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Chapter 253 Hosting a Banquet and the Secret Meeting of the Three Armies for Zhang Liao's Debat

Chapter 253 Hosting a Banquet for the Secret Meeting of the Three Armies and Zhang Liao's Controversy
Wei Yan led [-] troops, Wu Hao and Zhang Da each led [-] troops as lieutenants, Feng Yao personally commanded the remaining [-] soldiers, Xu Shu, Jian Yong, Xu Chu, Dai Ling, Yang Wu, Du Heng, Zhao Wang , Liu Shun, Xu Ding, Fan Neng, Cao Hong and other lieutenants.

Lu County Fengyao Mansion Middle School
A secret meeting was going on at this time, apart from Feng Yao's capable generals, there were two strange faces participating in the secret meeting.

One of them is tall, with sword-shaped eyebrows slanted into the temples, and the corners of the eyes are also slanted with long fingers. There is a flash of light between the opening and closing of the eyes, and a light beard on the upper and lower lips. He is in his 20s and wears a saber different from the Central Plains saber on his waist Machete, this person is Zhang Liao and Zhang Wenyuan, who are well-known in the Three Kingdoms, a native of Mayi, Yanmen County, Bingzhou, and the current prefect of Jiyin County.

Zhang Liao came here at Feng Yao's invitation to discuss the next battle, the spoils of war and the disposal of the territory after the war. However, Zhang Liao's army did not come to Lu County at this time, and his [-] army was here. On the border of Dongping country, preparations have been made to attack Dongping at any time.

Although the other person is a bit indifferent compared to Zhang Liao, he is also quite dignified. This person is surnamed Xue Mingyong, the son of the late Lv Bu's Yanzhou Biejia Xuelan, and the current prefect of Sanyo, with a force of 2000 people!Together with Zhang Liao.

What is the relationship between Feng Yao and Lu Bu? Of course Zhang Liao and Xue Yong understand that Lu Bu has only one daughter and no sons. It is also Feng Yao's, so now Feng Yao can be said to be Zhang Liao and Xue Yong's half young masters now, and the real masters in the future!

Because of this special relationship, the two treated Feng Yao quite respectfully.

Of course Feng Yao also understood this point, which is why he invited the two futures to participate in the secret meeting. The purpose of attacking the counties and counties occupied by Cao Cao in Yanzhou was to help his father-in-law Lu Bu gain a firm foothold in Yanzhou, and it was also to help him in disguise. Do it yourself!
Feng Yao was seated in the center, with military advisor Xu Shu on one side, and commander Yang Wu on the other, with Xu Chu and Dai Ling behind him as guards.

The main generals such as Zhang Liao, Xue Yong, and Feng Yao's subordinate Wei Yan sat in the seats on both sides below.

In front of each person was a small strip-shaped table, on which were placed wine, pastries, and hand-caught mutton that Feng Yao specially ordered Zhao Wang to make in order to welcome Zhang Liao.

"Brother Wen Yuan, Brother Mao, you are guests from afar, let's eat and drink before discussing matters!" Feng Yao smiled and bowed his hands to Zhang Liao and Xue Yong.

"Okay! If that's the case, I won't be polite!" Zhang Liao reached out and grabbed a large piece of delicious mutton, and began to chew it with his cheeks.

As Feng Yao and Zhang Liao started to eat, the other generals started to eat one after another. All of a sudden, the cups and saucers were moved together, and there were many people eating.

After Zhang Liao swallowed a large piece of meat, he picked up his wine glass again, drank a big gulp of wine, smiled, and nodded in praise: "Good! It's really good! This is the most delicious mutton I've ever eaten ! Not only is the meat tender, but there is no smell of mutton!!”

Zhao Wang kept staring at Zhang Liao's. He was a little worried that the hand-caught mutton would not suit Zhang Liao's taste. Now that he heard Zhang Liao's praise, he laughed happily, "My lord! Your method really works!"

Feng Yao nodded with a smile, glanced at the generals, and when he saw Zhang Liao, his eyes still flashed, showing appreciation.

Zhang Liao has the aura of a general, even eating meat. He does what he wants and does what he should do. The first action is never sloppy. The eating looks reckless, but it is pleasing to the eye.

In contrast, Xue Yong was a bit cautious, sitting upright, eating meat in small bites, and wiping off the oil stains from the corners of his mouth with a cloth towel from time to time.

Jian Yong, who was sitting opposite Zhang Liao, didn't think about his image in front of outsiders at all. In such a formal occasion, other people would sit with their knees together, with their buttocks on their calves and heels, while Jian Yong sat cross-legged However, Jian Yong's eating habits are comparable to Zhang Liao's. Although he is a scholar, he eats meat like Zhang Liao, eating meat and drinking heavily.

At this time, Xu Chu's thick voice came from behind: "My lord, is there any meat left?"

Feng Yao turned around and saw Xu Chu staring straight at the plate of meat in front of Feng Yao, swallowing his saliva, but the plate of meat in front of him was already empty.

"Hehe, come on, eat my portion first! I just can't finish it!" Feng Yao put his plate of meat in front of Xu Chu with a smile.

Xu Chu was overjoyed, and thanked: "Thank you, my lord!" After finishing speaking, he was not polite, stretched out his big hand, grabbed half of the meat on the plate, and started to eat.

When everyone saw this scene, they were taken aback for a moment, and then they burst out laughing. Xu Shu and the others each divided the meat in half and brought it to Xu Chu. Xu Chu thanked him with a smile while eating.

Zhang Liao, who was eating happily, had a strange look in his eyes when he saw this, he stopped and looked at Xu Chu carefully.

After a while, everyone was full of wine and meat, Feng Yao ordered people to come in to clean up, and said solemnly: "Brother Wen Yuan, Brother Mao, I think you have a new understanding of our army! So from now on, we will Let's talk about the attack on Cao Cao!"

Zhang Liao looked joyful, and replied loudly: "Master Feng has a lot of talents under his command, Wen Yuan sighs to himself!"

Feng Yao glanced at Wei Yan and other generals again, and said in a dignified tone, "If the generals have a clever plan, please come quickly!"

"Obey! My lord!" All the generals responded in unison, with a respectful expression, and even Jian Yong sat upright at this moment, as if he was completely different from the casual eating of meat!

Xu Shu said: "Master, why not ask Zhang Wenyuan to talk about their thoughts first!"

Feng Yao thought about it, that's right, Zhang Liaoyuan is a guest, and Zhang Liao should be the main player in the Yanzhou battlefield, so he clasped his fists at Zhang Liao and said, "Brother Wenyuan, I don't know what advice you have? Can you tell me, Shall we discuss it in detail?"

Zhang Liao nodded, first saluted Feng Yao respectfully, then clasped his fists at all the generals present, and said: "The prefectural government of Yanzhou, Juancheng, has been attacked by our lord Marquis Wen many times since last July. The main reason why we can’t conquer is that Juancheng is high and deep, so if we attack by force, the casualties will be huge, and our army is weaker than Cao Cao, so it is impossible to take Juancheng by force!”

"If you want to besiege Juancheng, cut off its supplies, and wait until the day when the city runs out of food, the city will be destroyed without attacking, this will not work! Juancheng is located in the throat, with the Yellow River on the left and Juyeze on the right. , there are two small cities of Qinting and Linqiu behind the two sides of Juancheng, our army can't go around the back of Juancheng, and we can't surround Juancheng to death, so it is impossible to pass through the siege!"

"So the most important thing at present is to go around to the rear of Juancheng from other directions, and break through Fan County and other places behind it. In the north, we start from Dongwuyang and cross the Yellow River through Cangtingjin to first attack Dong'e and then Fan County. The south is to attack Dongping first, and then attack Fan County through Liangshan!"

(End of this chapter)

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