Back to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty

Chapter 193 It's Wonderful To Be An Ancient Man

Chapter 193 It's Wonderful To Be An Ancient Man
Mrs. Wu was very happy with Feng Yao's initiative to propose marriage, and immediately agreed to Feng Yao's request, and also expressed her willingness to settle down in Runan.

There were ten maidservants and ten guards accompanying Mrs. Wu. After seeing Lu Lingqi's two hundred maidservants, Sun Shangxiang made up her mind to learn from Lu Lingqi and train the two hundred maidservants. Absolute loyalty is required, and at the same time it is required to be beautiful.

Lu Lingqi had two hundred maidservants with vicious looks, Sun Shangxiang wanted to do the opposite, and vowed to train two hundred maidservants with beautiful looks.

October [-]th, three days before the big wedding.

At this time Feng Yao has returned to Pingyu City.

The city wall of Pingyu City is still under construction. The newly built Pingyu City is built directly across Yingshui. At the entrance of Yingshui through the city, dozens of tall water villages are located outside the city. Among the great lakes, the name of the artificial lake has been decided, named Xiru Lake.

Yingchuan Xunyou excused himself from the imperial court to exterminate the bandits in Funiu Mountain, so he did not attend the appointment.

Langling Li Tong sent someone to report that he was suddenly ill and could not come, but in order to express his congratulations, he sent someone to send a thousand bolts of silk cloth, 1000 taels of gold and a box of jewels.

On October [-]th, county magistrates from various counties in Runan County sent people or came to Pingyu City in person, and presented generous gifts. In addition to the usual gifts such as money, grain, cloth, and servants, some counties also offered to send money. Iron, armor, horses, weapons, feather arrows and other war preparations.

After Feng Yao received it, Xinxi nodded secretly, and ordered Cang Cao to register the quantity in detail and write down the names of these county magistrates.

Those who sent Feng Yao's combat equipment can be seen from the side, the degree of loyalty of these county magistrates to Feng Yao shows that they all hope that Feng Yao will become stronger.

Zhiyue, the county magistrate of Xiyang County, arrived and offered money to Feng Yao, and brought fifty beautiful maidservants to Feng Yao, and nearly 5000 million in money.

Feng Yao said happily, "Brother Ziqing knows me too!"

Sun Shangxiang has been entangled with headaches for the past few days, clamoring every day to build the world's first army of beautiful women, but after searching, she only found more than 30 who met her requirements. With Zhiyue's fifty beauties A maidservant can come in handy, and the loyalty of those chosen by Zhiyue is basically guaranteed.

Zhiyue respectfully reported to Feng Yao the results of governing Xiyang County. Feng Yao was very satisfied after hearing this, and thought that Zhiyue was basically qualified for the post of prefect, so he said to Zhiyue: "Unexpectedly, Brother Ziqing is not only good at scheming, Being an official is also very handy, my father has basically controlled Lujiang County, and there is a lack of a prefect, why don't I go and ask for Brother Ziqing?"

Zhi Yue shook her head and said, "This subordinate is unknown and immoral. If I serve as the prefect, I'm afraid I won't be able to convince the public, but I hope that I will be the official of Lujiang County first! Then I will gradually get the prefect position with my real skills!"

Feng Yao agrees.

On the [-]th, Lu Bu sent Cao Xing to protect Mrs. Yan and others to Pingyu because he couldn't get away from the battle in Yanzhou.

On the same day, Mrs. Feng also arrived in Pingyu, and this time she brought nearly a hundred carefully selected beautiful maidservants from the water village, who were going to hand them over to Gong Yinglian to enrich Feng Yao's backyard. Yi stayed, and the rest were handed over to Sun Shangxiang for training.

Sun Shangxiang was overjoyed, and talked about Gong Yinglian's sister, so sweet that his mother, Mrs. Wu, was even envious.

Father-in-law Lu Bu and father Yuan Shu couldn't come, which made Feng Yao feel a little regretful, and knew that the two elders really couldn't get away from the current situation.

Chen Guoxiang Yuan Si, Liang Guoxiang Cheng Gu, Pei Guoxiang Shu Shao and others all came in person.

Although Xuzhou Mu Liu Bei also received Feng Yao's invitation, he did not come, but sent a military marquis to send some silk cloth, gold and silver, and then went back.

Liu Biao of Jingzhou did not respond at all and ignored Feng Yao's invitation.

The prefect of Chenliu, Zhang Miao, did not come in person, but he sent his younger brother Zhang Chao, and Feng Yao gasped for the great gift he brought!
Zhang Chao brought a total of a thousand small boats, each of which was filled with grain, cloth, male and female servants, money, and a large amount of excellent equipment, most of which were captured from Yan Liang's army.

All the well-known celebrities, businessmen, chivalrous men, and powerful people in Runan County received Feng Yao's invitation, and they dared not not come, and they did not dare to give less gifts, but most of them were money and food. , cloth, male and female servants, etc.

On the evening of the [-]th, Meng Jian rushed back from Chang'an and brought good news to Feng Yao. The imperial court officially appointed Feng Yao as the governor of Yuzhou, and he was promoted to be the chief of the great concubine. It's time.

Although this time did not achieve the position of Yuzhou Shepherd that Feng Yao expected, but with this official position of Governor, it is actually almost the same as the State Shepherd.

In the evening, after there were no more new guests, his subordinates sent a gift list. Feng Yao looked at it and was very happy.

A total of money was received, equivalent to more than 5000 million copper coins, nearly 60 stones of grain and grass, and more than [-] male and female slaves, including nearly [-] female slaves.

More than 1 pieces of cloth, [-] horses, more than [-] sets of armor, [-] ships, [-] jin of iron, [-] jin of copper, [-] pieces of wood, [-] jin of salt, etc.

October [-]

On the same day, Feng Yao announced that Pingyu County would be exempted from taxes for one year, and the prisoners in the prefecture and county government in Pingyu City would be amnesty, and the people in Pingyu City would run and cheer.

Another hundred subordinates with outstanding military exploits were selected, regardless of whether they had wives or not, all of them were rewarded with an outstanding unmarried woman as a wife or concubine, and they could hold a wedding with Feng Yao.

In addition, the nearly [-] female slaves obtained were specially given to those who had no wives as wives, and money and food were taken out to support the families of the soldiers who died on the battlefield.

In short, almost everyone in the entire Pingyu City congratulated Feng Yao and shared the joy with Feng Yao!

Mrs. Feng, Mrs. Yan, and Mrs. Wu, three noble ladies, personally dressed Lu Lingqi and Gong Yinglian.

As for Feng Yao's other, Sun Shangxiang, who only had a marriage contract, although he finally got together two hundred beautiful maidservants, but when he saw that the two sisters were so happy, he quit immediately and ran into the arms of Mrs. Feng and Mrs. Yan, crying loudly, also To marry Feng Yao immediately.

Mrs. Feng also likes Sun Shangxiang very much, so after discussing with Mrs. Yan, Mrs. Wu and Gong Du's wife, they came up with a compromise solution, agreeing to hold the wedding together with Sun Shangxiang, but the consummation time can be postponed by three months. year.

Sun Shangxiang was overjoyed, and immediately dressed up too.

However, Feng Yao didn't know about this change at this time, and when the wedding was about to take place, he asked Mrs. Feng: "Mother, where is Sister Shangxiang?", worried that Sun Shangxiang would be unhappy, and wanted to comfort her.

Mrs. Feng said with a smile: "Yao'er, don't worry, she will look for you in a while!"

Lu Lingqi and Gong Yinglian's mother explained to her daughter in detail the specific method of consummating the house and the things that should be paid attention to. Even if Feng Yao doesn't know anything about the house, it doesn't matter, it can be guaranteed to go smoothly.

During the wedding, Mrs. Feng did not appear in public as Feng Yao's mother, but only accepted the kneeling worship of Feng Yao and the three wives in private.

Feng Yao was about to ask why there were three wives, when Mrs. Feng told the truth, Feng Yao was overjoyed, of course he was willing to accept such a good thing.

The whole wedding started at noon and lasted until evening. After being sent to the bridal chamber, Feng Yao looked at the three wives who were as beautiful as gods, and sighed that being an "ancient man" is really the most wonderful thing in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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