman to the ground, and the cow ran out of the village madly.

Feng Yao was about to get off his horse to investigate, when Yang Wu stopped Feng Yao with his hand, and said in a cautious voice: "My lord, be careful of deceit!"

Yang Wu didn't allow Feng Yao to take risks, and he didn't allow Feng Yao to go there until he sent a personal attendant to check and help the peasant woman up.

Although the peasant woman fell down, seeing Feng Yao and other dozens of relatives with all the armor and weapons on her body, she dared not say anything, she could only admit that she was unlucky, and after she got up from the ground, she was worried that the cow would run away, thinking of chasing her Not enough, he sat on the ground and cried.

Feng Yao didn't expect such a thing to happen. Although people killed people on the battlefield without blinking an eye, these civilians are his own people, and they are all simple farmers. Seeing their heartbreak, Feng Yao couldn't bear it, so he ordered Xu Chu to go Call the woman over, want to ask if she is injured, and pay her some money depending on the injury.

Xu Chu complied, leaped off his horse, stomped heavily on the ground with a thump, and walked towards the peasant woman. Perhaps seeing Xu Chu's fierce appearance, or seeing Xu Chu's strong stature and fierce approach, the peasant woman screamed. , turned around and ran towards the village!
At this time, some villagers in the village had heard the news, and an old man came out with a few strong men. The old man approached and said: "I am Li Zheng here, where do you generals come from?"

The old man didn't dare to approach Feng Yao and other cavalry, but asked Xu Chu, Xu Chu didn't expect to scare the woman away, and he didn't know what to do, when he saw the old man's question, he stared and said loudly: "So you Lizheng, just right, a woman ran into the village just now, go and call her out."

Seeing Xu Chu, Li Zheng looked a little panicked, but he didn't dare to disobey Xu Chu's order, tremblingly cupped his hands and asked, "I don't know what the general wants to do with that woman?" While speaking, he glanced at Feng Yao and the others again.

Seeing this, Feng Yao was worried that Xu Chu would frighten the old man, so he rode his horse a few steps closer, stood on the horse and said, "Don't panic, old man, we are all officers and soldiers from the county town, just now I accidentally startled a woman's cow, Worried about his injury, I would like to call him to intervene and pay him some money."

(End of this chapter)

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