Chapter 275

Li Dian hesitated for a moment, and just as he was about to refuse, Feng Yao persuaded loudly again: "Li Dian, think about it carefully, do you think you have lost your local roots, will Cao Cao still use you?"

Li Dian's expression was shocked again, he bowed his head in silence, Li Dian could not deny Feng Yao's words!

All the knights guarding around him also stared anxiously at Li Dian, hoping that their young master Li Dian could make a decision as soon as possible, whether to fight or surrender, they would choose to follow, even if they died here today, They never frown.

Li Dian was a little guilty, he didn't dare to face these two thousand pairs of loyal eyes, and withdrew from Wuyan City, Li Dian just didn't want them to know that their wives and children had been captured by Feng Yao!So after getting the news, Li Dian finally agreed to Cheng Yu's request, and led his subordinate Dian to withdraw first.

According to Li Dian's idea, it is best to invite reinforcements from Fan County to relieve the siege of Wuyan City!The worst plan is to protect Cheng Yu's people and evacuate to Qingzhou!

But Li Dian didn't expect Cheng Yu's letter to his family to be fake!The content in it was basically calculated a long time ago, so that Li Dian was caught up by Feng Yao before he escaped from Liangshan, and then surrendered to Feng Yao, so as to save some blood for Li's family!
Li Dian didn't say all these things, but chose to hide them in his heart.

Seeing these two thousand loyal knights protecting Li Dian until death, Li Dian felt a pang of guilt. He couldn't imagine what would happen to their wives and children in the future!

However, if he surrendered at this point, what would Cheng Guoxiang do?What about Cheng Guoxiang's people?They are still in the hands of Cao Cao!It is absolutely impossible for Cheng Guoxiang to surrender to Feng Yao, and Li Dian is also sure of this.

"No, I can't surrender! I have been greatly favored by Cheng Guoxiang, and I must not implicate Cheng Guoxiang's people!" Li Dian didn't know that Cheng Yu had committed suicide. After hesitating for a moment, he suddenly raised his head and shouted loudly. road.

Feng Yao's expression turned sad, he originally thought to persuade Li Dian to surrender first, and then slowly tell him the news about Cheng Yu, but it seemed impossible.

"Cheng Guoxiang has committed suicide! Before I started to attack, Cheng Guoxiang had already made a decision..." Feng Yao said sadly.

"No, it's impossible!!" Li Dian was taken aback for a moment, but then roared in an instant, unwilling to believe it.

"Li Dian!! You know! Half of the reason why Cheng Guoxiang did this is because he didn't want to see you go to a dead end!! You are still obsessed with it!!" Feng Yao shouted angrily.

To Li Dian, Feng Yao said what he should say and persuaded him. It can be said that he has done his best!But Li Dian was still stubborn, and couldn't help becoming furious.

Li Dian's body shook violently, as if awakened by Feng Yao, he immediately turned around, facing the direction of Wuyan City, plopped down on his knees, tears streaming down his face!
Seeing Li Dian kneeling, the two thousand knights behind him also knelt in the direction of Wuyan City, silently mourning.

But Feng Yao didn't intend to let Li Dian go, but scolded Li Dian angrily!

Scold Li Dian for being selfish and disregarding his family!

Scolding Li Dian for being ignorant, if it wasn't for inheriting his father and brother's family business and these loyal followers of the Li family, plus Cheng Yu's care, he would be dead by now!

Scolding Li Dian as still a child who can't grow up, he only knows how to be brave and ruthless, but he doesn't know that there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond others!
Scolding Li Dianyong for not being able to top the three armies, and being wise for not being able to lead the army to victory, the current situation is a manifestation of his lack of ability!
Call Li Dian unfilial!As the last bit of blood of the Li family, but he is determined to die and cannot leave offspring for his parents!
He scolded Li Dian for being narrow-minded, unable to see the general trend of the world, and only fighting for a corner.

Scolding Li Dian for being narrow-minded,...

Anyway, Feng Yao scolded everything he could think of, until Li Dian was speechless and couldn't lift his head. In the end, he was ashamed and angry, and drew his sword to commit suicide! !
Fortunately, the knights around Li Dian had been on guard for a long time, and hurried forward to snatch the sword from Li Dian's hand.

"Mr. Feng! Please don't say it, don't scold me, okay? I surrender! Can I surrender!!" Li Dian dared not look Feng Yao in the eyes, and begged for mercy loudly.

Feng Yao was taken aback, his face showed surprise, he didn't expect to scold Li Dian and surrendered Li Dian!
"Okay!! You said it yourself. If you don't want me to scold you again, I hope you can act like a man and do what you say! Don't let me add another insult to you for breaking your promise!" Although Feng Yao was overjoyed, his tone was still very severe.

As expected, Li Dian was in the same position, after all, he was a teenager at heart, he would not give in to softness, and he could only be overwhelmed by forcing him to feel his own inadequacy! !

"Even if I, Li Dian, are not as good as I am, I will not be that kind of person!! Please rest assured Feng Shijun, starting today, I will face up to my shortcomings one by one! I also want Feng Shijun to look at me with admiration!!" Li Dian said loudly.

"Welcome General Li Dian to abandon the dark and turn to the bright!" Feng Yao laughed.

Following Feng Yao's words, there was a burst of cheers!The soldiers in the valley and on the top of the mountain all raised their torches and roared loudly to show victory! !
Zhang Liao also led his entourage, congratulating Feng Yao on successfully surrendering Li Dian, happy to have a strong general!
However, Li Dian and his subordinates did not cheer, but looked emotional, or joyful, or shook their heads, or remained silent, or their eyes flashed!

Li Dian led several people, walked in front of Feng Yao, cupped his hands and asked, "I don't know how Feng Shijun plans to treat my subordinates?"

"This is completely voluntary. I will set up a selection contest! If anyone wants to leave, I will give them money and food to let them go home to take care of their families. They are more welcome to come to Yuzhou where I am. Where I will Divide the fields and houses for these people, and enjoy the same treatment as the original Yuzhou people!"

"The knights who are willing to continue to follow you, I will leave it to you to handle it! But all family members must move to Yuzhou to live!"

"Of course, what I hope most is that they can be used by me. After the selection, some of them will be selected to expand my Tiger Guard Army and Bear Guard Army. For everyone else, I plan to form a new army. This new army will I am going to show my power overseas, conquer foreign barbarians, and raise my reputation as a great man! As for the specific arrangement, why not follow me back to the city, and we will discuss it in detail!"

After Feng Yao's words, the eyes of Li Dian, Zhang Liao and others opened wide, and a strange light shot out from their eyes. The two thousand knights followed Feng Yao's step-by-step description, breathing in frequently, and their expressions became more and more excited. , when Feng Yao finished speaking the last word, he couldn't hold back anymore, and burst into a roar that shook the valley!

This roaring voice contained their expectations for many years, as well as the dreams hidden deep in their hearts! !At this moment, all broke out! !
Many of these thousands of knights are not locals, but due to various reasons, they got together in this troubled world, and because of the support of the Li family, they had to stay to repay the Li family. The great kindness of the family, but no matter who it is, everyone is looking forward to being famous in their dreams, and one day they can return to their hometown!

Qu Ju is in Juyeze, no matter how much he is killed, he will only kill the Han people of the same family, and he will only fight for the land of one state!How promising can it be?
It is truly an honor to be able to travel overseas and gain wealth and status as Feng Yao said, and then return triumphantly!

(End of this chapter)

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