Back to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty

Chapter 187 Say goodbye to old brothers and meet again

Chapter 187 Say goodbye to old brothers and meet again

Feng Yao declared to the outside world that he took over Yuzhou as a state pastor, and he had the official seal of the former governor Guo Gong. All the family members moved to Ruyin City.

Then Feng Yao summoned Xun You, Governor of Yingchuan, and Li Tong, Lieutenant of Langling, to Ruyin to discuss matters in the name of governor, and invited them to attend his wedding in his own name.

Feng Yao had already planned that if the two dared to come, they would send assassins to kill them on the way without waiting until they reached Ruyin City. kill.

If the two refused to come, after the wedding, they would just use this as an excuse to ask the teacher for their crimes. Ling, Zhou Cang, who stationed troops in Dingying, can immediately send troops to besiege Li Tong.

Feng Yao also sent people to order Gongdu who was stationed in Fule and Chen Dao who was stationed in Ruyang to order the second general to keep an eye on Yingchuan at any time and prepare to send troops.

Although Yuan Si of Chen State was appointed by his father Yuan Xin, Feng Yao also sent someone to send a message asking Yuan Si to help him. If Ying Chuan rebelled, he could send troops to attack immediately!

Feng Yao studied the current form of Yuzhou. On the outskirts of Yuzhou are Sili directly under the imperial court, Yanzhou in the north, Jingzhou in the west, Xuzhou in the east, and Yangzhou in the south. There are five major powers in total.

Although there is still Cao Cao in Yanzhou, he has been suppressed by Lu Bu, and Cao Cao and his territory are in the east of Yanzhou, which do not intersect with Yuzhou, so they cannot threaten Feng Yao for the time being.

Si Li doesn't have to worry, as long as he has a good relationship with Li Jue, Feng Yao can do whatever he wants in Kanto.

Yangzhou was Yuan Shu's territory, even if Liu Yao was in Qu'a, according to history, Liu Yao was quickly defeated by Sun Ce.

Xuzhou Liu Bei plots the world, maintains neutrality with all parties, sits and watches tigers fight, wants to reap the benefits of fishermen, and will not take the initiative to attack any party for the time being.

Liu Biao in Jingzhou's main force is in the Xiangyang area. Whether it is from Nanyang County, or over the Funiu Mountain, Dabie Mountain and other mountains to attack Yuzhou, there is no possibility of a surprise attack. Feng Yao has enough time to prepare for the battle, and Liu Biao was devoted to defending the imperial court, and was ordered to attack Liu Yan, the shepherd of Yizhou who had rebelled against the imperial court.

Liu Biao sent Liu He to rebel against Liu Zhang's generals Shen Mi, Lou Fa, and Gan Ning, but the three generals were defeated and fled back to Jingzhou.

Liu Yan was in a hurry and scolded Liu Biao angrily. Instead of helping Liu's royal family, he obeyed the thieves who controlled the government. In addition, his second son attacked Li Jue in Chang'an and was killed. Liu Yan was distraught and fell ill in bed.

Suffering this defeat, Liu Biao and Liu Yan have become incompatible, and they are facing enemies on three sides.

First Side, West, Yizhou
Liu Yan appointed Zhao Wei as Zhengdong Zhonglang General, led his troops to attack Liu Biao, and stationed troops in Quren County in Badong County!

second side, south

Although Liu Biao surrendered Kuai Yue, Cai Mao, etc., he could only control the three counties of Nanyang, Nan, and Jiangxia.

Wuling County, Changsha County, Guiyang County, and Lingling County south of the Yangtze River in Jingzhou, relying on the natural dangers of the Yangtze River and the barriers of heavy mountains, each of the four counties secretly has the heart of dominating one side, and is ready to move!

Third Side, East, Yangzhou
After Sun Ce pacified Lujiang County, Yuan Shu could send troops from Lujiang County at any time to attack Xiangyang where Liu Biao was located!To avenge the defeat of Kuangting back then!
Liu Biao's east, south and west sides are all enemies!How dare to move?

On the other hand, Feng Yao's Yuzhou has unknowingly become the most blessed state!If you want to attack, extend in all directions, you can attack all directions at any time, and if you want to cultivate your health, it's all right!
Feng Yao is now short of an official appointment from the court, and then he needs to remove the thorns in his eyes Xun You and Li Tong.


The day of the big wedding was fixed on October [-]th. The location was Pingyu City, the renovated Taolin Residence, and Feng Yao's private residence, Feng Mansion, which was built around the Taolin Residence.

After the invitations from all parties were sent out, Feng Yao led his troops into Ruyin.

Lu Fan, Xu Xian, Wen Xun, Hu Fen, Xun Zheng and other generals were overjoyed and came to see him one after another.

This is the first time Feng Yao has returned to Ruyin City since he left Ruyin to fight against Runan.

Three months ago, Feng Yao and other cautious and cautious leaders set out from here. Facing the unknown ending, they set off resolutely. When they met again three months later, Feng Yao was already the lord of Yuzhou, with nearly [-] troops!

Subdued Gongdu, beheaded Liu Pi, received Wei Yan and Xu Shu, and built two armies of Tiger Guard and Xiong Guard.

He also defeated Yan Liang, robbed Wuchao, rescued Zhang Chao's family in Yongqiu, and relieved Lu Bu's trap.

Take Liang Guo, attack Pei Guo, kill Guo Gong, take the position of governor and replace him.

Build lakes and cities, build colleges and medical centers, and invite the peerless famous doctor Hua Tuo to seek happiness for the people.

Marrying Lu Lingqi and Gong Yinglian as wives, the romance spreads her reputation and makes the world envy!

When Lu Fan saw Feng Yaozhi again, his vision was very different, like an older brother watching his brother return with glory, very happy!
"My lord! You are finally back!"

Feng Yao nodded vigorously, patted Lu Fan on the shoulder, laughed and said, "Brother Ziheng, I'll wait until I get drunk today!"

Lu Fan laughed and said, "I've prepared the banquet, and I'm just waiting for the lord's order!"

Xu Chu, Dai Ling, Yang Wu and other generals who were acquainted with Lu Fan stepped forward one after another, had a laughing chat with Lu Fan, and introduced Xu Shu, Wei Yan, Wang Hu, etc. to Lu Fan one by one to get to know each other.

Feng Yao saw that it was rare for everyone to have such a festive day, and the wedding was approaching, so he loudly ordered: "The whole army celebrates three days! All soldiers will be rewarded with an extra one thousand!!"

Everyone was pleasantly surprised, but Xu Shu and Lu Fan were shocked and slightly worried about this.

It's not the first time I've seen Feng Yao's big handwriting, but it's usually rewarded with a hundred coins, now it's a thousand coins, the whole army plus the Ruyin City garrison, there are almost 5000 people, now it's [-] million coins !But the recent siege of cities and counties only got less than [-] million yuan!

"My lord! Save money! There will be a big wedding later, so I need more!" Xu Shu hurriedly stepped forward and whispered.

Feng Yao smiled slightly, and said in a low voice: "Yuan Zhi, the reward of one thousand this time is actually just to appease the surrendered soldiers in the name of a big wedding."

"My lord is wise! Yuan Zhi understands!" Xu Shu suddenly realized, bowed his hands to Feng Yao, and expressed his admiration.

Lu Fan also asked, Feng Yao replied in the same way, and Lu Fan also respected him.

On that day, the city of Ruyin celebrated with joy, Feng Yao summoned his former brothers, Xu Xian, Liu Shun, Zhao Wang, Dai Ling, and more than a hundred relatives to drink and talk in the courtyard of the mansion, each sighing endlessly!It wasn't until late in the day that they went back separately.

Xu Chu was very drunk, Feng Yao summoned Dai Ling, helped Xu Chu back to his room to rest, and Lu Fan chatted alone until late at night before the banquet ended.

Lu Fan was also a little drunk, Feng Yao summoned Lu Fan's wife and ordered her to help Lu Fan back, fortunately it was in the backyard, not too far away.

Not long after, Lu Fan's wife came to see him, and saw that he was mediocre in appearance, and although there was no big mistake in his conversation, there was nothing outstanding about it. Feng Yao was shocked and asked Lu Fan's subordinates: "Lu Duyou is in charge of the ten counties in the east. to a wonderful wife?"

His subordinates said: "Lu Duyou didn't want to indulge himself in beauty, and he married this wife for fear of failing the lord's great trust!"

Feng Yao asked again: "Even if you don't want to be obsessed with beauty, you can still marry a woman from a scholar's family. You should be more or less educated. Why did you marry this village woman!"

(End of this chapter)

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