Back to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty

Chapter 217 You Should Be Happy For Mrs. Sun

Chapter 217 You Should Be Happy For Mrs. Sun
Then came the news that made Feng Yao even more mad:
"Zhang Fei led [-] troops to Suiling, where Surabaya and Huai River meet!"

"Cao Cao has regrouped [-] troops and stationed them in Fan County!"

"The two generals Yan Liang and Zhang He have captured Dunqiu in Dongjun and Weiguo counties!"

"Liu Yao, governor of Yangzhou, defeated Sun Ce and Wu Jing, the prefect of Danyang, and stationed in Danyang!"

A sense of oppression like a mountain rain is coming and the wind is full of the building hangs like Mount Tai hanging above his head, which makes Feng Yao breathless!
Must become stronger as soon as possible! !Let's kill the easiest one first! ! !
"Yang Wu, order all the generals above the school lieutenant level to discuss military affairs in the conference hall! I want them to know what strength is!!" Feng Yao said angrily.

In less than half an hour, all the generals in Pingyu arrived.

Feng Yao focused on the situation facing Yuzhou, and the generals were startled and angry, shouting that they must first pacify Jingzhou, and then destroy Liu Daer!
Only Gan Ning remained silent for a while.

Feng Yao glanced around, saw the situation, and asked Gan Ning, "Xingba, everyone wants to pacify Jingzhou, why don't you speak?"

Gan Ning cupped his hands and said, "My lord, I used to be a general under Liu Biao. If I tell the truth, people may misunderstand that I still miss my old lord. Don't believe what I said. If I tell lies, it will be bad for my lord, so it is inconvenient to speak up." !"

"Xingba, but please speak up!" Feng Yao said.

"That's right, Xingba, I have already regarded you as a brother, what else is there to dare not say between brothers? Even if you and I have different opinions, what's the problem?" Xu Chu said.

Yang Wu, Dai Ling and other generals all nodded their heads in agreement with Xu Chu.

Gan Ning bowed his hands gratefully, and finally bowed respectfully to Feng Yao, saying: "My lord, Jingzhou is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Although nearly [-] troops have been dispatched, it does not pose much threat to Yuzhou!"

"Huh?" Xu Chu and the others were taken aback for a moment, they didn't expect Gan Ning to say something completely opposite to everyone's opinion, but since he said something first, it was not easy to question Xu Chu.

Feng Yao saw the reactions of the generals, and asked with a smile: "Xingba, according to your words, how should our army retreat from the enemy?"

"My lord, if you trust Ning, add three thousand troops to Ning, and Ning will send out new troops. Although Huang Zu has many soldiers, he dare not attack again after hearing my name! And to the west are Zhou Duyou, Chen Duyou, Wei Xiaowei, and Wang Xiao. Wei has 6 soldiers, and Wenpin, Lou Gui, Xun You and others only have more than [-] soldiers, even if they send troops, they can only return without success!" Gan Ning said.

Everyone disagreed, thinking that no matter how brave Gan Ning was, he was no match for Xu Chu, and that only [-] soldiers could fight against Huang Zu's [-] troops?
Feng Yao saw that there was no progress in the military discussion, so he ordered all the generals to retreat temporarily and discuss again in the afternoon.

After the generals withdrew, Xu Shu said, "My lord, I think Gan Ning's analysis is correct. If our army fights Liu Biao, it will be difficult to take Jingzhou in a short time. If Lu Bu and Zang Hong cannot withstand Yuan Shao and Cao Cao's coalition forces, At that time, if Liu Bei from Xuzhou is added, I am afraid that Yuzhou will be in danger!"

Feng Yaoqi said: "Yuanzhi, didn't you prefer to attack Jingzhou last time?"

Xu Shu said: "My lord, at this time, at that time, as my lord said last time, the situation in the world is changing rapidly. Years ago, Yuan Shu still occupied Danyang, and Liu Bei didn't dare to move. Now Liu Yao, the governor of Yangzhou, has defeated Wu Jing and Sun Ce. , until Liu Bei dared to attack Jiujiang County!"

"That's right! But this time Liu Bei's appetite is really not small. He actually divided his troops into two groups. One side wants to take Peiguo, and the other side wants to attack my father's Jiujiang County with Liu Yao! I really don't want to teach him a lesson! No!! This This time, I just took advantage of him to divide the troops and wipe out Liu Bei in one fell swoop!" Feng Yao was angrily.

"My lord, that's exactly what Yuan Zhi meant!" Xu Shu said happily.

Feng Yao chuckled, he already had a preliminary countermeasure in his mind, and discussed with Xu Shu again to finalize the plan.

Finally, when he was about to leave the table for lunch, Xu Shu hesitated for a while, and said solemnly: "If you attack Xuzhou, do you want to consider disclosing your background?"

Feng Yao's heart moved, "In the past, the strength was not stable, and hiding one's identity could indeed achieve unexpected surprise effects, but right now, it's already a war between the princes, and if you want to win, you must have a full alliance with your father, Yuan Shu. On the contrary, status is more conducive to improving the morale of all parties! In addition, the wives and concubines are already nearly two months pregnant. In the future, the child will..., and Sun Ce, if he wants to defeat Liu Yao, his father will definitely take away what Sun Jian left behind. Hand over the old department to Sun Ce, I am afraid that Sun Ce will never return from now on, if I..., will Sun Ce restrain himself?"

Xu Shu smiled without saying a word, and walked away with his hands folded.

"Disclosing my identity to the world? Uh..., it seems to be a bit expected!" Feng Yao secretly thought, but immediately thought of another question: "I can only reveal my identity. I am now leading Yuzhou under Feng Yao's name. If I change my surname to Yuan immediately, I'm afraid it will just give the enemy an excuse to attack me!"

After making up his mind, during lunch, Feng Yao specially asked Sun Shangxiang to invite Mrs. Wu and Sun Ren to have dinner together, and emphasized: "You are not allowed to dress up like Sun Ren!"

Sun Shangxiang put on a grimace and responded loudly: "My husband, don't worry! I obey!"

This is not because Feng Yao is superfluous, once Sun Shangxiang deliberately dressed up like Sun Ren, and deliberately imitated Sun Ren's demeanor.

As a result, Feng Yao almost made a joke. Fortunately, Feng Yao smelled a different smell on his body, so he realized that he had been fooled. So after that time, in order to avoid abnormal orientation in the future, Feng Yao arranged another set for Mrs. Wu to approach Feng Yao. The courtyard of the government.

Mrs. Wu, Sun Ren, and Sun Shangxiang didn't know Feng Yao's real identity, and Feng Yao kept it secret all the time, worrying that Mrs. Wu would leave Pingyu after learning his identity.

Mrs. Wu is not the biological mother of Sun Ce and Sun Quan, but the younger sister of Sun Ce and Sun Quan's biological mother, so she can represent the Sun family to congratulate Feng Yao on his wedding.

Mrs. Wu and Sun Quan were still living in Jiangdu County, Guangling County, Xuzhou at this time, and local celebrity Zhang Hong took care of their family members on behalf of Sun Ce.

During the meal, Feng Yao observed Mrs. Wu's expression from time to time. After the meal, Mrs. Wu asked with a smile, "Does my son-in-law have anything to say?"

Feng Yao nodded, and moved away from the left and right, leaving only Lu Lingqi, Gong Yinglian, Sun Shangxiang, and Sun Ren, Madam Wu please sit down.

"Mother-in-law, my son-in-law's real surname is Yuan, and his name is Yuan Yao. He is the son-in-law of General Zuo and Yangdi Hou Yuan Gongshu!" Feng Yao said.

After Feng Yao said these words, Mrs. Wu's expression was startled, she looked at her proud son-in-law in horror, her expression changed several times, and finally she let out a big breath and smiled.

Lu Lingqi and Gong Yinglian didn't expect Feng Yao to say this suddenly, they looked at Feng Yao in surprise, then at Madam Wu, but they didn't say anything, this matter was their husband's idea, although they didn't inform them in advance, but as wives, What the two of them can do at this time is to safeguard the dignity of their husband.

Sun Ren is still a teenager at heart, and he doesn't quite understand how much this has to do with it. Although he was a little surprised, he didn't pay much attention to it. He glanced at his mother and saw that his mother was very moved. Sun Ren was more concerned about the health of his mother, Mrs. Wu. situation.

Sun Shangxiang was also taken aback at first, seeing Madam Wu moved, she pulled Madam Wu's arm, and asked with concern: "Mother, are you okay?"

Madam Wu lowered her head and smiled, hugged Sun Shangxiang and Sun Ren from left to right, and said with a happy smile: "Mother is fine! It's too late for mother to be happy. Good morning, Shangxiang, you should be happy for the Sun family!"

(End of this chapter)

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