Back to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty

Chapter 343 Taishan heroes, meet the lord!

Chapter 343 Taishan heroes, meet the lord!
Lu Bu nodded, and the two talked until late at night.

Feng Yao advised Lu Bu to implement farming, increase grain production, and build a road between Suiyang, the governor of Liang State in Yuzhou, Dingtao, the governor of Jiyin County, and Juancheng, the governor of Yanzhou.

Before that, Feng Yao had already built the road from Ruyin to Qiaoxian to Suiyang.

If Lu Bu can build these two sections of the avenue, then the five important cities of Ruyin, Qiao, Suiyang, Dingtao, and Juancheng will be connected into a straight line running north-south!
Combined with Feng Yao's construction of the East-West Avenue from Pingyu, to Ruyin, and then to Shouchun in Runan, it will take Ruyin as the center point and connect the three states of Henan, Yanyang and Yang into a large whole !
The three states can quickly transfer troops, food and grass, and at the same time make the trade between the three states more convenient, instead of just relying on water transportation!

Don't be afraid of drought, waterways and ships are impassable, causing people not to get enough food and starving to death.

However, this is not to say that water transportation is not important anymore. On the contrary, Feng Yao pays special attention to water transportation. After all, water transportation is much less labor-intensive, and its transportation capacity is much greater than that of roads.

Rushui, Langtang Canal, Jishui, etc., coupled with the connection of Juyeze, can realize the resource exchange of Henan, Yanqing, Xuyang, and five states!
When he was about to leave, Feng Yao remembered another thing, and said: "Zhang Liao, Gao Shun, and Cao Xing are all generals who can be reused and trusted. Chen Gong and Hao Meng are available but must be guarded against!"

"Why did the son-in-law say that? Chen Gong has his own ambitions, I can see this too, but Gao Shun and Hao Meng are both from Hanoi, why are you guarding against Hao Meng alone? Could it be because Hao Meng was Zhang Zhishu The generals under him? But this is unreasonable, Uncle Zhang Zhi is from my hometown, and will not betray me!"

Feng Yao didn't know how to explain it, so he said: "Father-in-law, you will understand in the future, by the way, there is one more thing, please pay attention to father-in-law, I have received the news that Liu Bei has already voted for Zhang Yang in Hanoi, please send your father-in-law as soon as possible." Someone told Zhang Yang to be careful of Liu Bei, if he can be killed, please don't hesitate!"

Lu Bu nodded slowly with a solemn expression, and then sent a secret envoy to Hanoi overnight to send a letter to Zhang Yang.

Seeing Feng Yao's anxious expression, he wanted to rush back to Fenggao overnight, Lu Bu smiled and said, "My son-in-law, you must be worried about the situation in Runan, you are worried that Liu Biao's army will break through Runan, hehe, father-in-law, I have already predicted that, So three days ago, I sent Jiyin prefect Zhang Liao to lead 5 troops, plus Chenliu prefect Zhang Miao [-] troops, a total of [-] troops, to attack Yingchuan and help you retreat!"

Feng Yao was overjoyed, thanked him again and again, felt relieved, and stayed and slept until the next morning, then bid farewell to Lv Bu, and led his relatives back to Fenggao the same way.

Not long after Feng Yao left, Lu Bu's secret envoy, who had only walked halfway, turned back!
He brought back the news that Lu Bu was furious: Zhang Yang, the prefect of Hanoi, had been killed by his general Yang Chou. Liu Bei killed Yang Chou to avenge Zhang Yang, and took control of Hanoi's army. channel!

Without Feng Yao's reminder, Lu Bu would never have thought that Liu Bei did it.

Lü Bu was furious, and on the one hand sent someone to inform Feng Yao, on the other hand, he wanted to raise an army to conquer Hanoi and kill Liu Bei to avenge Zhang Yang!

As soon as Feng Yao returned to Fenggao, Xu Shu immediately reported excitedly: "My lord, I'm so happy! All the thieves from Mount Tai were convinced by the lord, and they came to vote one after another. The general Wei was receiving the bandits from Mount Tai outside the city. !"

"This is great, hurry up and send those generals who came to vote to meet!...No, I'd better go outside the city to see for myself!" Feng Yao said happily.

"My lord, you should take a look for yourself. Although the number of bandits who came to vote for Mount Tai varies, they are all no worse than Chang Xi's subordinates! My subordinates suggest that the lord can gather these bandits from Mount Tai and select the best ones." Form another elite army! The lord will personally lead it!" Xu Shu's face was filled with joy.

"Well, that's exactly what I mean, but I'll wait until I see the situation of these Mount Tai bandits before making a decision!"

Then, Feng Yao didn't care about eating, so he led all his relatives to the east of the city. Most of the Taishan bandits came from the deep mountains in the east, so Wei Yan set the recruitment site on a large flat area outside the east gate.

After walking to the east gate, before leaving the city, the noisy shouts outside the city could be heard, sometimes mixed with the loud scolding of bandit soldiers and the general's scolding, Feng Yao estimated that there were at least [-] people here. scale!

Feng Yao was excited when he heard the sound, but he couldn't help but frowned, and muttered in his heart: "These Taishan thieves are too undisciplined! After they are subdued, they must be practiced hard!"

At the same time as the city gate was opened, in order to show Feng Yao's majesty, Xu Shu specially ordered the drum music in the army to come to the city gate ahead of time. At the same time as the city gate opened, the sound of drum music was loud, and the thieves outside the city were suddenly quiet at this moment down!
Wei Yan was overjoyed, knowing that Feng Yao had come in person, he immediately ordered his soldiers to meet him.

As the city gate was completely opened, Feng Yao and more than [-] cavalry rushed out of the city gate majestically, Wei Yan's soldiers immediately shouted loudly: "My lord!!" They knelt down on one knee neatly towards Feng Yao, bowing their heads respectfully. Fist!

"Congratulations, my lord!!" Wei Yan knelt down in front of all the soldiers and shouted loudly at the same time!

The Taishan bandits who had just joined were at a loss for a moment, not knowing what to do, they all stretched out their heads in amazement to look at Feng Yao who was slowly coming out on horseback, and looked at the lord they were about to join!
In the minds of the vast majority of bandit soldiers, Feng Yao is a legendary figure. They may be afraid of their leader, but they worship and respect Feng Yao from the bottom of their hearts!
There are also some who may be jealous and unconvinced, but when they saw Feng Yao leading the armored cavalry, the armor was bright, the banners were flying, and they were very mighty, coming slowly from the city with the sound of drums shaking the sky, and when they were attracting everyone's attention, the look in their eyes completely replaced by shock.

"Meet the lord!"

I don't know who was the first to shout out and knelt down to salute Feng Yao. The other Taishan bandits suddenly woke up and knelt down and shouted loudly.


"My lord!! My lord!!..."

Outside the city, tens of thousands of people crowded into a large area, from near the city gate to far away, the scene was astounding as far as the eye could see!

Some thieves could not help feeling uneasy while being respectful, because they were worried about Feng Yaozhi's crimes they had committed!I am worried that Feng Yao will refuse to accept some of them who are poor, injured, or for other reasons!

And some thieves are full of confidence, their eyes are like gods, and their faces are resolute. They are confident in their own abilities and will be absolutely loyal to Feng Yao in the future. They will definitely be reused by Feng Yao! !In their eyes, they seemed to see the future. In the future, under the leadership of Feng Yao, they would make countless achievements and finally return home!
There are also some other bandit soldiers with deep thoughts and far-sighted eyes...

At this moment, no matter who it is, no matter what state of mind it is, the Taishan bandit soldiers who can take the initiative to walk out of the deep mountains and come here, ready to join Feng Yao, all have a yearning heart, and the expressions in their eyes are different. Full of anticipation, Qi Qi looked at Feng Yao!

In their eyes, Feng Yao at this time is not just a "person", but all their hopes and dreams!All of these turned into a tall, invisible, god-like ray, which merged with Feng Yao!
"Heroes of Mount Tai, pay respects to Mr. Feng, pay respects to the lord!!"

(End of this chapter)

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