Back to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty

Chapter 222 We are willing to die

Chapter 222 We are willing to die
"My lord! There is an urgent military situation!" Suddenly Liu Shun rushed to the big tent and reported.

Feng Yao glanced left and right, then there were several relatives waiting in the tent, but all of them were Feng Yao's cronies!

"What information?" Feng Yao asked anxiously.

"My subordinates found out that Guan Yu is leading an army of [-] to return to Xiapi City, and he will arrive early tomorrow morning at the latest!" Liu Shun said.

"Okay!! Liu Shun, check again, and report the status of Guan Yu's army every two quarters!" Feng Yao said.

Liu Shun took the order and went there in a hurry.

Xu Shu and Lu Fan also heard it clearly, and their expressions changed drastically.

Xu Shu cupped his hands and said, "Master, it's not too late, please make a quick decision!"

It seems that it is best to attack Xiapi City before dawn tomorrow, otherwise Guan Yu will lead the army and it will be even more difficult to take Xiapi!
Feng Yaojing thought for a while, there was indeed an incident in history where Cao Bao betrayed Liu Bei, but it was Cao Bao who welcomed Lu Bu to take Xuzhou, but now this happened to him!
Is Cao Bao worthy of trust?
"Yang Wu, go tell Cao Bao's cronies to come in, I've made up my mind! Cooperate with Cao Bao inside and outside, and break through Xiapi!" Feng Yao's eyes are firm, and his tone cannot be questioned by anyone.

After a while, Cao Bao's cronies came in, and they were overjoyed when they learned that Feng Yao agreed.

Feng Yao looked at the time. It is the end of Xu time. It takes about an hour from the transfer of the army to the sneaking to the north gate. Let Cao Bao have a little more time, preferably in the middle of the night, so he made an appointment in the middle of the night. , please Cao Bao raise fire in the city as a sign!Cao Bao's cronies left happily after hearing the news.

"My lord, I would like to lead Xiong Wei forward. Even if Cao Bao feigns surrender and Xiong Wei's shield is strong and armored, he can still retreat!" Dai Ling asked for his life immediately.

Feng Yao stroked Dai Ling's shoulder and said, "Dai Ling, don't worry, you will be indispensable in this trip!"

He asked Xu Shu again, "Does the military division have a good plan?"

Xu Shu said: "Guan Yu is brave. In our army, Commander Xu is the only one who can fight Guan Yu. Why don't you ask Commander Xu to lie down ten li away from the city? The lord can lead the army out of the city, and Guan Yu will be defeated. At this time, Commander Xu will lead the ambush and then suddenly break out, cutting off his back, and Guan Yu can be captured in one battle!"

"If Cao Bao feigns surrender, Commander Dai will retreat while fighting. If the enemy does not pursue him, let him go. If he pursues closely, he can be led into the ambush circle, and the pursuers can be broken!"

Feng Yao clapped his hands and praised: "Yuanzhi's plan is brilliant!"

After praise, his face became serious, and he said to Lu Fan: "Brother Ziheng, I will personally lead the army to the battle in the north of the city. If Cao Bao really surrenders, all the defenders in the city will be shocked when they see me in person, or they may surrender without a fight! False surrender, how can I bear to make all the soldiers fight to the death, while I secretly settle in the rear?"

Lu Fan was moved, and said: "I will meet a lord like you, what else can I ask for, but I want to fight with my life for the lord!"

Feng Yao caressed Lu Fan's shoulders and said, "Ziheng, if we can win the battle of Xiapi this time, there are only two directions for Liu Bei to escape, the east gate and the south gate. Among them, the east gate is more likely to go east. Flee into Donghai County, where most of Liu Bei's cronies are defending, so I order you to lead elite troops to lie outside the east gate, if Liu Bei escapes, you can take the opportunity to kill him!"

Lu Fan knelt down to accept the order and left! !
Feng Yao sent Yang Wu to send a general, Yuan Ao, and ordered Yuan Ao to lead a thousand elite soldiers to lie in ambush outside the south gate.

After everything was arranged, Feng Yao ordered Xu Shu and Gong Du to guard the camp together, led Dai Ling, Yang Wu, Xu Ding, Fan Neng and other generals, and led [-] relatives and [-] elite infantry to the north gate.

Half an hour later, Feng Yao's army dived to the north of the city, but they were blocked by Surabaya. Fortunately, it was only the first month of the month, and the water in the river was shallow. Feng Yao ordered his soldiers to fetch earth and rocks, and quickly filled up the river bed to create a path. At that time, more than [-] people crossed the river smoothly, and as soon as they arrived at Zishitou, they lay down five miles north of Xiapi City.

In a short time, Feng Yao immediately ordered the army to approach the city gate, killing all the scouts of the enemy soldiers along the way, and approached within one mile of the city gate.

After waiting for a while, the city was indeed on fire, and then the city gate was opened wide, and an army of 500 people rushed out holding torches.

The spies stepped forward, and a pair of codes indicated that it was Cao Bao. After Cao Bao met Feng Yao, he was about to bow down. Feng Yao supported him and said, "General Cao will become my Mount Tai. How dare I accept the worship of Mount Tai?"

Cao Bao was overjoyed when he heard the words, and immediately shouted to his soldiers: "From now on, Mr. Feng will be my Cao Bao's lord, and you can all help me to assist my lord!"

When Cao Baojun heard the sound, they all knelt down and said in unison: "My lord!! We are willing to die!"

"Okay! General Cao, I will appoint you as the prefect of Xiapi right now! All the other officers and men will be promoted to one level first, and if they have military achievements, they will be rewarded according to their military achievements!!" Feng Yao did not hesitate to reassure Cao Bao and others. Immediately appoint Cao Bao and others as officials!

Sure enough, Cao Bao was excited and thanked Feng Yao for his kindness, and his soldiers also roared with joy!With an excited expression, everyone felt that following Feng Yaoqian was following the right lord! !

Cao Bao took the lead and entered the city, followed by Feng Yao. Wherever he went, Cao Bao shouted. Most of the defenders were originally Cao Bao's old troops. Seeing Feng Yao's strong troops, they surrendered one after another! !

Only half a mile into the city, Cao Bao raised more than two thousand soldiers!Including Feng Yao's more than [-] soldiers, there are already [-] soldiers, but at this time the wealthy households in the city and Liu Bei's defenders still have more than [-] troops.

"My lord, why don't I lead the army to support Ximen first, and when Mi Fang is unprepared, I will raid the city gate and welcome the lord's army into the city!" Cao Bao said.

"Okay!! You go fast, and I will support you later!!" Feng Yao said.

Although there is still a little worry about whether Cao Bao will cheat, but when he thinks that even if there is fraud, he can protect himself with Xiong Wei's guards, so he no longer hesitates! !

After all, this battle is very important. If it succeeds, the counties below Xuzhou can send orders to surrender! !
At the west gate of the city, Liu Bei was worried about others, so he ordered Mi Fang to guard it personally. Mi Fang did not dare to be careless, and stayed in the gate tower all day long. It was already after midnight when he suddenly heard the commotion in the city. It is said that it is under the order of the lord to come to help and guard the west gate together!"

Mi Fang was shocked, the matter of Cao Bao had not been made public, the soldiers below did not know that Cao Bao had been pushed out of his cronies by Liu Bei, but Mi Fang knew it well! !

"Fix the formation quickly, don't let Cao Bao approach!!" Mi Fang shouted loudly.

Mi Fang took her weapon and rushed out of the city gate, but found that Cao Bao didn't wait for her consent at all, so he led the army and rushed to a place less than [-] feet away from the city gate. Can let Cao Bao rush over! !
"Not good!! Attack quickly!! Cao Bao has turned back!! Kill me!!" Mi Fang yelled.

Seeing that Mi Fang noticed it, Cao Bao didn't hesitate, and immediately pointed at Mi Fang and shouted: "Kill!!!"

Cao Bao's army had been prepared for a long time, and when they heard the roar, they first beheaded the bewildered Mi Fang army nearby, and then rushed to the city gate with the bow and arrow on the top of the city! !

In an instant, there were screams again and again, and the two armies collided. Mi Fang was on the top of the city gate, terrified, but thinking of the end she would face if the city gate fell, she had to muster up her courage and command her troops to stand against Cao Bao's army. He also commanded the defenders at the top of the city to reverse their bows and arrows, and shot arrows at the Cao Bao army in the city.

(End of this chapter)

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