Back to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty

Chapter 273 Three Suicide Letters of Cheng Zhongde

Chapter 273 Three Suicide Letters of Cheng Zhongde
"Ho Ho!! Ho Ho!!"

The two thousand bear guards raised their guns, and with the roar, they hit the steel shield in their hands with the barrel of their guns, and the buzzing sound was endless! !

With the creaking sound of the city gate, it finally opened completely, exposing the streets in the city, and the suspension bridge outside the city gate also fell down with a bang, and it was erected on the moat, connecting the inside and outside of the city!

Feng Yao felt a sudden shock in his heart!He looked straight into the city, as if he could see somewhere in the city, where Cheng Yu, Li Dian and others were sitting helplessly, waiting for an unknown fate!
"Is this true? Cheng Yu, Li Dian, the famous generals Cao Cao relied on the most in history, actually surrendered?"

This moment seemed to come a little too soon, and Feng Yao couldn't believe it. He was afraid that this was just a dream. After waking up from the dream, Cheng Yu and Li Dian were still his enemies! !
"Pass my order! Xue Yong's [-] soldiers will not move and guard the left village, Xu Shu and Zhao Wang will lead [-] soldiers to sit in the central camp, Wu Hao will lead [-] troops to guard the right village, and Wei Yan will lead [-] troops from the east gate Enter, Xu Chu and Zhang Da lead [-] troops to enter through the west gate, and the remaining [-] troops and Xiong Wei follow me to enter through the south gate!" Feng Yao immediately issued an order!

Be careful making the Wannian Ship!
Even if there is a [-]% chance that Cheng Yu has really surrendered, Feng Yao can't rush in rashly! !

Dai Ling's tall body passed Feng Yao and shouted loudly: "Commander Wang, please order the defenders in the city to throw their weapons outside the city, and open the east and west gates at the same time to welcome our lord's army into the city!"

Wang Cheng knew that Feng Yao was suspicious because he didn't see Cheng Yu and Li Dian, so he didn't say much, nodded in agreement, and ordered his soldiers to go to the east and west gates to deliver orders, and then sent two people to Qinglong Mountain and Tiger Mountain respectively. After sending an order, Wang Cheng untied his weapon and led several people out of the city to greet him after all these were done.

"Envoy Feng! I have done what you want. As for why Cheng Guoxiang and General Li Dian did not show up, I really don't know. I only came here temporarily after receiving orders from Cheng Guoxiang!" Wang Cheng said respectfully. Said.

After confirming that Wei Yan and Xu Chu had arrived at the east and west gates, and knowing that both gates were also wide open, Feng Yao was completely relieved, and ordered Xu Shu to lead the army to bring the women and children back to the camp, and then lead the army into the city.

Walk across the drawbridge, pass through the city gate, and enter the city!

"Welcome Envoy Feng to enter the city!!"

A tidy shout sounded immediately!
I saw that all the defenders who had already removed their weapons were kneeling on both sides of the avenue, and their eyes were shining with excitement!
"Chezhou, quickly lead your troops to take over the guards at the south gate!" Feng Yao ordered immediately.

Che Zhou received the order to lead the army straight to the city gate, took down the white flag and replaced it with Feng Yao's military flag, and in an instant, there were thunderous cheers inside and outside the city!
"All soldiers guarding Wuyan City, from now on, you will all be my soldiers under Feng Yao! You will receive the same fair treatment as all my soldiers!" Feng Yao announced loudly.

"Oh oh oh!"

Thousands of soldiers near the south gate cheered in unison! !

"All my soldiers, stand up, go to the school grounds, and accept the reorganization!!" Feng Yao ordered again loudly.

Thousands of newly surrendered soldiers cheered, stood up, and under the leadership of their original generals, they walked neatly towards the middle school field in Zhongcheng!
At this moment, a general dressed like Wang Cheng rushed towards him with a sad face!Crying loudly: "Commander Wang! It's not good, the big thing is not good!!"

Seeing this, Dai Ling, Yang Wu, Xu Ding, Fan Neng, Xu Shang and others were worried that it was a fraud, so they drew their sabers and stepped forward to stop Feng Yao.

"Who is here?" Yang Wu asked loudly.

Wang Cheng immediately reported: "The person who came is my confidant Wang Ran. Before I came here, I asked him to guard the safety of Cheng Guoxiang!"

Then Wang Cheng went up to meet him and asked loudly: "Didn't you be ordered to stay by Cheng Guoxiang's side? What's the matter with you?" Then he pulled Wang Ran and led him to Feng Yao, "This is Mr. Feng! He will be our lord from now on! Please report to the lord if you have anything to do!!"

Wang Ran had already received Cheng Yu's order to surrender to Feng Yao, and it was not surprising that he recognized Feng Yao as the master, but he did not expect that Feng Yao would personally lead the army into the city, so he didn't think about it at first, and thought that Feng Yao would be the leader. Yao was a general, and when he found out that he was the lord in the future, he couldn't help being shocked, took a deep breath, and temporarily forgot his sadness.

After looking Feng Yao up and down, he was immediately overwhelmed by Feng Yao's aura, knelt down, bowed respectfully, and then said: "Mr. Serving you respectfully is because of the last order of the old master Cheng Guoxiang!"

After finishing speaking, Wang Ran's eyes turned red, and he glanced at the street where everything was changing, and two lines of tears rolled down his face! !
"You,... what did you say?... What is the last order? Could it be..." Wang Cheng's expression changed drastically, his body couldn't help shaking, he shook Wang Ran's shoulders, and asked incoherently.

Feng Yao's mind was shocked by the expressions of the two!Staring at Wang Ran's lips, he already guessed a fact that Feng Yao couldn't accept!But Feng Yao is still unwilling to believe it!

"Wang Ran! What happened to Cheng Guoxiang?" Feng Yao asked loudly.

With a wow, Wang Ran burst into tears loudly, and roared in grief: "Cheng Guoxiang has killed himself!!"

This mournful roar shocked everyone who heard it!They couldn't believe it was real!

Feng Yaoyao glanced into the distance, stumbled and said sadly: "Why is this! Why is this! Cheng Zhongde! Didn't I agree with your conditions? Why are you doing this!! Why are you avoiding me!!"

At this moment, almost all of Feng Yao's doubts were solved. Why didn't Cheng Yu go out of the city and surrender?Why haven't we seen him?

"Wang Cheng! Wang Ran! You lead the way ahead, quickly lead me to see Cheng Guoxiang!!" Feng Yao said loudly.

Wang Cheng and Wang Ran stopped crying and took orders in front. Dai Ling, Yang Wu and other leaders followed closely behind Feng Yao, ignoring the newly surrendered soldiers. They ran all the way and arrived in no time. In the county mansion, Dai Ling ordered a thousand bear guards to guard outside the mansion, and a thousand bear guards to enter the mansion immediately.

Yang Wu and his two hundred entourages followed Feng Yao's side every step of the way.

Xu Shang was ordered to lead 500 people to the north city gate to take over the city defense.

Wuyan City, in the county mansion

When Feng Yao found Cheng Yu, Cheng Yu had indeed committed suicide as Wang Ran said!In Cheng Yu's hands, he was holding two letters.

One of them was written to his eldest son, Cheng Wu, and the other one was impressively written by Feng Shijun himself!
Feng hurriedly opened Cheng Yu's suicide note.

"Envoy Feng: When you see this letter, you and I must be separated! Please don't blame my followers! This is my original intention!"

"My Cheng family is in Dong'a, and I should be the overlord. Back then, I repeatedly rejected the conquest of Governor Liu, because Liu Governor was not a hero who can help the country! Later, Duke Cao took control of Yanzhou. I think that the world cannot be unified without Duke Cao! Then Marquis Wen led his troops to attack, and I ordered the counties to stand firm and protect Yanzhou for Mr. Cao!"

"However, when I met the envoy today, I was stunned and realized that Mr. Cao is not a unified talent. Only envoy Feng can rule the world, and the world will definitely change because of the envoy!!"

"I am nearly sixty years old, and I don't want to rebel against the Lord and tarnish my name. I can only die to thank Duke Cao!"

(End of this chapter)

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