Back to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty

Chapter 181 Returning triumphantly with beauty

Chapter 181 Returning triumphantly with beauty
In this battle, Gao Shun obtained countless money, food and equipment, nearly ten thousand male and female servants, and thousands of soldiers. , Yan, Suanzao, and Wuchao received surrendered troops, and Lu Bu's army strength increased to more than [-].

There are nearly 200 million shi of grain stored in Puyang City, which is enough for the soldiers and civilians in the city to eat for more than a year without running out of food!
Zang Hong, the prefect of Dongjun in Dongwuyang, learned that Feng Yao had relieved the siege of Yongqiu, and personally wrote a letter to thank Feng Yao for his kindness, and wanted to form an alliance with Feng Yao and others.

Lu Bu asked Feng Yao about his plan, Feng Yao said: "Zang Ziyuan is a righteous man in the world, father-in-law can take this opportunity to win him over!"

Lu Buyiji officially recognized Zang Hong as the prefect of Dongjun in his capacity as Yanzhou Mu.

After resting in Puyang for a day, Feng Yao was about to help his father-in-law Lu Bu capture Juyang and repel Cao Ren when he received a secret letter from Xu Shu from his scouts.

"My lord, hurry back to Fule, we have something to discuss!"

Xu Shu's letter was very short and there were no other words. Feng Yao had no choice but to put aside his plan to attack Juyang and bid farewell to Lu Bu, "Father-in-law, the war in Runan is urgent, my son-in-law must go back immediately!"

"I'm going to attack Mrs. Cao soon, why don't my son-in-law take a little longer?"

"Guo Gong is in a hurry to attack me in Runan, and my army is also in Chen State. I'm afraid there will be a rebellion in the county after a long time!" Feng Yao said.

Seeing that he couldn't keep him, Lu Bu said sternly, "My son-in-law wants to go back, and I won't force him to stay, but I have one request!"

"I must take Lingqi back with me!"

"Of order! Father-in-law!" Feng Yao was stunned for a moment, then overjoyed, he immediately agreed.

Unless Feng Yao is confused, he will refuse such a good deed!
Now that Chenliu County has been completely recovered, all the way from Puyang to Fule in Chen State is already the territory of the allies, and there will be no more danger.

Seeing that Feng Yao agreed, Lu Bu laughed happily, held a simple private ceremony for Feng Yao and Lu Lingqi, and handed Lu Lingqi to Feng Yao's hands.

After the ceremony, Feng Yao immediately got into the carriage, and before staying overnight, he took Lu Lingqi and [-] people from Huwei back to Fule City, along with Lu Lingqi's [-] servants.

From Puyang to Fule, the distance was more than 200 li. Due to the mixture of foot and horse, the speed of progress was much slower. After walking for three days, Feng Yaocai led the army back to Fule City.

Xu Shu immediately returned the command of the army, and Bo Mengjian submitted the battle report against Yan Liang.

Feng Yao took a glance, among which Yan Liang surrendered a total of 4000 soldiers, this one caught Feng Yao's attention, and asked: "I heard that Zhang Miao also sent troops in this battle, and a total of [-] troops were surrendered by one enemy. , Why are all the fourteen thousand surrendered troops in our army?"

Meng Jian said: "Zhang Miao is grateful for the help of the lord. When he learned that our army suffered too much damage during the attack, he took the initiative to give us all the surrendered troops. In addition, Zhang Miao also said that after the lord came back, There are still important things to discuss with the lord!"

Feng Yao snorted, and asked again: "Why did you capture more than a dozen horses in this big victory? Didn't Yan Liang still have nearly [-] cavalry under his command?"

"My lord, Yan Liang has no intention of fighting. All the cavalry and other personal soldiers followed Yan Liang and retreated first! Most of these more than ten war horses are the mounts of the generals who surrendered when they surrendered."

Feng Yao nodded, and calculated again, before and after the attack on Yan Liang, he lost a total of 9000 soldiers, but with [-] surrendered soldiers, the total number of soldiers directly under his command has reached [-]!
A total of more than one hundred war horses have been added!Surrender more than 30 generals under Yan Liang!

Feng Yao called Xu Shu and asked: "The military commander begged me to come back, why?"

When Xu Shu heard this, he quickly knelt down and said, "Death crime! Capital crime!"

"Yuan Zhi, get up quickly, you have made great contributions in this battle, and my reward is not in time, what is your fault?" Feng Yao rushed to help Xu Shu.

"My lord, please forgive me, my subordinates dare to stand up!" Xu Shu panicked.

Feng Yao nodded, Xu Shu stood up and said: "My lord, it's really not a big deal to ask my lord to come back this time! It's just that my subordinates are worried that my lord will be disadvantaged, so I made such a bad move! Please forgive my lord!"

"Why?" Feng Yaoqi asked.

"My lord, what kind of person do you think Lu Bu is?" Xu Shu asked.

"Tigers too!"

"Yes, my lord, my subordinates are worried that Lu Bu will regret the marriage after defeating Cao Cao and gaining the whole of Yanzhou!" Xu Shu said.

Feng Yao was taken aback, and thought: "No way? Even if Lu Bu gets Yanzhou, so what, without my help, he can beat Yuan Shao?" But Feng Yao thinks carefully, it may not be impossible for him to regret the marriage!What if?
"My lord!" Xu Shu said again, "However, I didn't expect that my lord would bring back Lv Bu's daughter this time! It's because my subordinates are worrying too much!" Xu Shu said ashamedly.

Feng Yao laughed, patted Xu Shu on the shoulder, nodded in appreciation and said: "Yuan Zhi, although I don't think Lu Bu will regret the marriage, but in terms of facts, your approach to this matter is very right! Although we have won some victories, but Don’t take anything lightly! Even if it’s a one in ten thousand possibility, you have to be careful, otherwise, if you make a wrong step, you will regret it for the rest of your life!”

Excitement appeared on Xu Shu's face, and he said loudly, "My lord is wise!"

Feng Yao appeased and praised Xu Shu again, and then ordered all the generals above the tribunal to be summoned, including the surrendered generals who had just surrendered, and rewarded them for their meritorious deeds. , The reward was given to all the soldiers in the army, and the whole army cheered, vowing to support Feng Yao to the death.

All the surrendered generals also looked excited, thinking that Feng Yao is the master of the Ming Dynasty, and each swore to follow Feng Yao, calling Feng Yao the lord!
Afterwards, Feng Yao summoned his confidants to discuss the matter and made the latest arrangement, and said to Wei Yan: "Mr. Wen, I heard that everyone in your hometown, Yiyang, likes to practice martial arts. I want to go there and secretly recruit a group of elite soldiers." , who do you think is the most suitable?"

Wei Yan immediately replied: "You can send Deng Xuanmao back for this matter. Xuanmao is a famous general in my dynasty, and his reputation in my hometown is much higher than mine!"

Feng Yao summoned Deng Yang again, and Deng Yang was willing to go.

"Does Xuan Mao know why I asked you to recruit soldiers?" Feng Yao asked intentionally.

Deng Yang said loudly: "Yiyang and Langling are only separated by a mountain. My lord wants to order my subordinates to attack Langling Li Tong!"

Feng Yao was overjoyed when he saw that Deng Yang was able to understand immediately. He immediately appointed him as the Sima of another department, and ordered Deng Yang to go to Shenyang to find Ji Ling first, and discuss the matter of recruitment!

Then he said to Wei Yan: "Master Wen, the person you recommended is really good!"

Only then did Deng Yang know that Wei Yan had recommended him, he was very moved, and thanked Wei Yan repeatedly.


In Feng Yao's mansion in Fule, Feng Yao had just returned to the bedroom and was about to rest when he heard Dai Ling arguing with a woman outside the door.

"My lord is resting inside, no one should disturb you!" Dai Ling, who was guarding outside the door, shouted.

"My lady wants to see Mr. Feng, let me in quickly, if you don't let me out, I will be rude!"

"Who are you? What's the matter? Report it! I can tell it for you! But if you want to force your way in, I'll take your life immediately!" Dai Ling said angrily.

As soon as Feng Yao heard that there was a quarrel, he immediately came out to see that it was Liu Zhaodi, Lu Lingqi's personal guard commander!

(End of this chapter)

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