Back to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty

Chapter 312: All-out Outburst and Frenzied Battle with Cao Cao

Chapter 312: All-out Outburst and Frenzied Battle with Cao Cao
At this moment, Wei Yan's army strength had increased to [-] soldiers, and Baiqi suddenly rushed into Cao Cao's rear camp, hacking and killing, while setting fire.

Cao Hong, the general guarding the rear battalion, raised his sword and mounted his horse in a hurry. He led more than ten cavalrymen and rushed forward angrily to resist Wei Yan. More than ten relatives behind him stepped forward to resist Wei Yan.

But at this time Wei Yan was followed by Feng Yao's most elite personal cavalry, a total of more than a hundred people, and two fierce generals, Che Zhou and Xu Ding. Beheaded one by one.

At this time, Wei Yan's infantry rushed forward at the same time, and Cao Hong's army was defeated and fled in all directions.

Just as Wei Yan led the army to kill Cao Hong's defeated army, suddenly an enemy army rushed in, and the leader was Xiahou Dun. The two fought several times, and Wei Yan feigned defeat and left!

Xiahou Dun didn't know what to do, so he led his troops in pursuit.

In the past few days, Xiahoudun had nowhere to use his strength every day. Xiahoudun had long been suffocated. He attacked the city several times, but not only failed, but also lost troops and generals. He even suffered minor injuries. Feng Yao defended the city to the death Refuse to fight!Now finally let Xiahou Dun seize the opportunity, how can I let it go!

Xiahou Dun chased after him on horseback, killing Wei Yan's soldiers who were running slowly all the way. Every time he killed a person, Xiahou Dun roared: "Wei Yanxiu go!! Otherwise, I will kill all your soldiers!!"

Wei Yan was worried that the soldiers' morale would be broken, so he turned back and fought Xiahou Dun, but after a few rounds, he still pretended to be defeated and retreated, leading Xiahou Dun to chase further and further, gradually leaving the camp for two miles.

Cao Cao was scolding Cao Hong when suddenly his subordinates came in to report Xiahou Dun's pursuit of Wei Yan.

The counselor Xi Zhong was also by Cao Cao's side. Hearing this, his face changed drastically, and he said urgently, "My lord, this must be the enemy's plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain! Tell General Xiahou to withdraw!"


At this moment, there was a sudden scream of killing from the east side, followed by the sound of arrows piercing through the air and the muffled sound of soldiers hitting arrows.

"It's not good! My lord! There are [-] enemy troops rushing from the east of our army!" Cao Cao's scout didn't bother to inform, directly opened the curtain, rushed in, and knelt down in front of Cao Cao, looking terrified!
Cao Cao was shocked and urgently ordered Cao Xiu to lead Qingzhou soldiers to meet the enemy! !
"Cao Zihe, Cao Anmin, you two prepare your cavalry quickly! Follow me to meet the enemy!! I expect Feng Yao will come out of the city to attack!!" Although Cao Cao looked terrified, he was worthy of a generation of heroes, and he forcibly calmed down , immediately took countermeasures.

Cao Cao has a total of 2 soldiers. In the past few days, due to the loss of troops in the siege, there are only more than 1 soldiers left. Then, he transferred the tiger away from the mountain. At this time, there are only more than [-] soldiers guarding the camp!But when Jian Yong's [-] soldiers came, Cao Cao could only let Cao Xiu lead another [-] soldiers to meet the enemy! !
Cao Cao has only Dian Wei, Cao Chun, Cao Anmin, Cao Zhen, Zhao Chong and other generals around him, with only five thousand soldiers!If Feng Yao led the troops out of the city at this time, Cao Cao's body trembled slightly, he didn't dare to think about it! !
"My lord, don't be alarmed!! If Feng Yao dares to lead his troops to attack, his subordinates will definitely let him know the damage of the double halberds in my hands!!" Dian Wei roared.

Laiwu City

Seeing the chaos in Cao Cao's camp, Feng Yao was overjoyed. The ambush army in the east was Jian Yong's army who had just arrived. Feng Yao followed Xu Shu's plan and rushed to Jian Yong to enter the city without order, but went directly to the high mountains on the east side to ambush , as long as Wei Yan's strategy of diverting the tiger away from the mountain succeeds, he will suddenly burst out and attack directly! !
Unexpectedly, Cao Cao really fell into the trick of diverting the tiger away from the mountain! !

What are you waiting for now! !

Feng Yao glanced at the army that had already been lying in the city, waved the command flag in his hand, and shouted loudly: "The whole army is attacking!! Whoever kills Cao Cao will be rewarded with a thousand taels of gold!! Promoted to three ranks!!"

In an instant, the army in the city trembled, the war drums blared, and the roar shook the sky! !

"Kill Cao Cao!! Kill Cao Cao!!!"

Feng Yao personally led the iron cavalry to rush out of the city first, Dai Ling led the Xiongwei on the left, and Xu Chu led the Tiger Guard on the right. Except for the thousands of archers defending the city who did not move out, the [-] army roared, with their swords and guns held high, rushing to the sky and covering the earth. To the enemy camp!
"Here is the evil! Come and die!!" Dian Wei led two thousand elite Qingzhou soldiers to stop Feng Yao's way first. He had a fierce appearance, and the iron halberds intersected, making the sound of gold and iron.

Dian Wei's two thousand elite Qingzhou soldiers were about eight feet tall, stronger than the Qingzhou soldiers led by Cao Ren who was defeated by Feng Yao, and they were Cao Cao's confidants!Dian Wei, who led the army, was also extremely brave among his subordinates. Except for Lu Bu, he had never been defeated in a battle in his life!He was dubbed "Evil Come" by Cao Cao!
Feng Yao didn't dare to be careless and hurriedly ordered Dai Ling, Xu Zhuling Xiong Wei and Hu Wei to kill at the same time.

Dai Ling roared angrily: "The evil of the bird!! Eat grandpa's stick and let's talk!!", striding forward, Dai Ling, who was nine feet tall, was like a giant in front of Dian Wei, who was eight feet and five inches tall! !
The big shield forcibly pushed back the incoming weapons, Dai Ling didn't bother to pay attention to those Qingzhou soldiers, and swung his stick to hit Dian Wei in the head! !
Drop a hundred meetings with one force!Dai Ling gave full play to his strength, no matter how the enemy responded, if he couldn't withstand this blow, he would be smashed into meatloaf!As for the enemy's attack, he has a large shield to protect him, so no one can attack Dai Ling without breaking his mace! !

Dian Wei was also uncommon. With a loud shout, he set up the double iron halberds weighing 120 jin. With a bang, the ear-piercing sound of gold and iron rubbing against each other came out, and he actually stabilized Dai Ling's mace weighing [-] jin. Hold on tight! ! !
However, Dian Wei finally suffered a bit. The original advantage of the two halberds being able to attack and defend has been completely lost in front of Dai Ling. It is impossible for a single iron halberd to support Dai Ling's stick. , then he lacks the protection of a large shield compared to Dai Ling! !Moreover, due to his height, Dai Ling's attacks were all from top to bottom. If Dian Wei wanted to hold it up, he had to bear an additional 120 catties of the double iron halberd itself, plus [-] catties of the mace, all of this weight ! !
At the same time, Xiong Wei and the elite Qingzhou soldiers fought together!The two are evenly matched! ! !
"Zhongkang!! This is not the time for us to save face, go up and attack Dianwei together with Dai Ling!! Kill him!!" Seeing that Xu Chu hesitated, Feng Yao immediately ordered.

"I obey! My lord!!" Xu Chu yelled loudly, and led the tiger guards to attack the Qingzhou soldiers who were firmly restrained by Xiong Wei and could not turn around.

At this time, another general in Cao Ying charged hundreds of cavalry with guns, trying to attack the weakly defended side of the Tiger Guards.

It is the cavalry led by Cao Chun! !
"Zhang Da!! Quickly lead the spearmen to charge up!! Destroy the cavalry!!" Feng Yao shouted.

Zhang Da took the command and charged forward with a five thousand long spear. Cao Chun was shocked, not daring to fight, and ran around, just bumped into Feng Yao, and shouted: "You are the thief general Feng Yao?...Hahahaha!...Boy, Let's see who will protect you this time! Take your life!!"

"Hugh is crazy!! My Li Mancheng is here!! Who dares to hurt my lord!!"

At this moment, a general in Feng Yao's camp yelled fiercely, and was about to rush out to fight Cao Chun!It was Li Dian and Li Mancheng, the former generals of Cao Cao who had just surrendered to Feng Yao and had not achieved an inch of merit! !
(End of this chapter)

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