Back to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty

Chapter 234 Liu Bei is ready to surrender himself?

Chapter 234 Liu Bei is ready to surrender himself?

Zhang Fei was chased by Xu Chu, and when he got to the front of the formation, he stopped retreating and fought with Xu Chu again. After two rounds of fighting, the tiger riders arrived, Zhang Fei didn't dare to fight, so he walked around the formation.

The walking tiger guards had already rushed up at this time, and amidst the roar, they cut down hundreds of people as soon as they fought with Zhang Feijun, and it was unstoppable!

"It's over! Run away!"

"Cavalry is terrible!"

Zhang Feijun, who had already been thrown into chaos by Feng Yao's cavalry, was cut down by the Tiger Guards in the blink of an eye, and hundreds of people were cut down. At this time, there were only 5000 out of 2000 people. The army's morale collapsed immediately, and they fled backwards!

"Kill them all!!" Feng Yao shouted.

The five hundred cavalry archers immediately put away their bows and arrows when they heard the order, all of them drew their sabers, and charged forward, screaming strangely.

kill! !
A thousand cavalry! !Like a huge wave rolling, Zhang Feijun was swept away by the huge wave like straw, and they fell down in rows!

Zhang Fei was defeated and led thousands of people to retreat!

Xu Chu watched helplessly as Zhang Fei was about to run away, and was eager to chase after him. Feng Yao rushed over and said loudly, "Zhongkang, don't chase after the poor! Be careful!"

At this moment, Feng Yaojun's rear shouted loudly!
"Nearly fell into the enemy's trick! My lord, how should I deal with it now?" Xu Chu was shocked.

"It's okay, I have already ordered Dai Ling to lead Xiong Wei to defend the rear, even if there is a surprise attack by the enemy, as long as our army calmly fights, it will not be difficult to defeat them!" Feng Yao said.

Sure enough, as Feng Yao was retreating to the camp, the killing sound from behind gradually subsided. After a while, Dai Ling sent his confidant to report that he had repelled Guan Yu's [-] troops and killed [-] enemies. Guan Yu led [-] defeated soldiers and fled!

Feng Yao ordered the handymen to clean up the battlefield. According to statistics, nearly [-] enemies were killed, and less than [-] people were injured in the battle. It was a big victory.

Xu Shu said: "After Liu Bei's defeat, he will definitely shrink to Qu County. My lord can step by step and advance the camp steadily until the soldiers approach the city!"

Feng Yao agreed, and then ordered Liu Shun to lead the scouts to investigate.

Qu County
Zhang Fei angrily led the defeated soldiers back to Qu County, closed the door, and yelled at his subordinates, calling them useless, and none of them dared to speak.

Still not relieved after cursing, Zhang Fei swung his horsewhip again and beat each general more than ten times before leaving.

One of the generals who was beaten was surnamed Zhang Mingda. Zhang Da discussed with his confidantes: "Fei himself was defeated, but he put the blame on us! It's better to abandon him and join Feng Yaojun. I heard that Feng Yao leads the army well and loves the people like a son." , now that the power has risen again, it is a good place for me to wait for! I don’t know what you think?"

One of the soldiers under his command said, "I am willing to obey Zhang Dutong's orders, and I have heard that Mr. Feng treats the soldiers who voluntarily surrendered before the battle very preferentially. If they surrender after the defeat, most of them will be beheaded!"

Another Marquis said: "It's true, Commander-in-Chief, although the Mi family is quite powerful here, as long as Feng Yao's army captures this city, the Mi family will definitely be massacred!"

"Well, I've heard about it too! The current Xiapi prefect Cao Bao was originally a general under Liu Shijun. Now he is not only the prefect, but also Feng Yao's father-in-law. The Cao family has become the first family in Xiapi!" Zhang Zhang Da sighed.

At this time, another army marquis said enviously: "It's a pity that I can't get to know Feng Shijun. It would be great if I could. I have a niece. I heard that she looks pretty good. It would be great if I could give Feng Shijun a concubine." Already!"

"Hey, with your looks, your niece is not very beautiful, and you still want her to be Feng Shijun's concubine? Would you be lucky if you can become a maid? Haha!" A military lord who knew her well Contempt Road.

"Why! Can't you? Just because I'm ugly doesn't mean my niece is ugly. Besides, if I can climb up to this relative and become a prosperous person, how can I not take care of you?" The military marquis who was being teased glared.

"Okay, okay! Let's not talk about these useless things. Since everyone is interested, wait for a while, I will find Fan Dutong to discuss, and you can go down to make arrangements, but don't let the wind go out!" Zhang Da said .

Liubei Mansion, Qu County

Zhang Fei knelt in front of Liu Bei and pleaded guilty: "Brother, I was wrong, I shouldn't have underestimated Feng Yao! This caused the loss of soldiers and generals!"

Liu Bei helped Zhang Fei up, and comforted him, "Third brother, you don't have to blame yourself too much. My brother originally wanted you to lead the enemy into our ambush, but Feng Yao didn't come after me!"

Zhang Fei said happily: "Brother, don't you blame me? Hahaha!" Then Zhang Fei said angrily: "I wouldn't have suffered such a big defeat this time. I blame Fan Jiang and Zhang Da. If they weren't timid, How can our army lose so many generals if we lead the troops back?"

Guan Yu persuaded: "Third brother, when marching and fighting, you should deal with your subordinates more. If you blame your subordinates for everything, who will be willing to fight with their lives on the battlefield in the future?"

"Second brother, you don't know that most of my ten generals are brave enough to fight for their lives. Only Fan Jiang and Zhang Da are timid. If it weren't for their timidity, I would have been defeated and the result would have been fatal." You have suffered such a big defeat!" Zhang Fei said angrily.

Guan Yu shook his head, he also led [-] soldiers, Guan Yu was defeated and [-] survived, while Zhang Fei only returned with [-] soldiers alive, this is the result of Liu Bei leading the troops to respond!However, Guan Yu still knew about Zhang Fei's temperament, and now Zhang Fei was becoming angry from embarrassment, and he couldn't say anything.

Liu Bei patiently persuaded Zhang Fei a few more words, and after persuading Zhang Fei, he summoned all the generals to discuss the matter.

Chen Dengdao: "Your Majesty, since the first plan failed, it's just a good time to use this trick to surrender?"

Liu Bei nodded. Although he was defeated, as long as he could kill Feng Yao, Feng Yao's army would inevitably have internal strife for the position, and it was not impossible.

"Don't drive, Mi, are those ships ready!" Liu Bei asked.

Mi Zhu cupped his hands: "My lord, the boats are all ready, enough to transport all our soldiers away, and I just need to prepare some more fresh water tonight!"

"Okay! The entire army rests for the night. If there is room on the ship, let the families of the soldiers board the ship first!" Liu Bei said.

The next day, after Feng Yao found out that there was no Liu Bei ambush outside the city, he immediately followed the method of step by step and moved the camp forward ten miles, pressing towards Qu County!
Not long after setting up the camp, Liu Bei sent his adviser Jian Yong to ask for surrender.

Feng Yao ordered Jian Yong to be brought into the Chinese army camp!
Jian Yong, about [-] years old, dressed casually. After seeing Feng Yao, he gave a little gift and said, "I follow the order of my lord Liu Shijun. Liu Shijun knows that he can't compare with Feng Shijun. Assist Feng Shijun to create a great cause!"

When Feng Yao heard that Liu Bei was going to surrender, he was overjoyed, but suddenly thought: "Liu Bei is very ambitious! How could he take the initiative to surrender? There must be a fraud!"

But although Feng Yao was suspicious, he still smiled and asked Jian Yong to sit down.

Jian Yong was not too polite. After attending the table, he sat cross-legged without a sense of restraint. This made Feng Yao look a little different, so he asked with a smile: "I wonder what method Liu Shijun plans to surrender? Is it to present the official seal, or the big one? Open the city gate, or prepare to bind yourself and come down?"

Jian Yong calmly replied: "Although my lord was defeated, he is still the lord of a state, and he is also a clan member of the Han Dynasty. How can he surrender himself and surrender after being bound? But I respect Feng Shijun's mighty virtue very much." , so I’m going to open the gates of the city, and prepare a sumptuous feast to welcome Envoy Feng! In addition, to show my sincerity, my lord has ordered me to send ten beauties who can sing and dance!”

(End of this chapter)

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