Chapter 205
"Yes, I heard that Zhou Cang is brave but not scheming, and he came here bravely this time, so he must be unprepared. If Feng Yao's army arrives, there will be no such good opportunity!" Li Song said.

Li Tong thought about it for a while, and finally snorted coldly: "Like a father, like a son! Tonight, I took the head of Zhou Cang, a black man, to pay homage to my brother!"

Although Langling City lost 5000 troops in the last battle with Ji Ling, in the past two days, some rout troops from Wufang and Yang'an were collected, and the defensive strength in the city remained at around [-]!

The 5000 people are mostly elite soldiers under Li Tong. If they stick to Langling, it will not be difficult to guard Langling for a month.

A month later, into December, the weather will be even colder.

Tens of thousands of troops are stationed in the wild, and disease and cold alone will cause a lot of attrition.


Xiangyang City, South County of Jingzhou

After Zhao Yan, the former magistrate of Langling County fled to Yingchuan, he persuaded Xun You to ask Liu Biao to send troops to help him.

After receiving the envoy sent by Yingchuan Xunyou, Liu Biao gathered the people to discuss: "The governor of Yuzhou, Feng Yao, joined forces with Yuan Shu, which is already not good for our Jingzhou. Now Feng Yao is leading the army to attack Li Tong, what should we do?"

Kuai Yue, the prefect of Nanxiang County, said: "Since we have received Xun Yingchuan's invitation, it is justified, the Lord should send troops! Otherwise, if Yingchuan falls into Feng Yao's hands, I am afraid that his next target will be Nanyang County!"

Cai Mao, the prefect of Nanjun, said: "My subordinates also agree to send troops, but my lord, it is best to send troops to Langling first, break Li Tong's siege, use Li Tong to contain the main force of Feng Yao's army, and then send troops to Yingchuan, and from Yingchuan to help Xun You attack Runan!"

Liu Biao said: "You guys are right. I think we should go both ways. Yingchuan and Langling must not be lost! But Jingzhou is hostile on three sides, and only Nanyang County can send troops to help. I don't know who to send for the other way. Is it good for the general?"

"The subordinate has a plan!" Kuai Yue suddenly thought of something, and immediately said.

"What's the trick for the different degrees?" Liu Biao asked.

"Shen Mi, Lou Fa, Gan Ning, etc. are all bandits. Since they fled to Jingzhou after the defeat, they have been domineering in Nanyang County in the name of the lord, forcibly expropriating money and grain. The slaves of money and food are fine, if they don’t obey, they will order their soldiers to plunder and leave, and the people will complain a lot wherever they go!”

"My lord, why don't you take this opportunity to order the three generals to send troops to Langling, so that they can be sent away. If we win, it's gratifying. If Feng Yao beheads me, it will be regarded as a disaster for me in Jingzhou. This will be good for my lord's reputation Very beneficial!" Kuai Yue said.

Liu Biao agreed with Kuaiyue's strategy, and sent Nanyang Weiwenpin to lead [-] Nanyang troops out of Wancheng, passed through Duyang, and crossed Ye County, and finally stationed troops in the south ancient city of Wuyang County, which is only a Wuyang road away from Xiping County in Runan County. separated by water.

He also ordered Shen Mi, Lou Fa, Gan Ning and others to lead the troops and horses of the headquarters, borrow food from Biyang, cross Funiu Mountain, and assist Li Tong in Langling.


Zhou Cang didn't know that Liu Biao had sent troops secretly, but his presence did not prevent Zhou Cang from attacking Langling. At this time, Liu Biao's two reinforcements had just set off, and it would take three days at the earliest to reach Langling.

As soon as it got dark, Zhou Cang's soldiers secretly made several traps in front of the camp, and covered them with unmelted snow from other places.

He also made straw men, put them on in cloth armor, and placed them in various places in the camp, pretending to be soldiers who watch the night.

Finally, the army retreated for a mile, set up the camp again, and ordered the archers to lie down around the front camp, waiting for Li Tong to send troops to rob the camp!
At night, until the third watch, there was still no movement outside. After waiting for another hour, it was almost the end of the fourth watch.

Zhou Cang said: "Persist for another hour. If the enemy still doesn't attack after the fifth watch, it's not too late for me to go to rest. If I go to sleep at this time, once the enemy arrives, I will lose my head!"

All the soldiers were frightened, and their spirits were greatly lifted.

Just after the fourth watch and when the fifth watch arrived, the north gate, west gate, east gate, and three gates of Langling City were quietly opened.

In the darkness, the faint moonlight reflected the color of the snow. Although the distance could not be seen clearly, the shadows within tens of feet were still indistinguishable.

From each of the three gates of Langling City, about [-] elite soldiers came out quietly.

Facing the north gate of Langling, the nearest army to Zhoucang camp was led by Li Tong himself, and the three thousand soldiers were all composed of archers.

The west gate and the east gate are led by Li Song and Li Fan respectively, and are composed of sword and shield soldiers and pike soldiers.

The [-] soldiers of the three sects were all elite soldiers. In addition, Li Tong had also deployed [-] archers on the top of the city near the north gate. If Zhou Cang dared to chase the city, these archers would be able to play a role.

Unexpectedly, when the appointed time came, Li Tong laughed loudly, and ordered the archers lying outside the city gate to rush forward and shoot randomly at Zhou Cang's camp.

Three thousand soldiers, one wave of shooting is three thousand arrows, after three waves, there are nine thousand arrows, even if half of these nine thousand arrows hit, it is enough to kill more than four thousand enemies! !

At this time, Li Song and Li Fan's two armies on the left and right suddenly rushed out, shouting and killing, Li Tong hurriedly ordered the archers to retreat and retreat into the city, preparing to wait for the good news.

Zhou Cang was lying in the dark at this time, seeing Li Song and Li Fan leading the army rushing, he was secretly happy, and immediately the archers prepared, but he was not allowed to make a sound.

At this time, suddenly the earth trembled, and the enemy soldiers stepped into the trap, and hundreds of people screamed and fell into the pit!

"Shoot!!!!" Zhou Cang roared, pulled the longbow in his hand, and shot the first arrow.

This arrow was a loud arrow, with a howling sound, it suddenly cut through the night sky, which was extremely ear-piercing.

"Kill!! Kill!!"

All the archers in ambush roared in unison, and shot arrows in unison.

When the rain of arrows fell, Li Song and Li Fanjun, who robbed the camp, were thrown into chaos, and hundreds of people were killed by the arrows in the blink of an eye.

"It's bad! It's been tricked!! The enemy has an ambush! Withdraw quickly, retreat to the north gate and enter the city!" Li Song shouted.

At this time, Zhou Cang's army was attacked by another wave of arrows, but this time he was prepared, Li Song's army was already prepared, and he had already raised his shield, but the arrow rain only took the lives of dozens of people.

The situation on Li Fan's side is similar to that on Li Song's side.

After three rains of arrows, it didn't have much effect, and the bows and arrows in ambush stopped shooting as agreed.

Zhou Cang's subordinates led the infantry and rushed out from all over the place. The killing sound was several times louder than before, as if tens of thousands of people roared at the same time.

This is also Zhou Cang's strategy. Zhou Cang's headquarters has only [-] soldiers, and the elite soldiers are less than [-] after excluding miscellaneous labor and supplies. All defeats!
Sure enough, there was a burst of roaring, killing sounds everywhere, flames everywhere, and dense banners, not only Li Song and Li Fan were frightened, Li Tong who had just retreated into the city was also startled, and said in surprise: "This must be Feng Yao's!" The army has arrived!! Not good, order Li Song and Li Fan to quickly retreat to the city!"

(End of this chapter)

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