Chapter 173
The enemy iron cavalry had obviously recognized Feng Yao's identity!Desperately go to Feng Yao's direction!
Although Feng Yao's pressure doubled, the enemy's iron cavalry ignored an important issue. It wasn't just a hundred or so cavalry that Feng Yao killed!

[-] tiger guards had arrived at this time, with a shout of anger, several tiger guards slashed at the enemy cavalry with their swords, and there was a scream, and the ten or so cavalry in the front were caught off guard and cut off their horses.

"Get on the horse!"

The hundred-man army of a tiger guard shouted, and with a knife, he pushed away the corpse of the enemy soldier lying on the horse, and jumped up first.

The infantry turned into cavalry in an instant!
The rest of the tiger guards immediately followed suit, pulling over the captured enemy horses one after another, and riding on them.

This is the strength of the Tiger Guards. Although they are usually infantry, everyone is good at riding. On land, in water, in mountains, and in forests, there is no terrain that is difficult for the Tiger Guards!It can suddenly appear anywhere that the enemy army does not expect at any time!Unleash your best combat power!

Although several of Feng Yao's more than [-] followers were injured, none of them were injured. Coupled with the support of the tiger guards, the number of cavalry quickly exceeded [-]!Hit more and more!

Seeing this weird scene in the Zhongjun, Yan Liang took a deep breath!

Looking in another direction, Feng Yao's Xiongwei rushed behind the enemy line, forming a small team of one hundred people, and the surrounding Xiongwei put their big shields together to form an impenetrable shield wall.

More than a dozen iron cavalry shouted, and rushed towards one of the shield walls collectively, trying to smash the shield wall with their iron hooves, but only heard the sound of gold and iron when the iron hooves collided with the big shield, but the shield wall was as stable as Mount Tai .

After withstood the charge of the iron cavalry, Xiong Wei shouted angrily, pulled open a small gap in the big shield, stabbed straight out with the short halberd in his hand, or hooked the horse's leg with the halberd, and knocked down the horse. A Xiongwei saw that he made up with a halberd, and stabbed the fallen cavalry to death.

Although a single cavalry is terrifying, far more than a single bear guard, but due to the restrictions of war horses, each cavalry must be at least three feet away from another cavalry!But Xiongwei is not the case, each Xiongwei is almost person-to-person, so at the moment when the shield wall is pulled apart, each cavalry has to face the attack of more than three Xiongwei!

After charging several times, not only was none of the Xiongwei lost, but dozens of cavalrymen were lost!General Yan Liang, who commanded the five hundred iron cavalry, was shocked and hurriedly ordered the cavalry to retreat, trying to avoid this terrifying army and attack other troops that could be bullied by the cavalry.

Seeing this, Dai Ling, the commander of the Xiongwei army, shouted loudly: "Xiongweijun! Kill them, don't let the cavalry escape!"

The [-] bears were divided into fifteen small teams, and with their shields on their backs, they charged back at the iron cavalry! !
These thousand iron cavalry are Yan Liang's foundation. Although he just went out and killed more than a thousand of Feng Yao's infantry, but when the tiger guard and bear guard came up, they killed nearly two hundred iron cavalry! !

One iron cavalry is much more precious than a hundred ordinary infantry. Yan Liang hurriedly ordered Ming Jin to retreat, and the army retreated slowly. At the same time, he ordered the archers to shoot Feng Yao's pursuers.

Feng Yao was fighting vigorously, and was about to order the Tiger Guards to join them and surround the remaining [-] iron cavalrymen. When he swallowed them all in one gulp, the iron cavalrymen suddenly retreated, feeling reluctant to give up, leading his relatives and the Tiger Guards to rush forward. Go up, wanting to take advantage of the momentum to defeat Yan Liang's army in one fell swoop.

After rushing a few feet, the iron cavalry turned their horses' heads and let them go to one side, revealing a thousand infantrymen holding halberds neatly.

These are not ordinary halberd soldiers, the halberds held by ordinary halberd soldiers are only more than one zhang long, which is about the same as long spears, but the halberds held by these thousand long halberd soldiers are nearly two zhang long and almost thirty zhang long! !Thousands of long halberds pointing obliquely forward in layers, it is impossible for Xiang to charge from the front! !

Although the Tiger Guards were brave, their weapons couldn't reach the opponent at all, they could only be beaten and had no power to fight back!

This is exactly the euphorbia warrior Yan Liang was talking about! !

When Feng Yao saw it, his face changed drastically, and he hurriedly ordered the cavalry and tiger guards to retreat!But there were still more than a dozen tiger guards who rushed too fast, crashed into the formation, were stabbed wildly by the long halberds, and were smashed to pieces with spurs!He died tragically at the hands of the Euphorbia warriors.

The euphorbia warriors did not charge, but approached Feng Yaojun with their long halberds neatly upright.

Feng Yao loudly ordered the cavalry to retreat, and at the same time led the tiger guards to attack from both sides, trying to break the formation, but as soon as the tiger guards moved, the general in command of the euphorbia soldiers immediately ordered the euphorbia soldiers in the middle to take the euphorbia It formed a circle, like a hedgehog full of thorns, and could not break through from both sides!

Just when Feng Yao was about to try other methods, an order came from the rear for Ming Jin to retreat.

Seeing that Yan Liang was also ordering the army to retreat slowly and orderly, Feng Yao ordered the Tiger Guards to retreat and join the main camp, while Feng Yao personally led the cavalry to cut off the rear.

After a while, the two armies each retreated for a mile. Under the threat of the archers, the Euphorbia soldiers also retreated. Although Feng Yao's Xiongwei had the upper hand, it was useless to go deep alone. The two armies shot at each other. For the time being, stand in a stalemate.

On the battlefield between the two armies, corpses are everywhere, and the smell of blood makes you want to vomit!
The weather in September, although autumn is approaching, is still relatively warm. If the corpses of these soldiers who died in the battle are not disposed of in time, not only will it be unbearable, but they will start to rot if they are left for a long time!
It is for this reason why there are often major epidemics after the Great War!Not only will the air be polluted, but even the water sources within a radius of several miles will be polluted! !If the big river is nearby, it can even spread the plague hundreds of miles away! !

Feng Yao did not order the army to immediately retreat to the camp several miles away, but sent a dead soldier to send a message to Yan Liang that he would clean up the battlefield and take back the bodies of his own soldiers who died in battle!
Of course Yan Liang was willing to this request. If Feng Yao didn't collect the corpses, then they would have to do their best to bury them.

The two sides agreed to send a thousand servants each to enter the middle of the battlefield to transport the corpses of their own soldiers back for burial.

Except for the corpses of the generals who died in battle at the military level and above, which were to be transported back to the rear and buried separately on a separate monument, the other corpses were registered one by one after they were transported back and buried together.

In Feng Yao's battle, there were two generals above Qubu Qudu and nearly [-] soldiers!However, according to estimates, at least four members of Yan Liang's tribe were also killed, and nearly [-] soldiers were killed!There are about two hundred iron cavalry in Mieyanliang!
Nearly a hundred of Yan Liang's war horses were captured, there could have been more, but nearly half of the horses were killed by the Tiger Guards and Xiong Guards!

After the army returned to the camp, it was Shen time in the afternoon, and the soldiers who participated in the battle were already so hungry that their chests were pressed against their backs. Feng Yao ordered to cook immediately, and transported the wounded soldiers to the rear camp, and handed them over to Gong Du for treatment. Others with lesser injuries , the military doctor in the army was ordered to bandage the wound and handed over to the corresponding handyman to serve.

While dealing with the remains of the generals who died in battle, Feng Yao received information: Liu Yao, the new Han Dynasty patriarch of the imperial court, was the governor of Yangzhou, stationed in Qu'a, and his subordinates included Fan Neng, Yu Mi, Zhang Ying, Tai Shici, Shi Yi, and others. Sun Shao, Ruo Rong, Xue Li, Xu Shao, etc.

(End of this chapter)

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