Chapter 371

At this time, a slight exclamation suddenly reached Feng Yao's ears, Feng Yao glanced sharply, and found the two servant girls who were covering their mouths in panic and shyness.

"Come here!" Feng Yao feigned anger.

Dare to peek at the lord doing such a shameful thing, they must be punished a little bit!
The two maidservants stepped forward nervously, their faces as red as Xing'er.


"Come on, help us undress! This is your punishment!" Feng Yao smirked.

"Yes, Master!"

The two maidservants relaxed their hearts and undressed Feng Yao and Xing'er, their hearts beating wildly like deer.

"En! Take off your own clothes, and come here to serve the master together!" Feng Yao ordered.

…………… Omitted.


The next day, Feng Yao summoned Zhou Zheng and Gong Du, and ordered them to be responsible for the expansion of Pingyu City and the new construction of the new city. At the same time, he wanted to add a medical school to Pingyu City.

Feng Yao originally planned to build a pharmaceutical factory in Pingyu City. Because he was worried that the smell of the pharmaceutical factory would be suffocating and affect the air in Pingyu, he changed the pharmaceutical factory to a new city. Between Pingyu City and Xincheng.

There are two new towns, one named Beicheng and one named Dongcheng, built along Pingyang Avenue and Pingyin Avenue respectively.

Pingyang Avenue: A newly built road connecting Pingyu to Ruyang.

Pingyin Avenue: A newly built road connecting Pingyu to Ruyin.

These two main roads are built according to the highest standards, which can accommodate ten horses in parallel, and there are water canals built along the road, and there are post stations every ten miles. During the rest of the official staff, in order to prevent drought, the canals dried up, and deep wells were dug in each post station as a backup water resource.

The two new cities are still under the management of Pingyu County, and only one city guard is appointed to be responsible for security and security.

On the next day, this is already the third day since the armies from all walks of life set off. Liu Shun's scouting horses kept sending back the latest news.

Another day passed, April [-]th

Good news came from the direction of Yingyin. The four armies of Chen Dao, Dai Ling, Zhang Liao, and Zhang Miao attacked Yingyin City together. Except for those who escaped, the rest were either killed on the spot or captured. Only those members of the Xun clan who were willing to serve Feng Yao and were confirmed by Dai Ling that they would no longer pose a threat to Feng Yao were spared death!
Feng Yao sent Dai Ling to go out, just to eradicate the Xun family, the biggest force rooted in his own territory, in one fell swoop!Taking advantage of the chaos of the war, even if a large number of members of the Xun clan were killed, it is not easy to blame Feng Yao, and the remaining members of the Xun clan are just pretending to let the world see, proving that Feng Yao did not kill innocent people indiscriminately !

There is another reason. Now that Xun Yu, Xun Chen and others have ordered not to serve under Cao Cao and Yuan Shao, Feng Yao left the Xun family who is willing to surrender, because he does not want to push Xun Yu and others to a dead end. It will make Cao Cao suspicious of Xun Yu and no longer trust him so much.

In this battle, the enemy won countless money and food. Dai Ling confiscated all the accumulation of the Xun family for hundreds of years. All the homes were confiscated, and the title was cut.

Those who survived were all because the reputation of the Xun family was so famous that Feng Yao had some scruples, so before Dai Ling sent troops, he specially confessed to several important Xun family celebrities and asked them to save their lives as much as possible .

Putting down the battle report, Feng Yao's face was mixed, and he passed the battle report to Xu Shu to watch.

After reading the battle report, Xu Shu sighed: "My lord, this Xun You is really capable. He was able to kill him surrounded by an army of tens of thousands. This is our future trouble. He will not be reconciled. The subordinates think Xun You has three options, one is to go south to seek refuge with Liu Biao, but his subordinates think this possibility is too small, not to mention that Liu Biao is eager to negotiate peace with us and dare not accept Xun You, even if Xun You took the initiative to vote, I am afraid that it will not be as good as our army At the checkpoint at Duyang Pass!"

"Secondly, Xun You fled westward to Luoyang or Chang'an, and cast himself in the imperial court. This possibility is very high! After all, Xun You is an official appointed by the imperial court, and it is perfectly justifiable to return to the court to report on his duties without Ying Chuan!"

"Thirdly, Xun You flees north and joins Yuan Shao or Cao Cao. If this is possible, the subordinates should congratulate the lord. Xun You will not have too much influence on us."

Xu Shu stroked his beard and listed the three possible situations one by one, with a dignified expression.

Feng Yao thought for a while and said, "Yuan Zhi, since all three possibilities can happen, we should deal with them one by one according to the three countermeasures just in case."

"In the direction of Liu Biao, although this possibility is small, we have to guard against it. While guarding against the other two possibilities, we must also prepare for the worst! That is, Xun You may meet the emperor and tell us about us in front of the emperor. Bad words, this is very likely to make the emperor lose trust in our side, and furthermore, it will make our grand scheme of coercing the emperor to make the princes fail! We must not let this happen!"

Xu Shu nodded repeatedly when he heard the words, "Master, if this is the case, then why don't we issue a wanted warrant in the name of the state shepherd, offering a huge reward for Xun You's head!"

"Okay, this plan is great, please ask the military adviser to draw up a wanted document immediately, and I will send someone to spread it to all the counties and counties immediately!" Feng Yao said.

Xu Shu wrote the document according to the order, Feng Yao looked in the direction of the imperial court with a cold light in his eyes, "Maybe, it's time for the spies organized by Yuan Ping, Huang Yi, and Liang Teng to take action!! I can also take advantage of this opportunity Let's see, among the three, who has the strongest ability, choose one of them as the leader, so that they can be managed in a unified way!..."

While Feng Yao was thinking about it, Xu Shu quickly wrote the wanted document with a stroke of his pen.

"My lord, please take a look. Except for the reward, everything has been written!" Xu Shu said.

Feng Yao glanced at it briefly, nodded and said: "Okay, the writing is very good. It exposes Xun You's several crimes incisively and vividly, which makes people indignant. According to this, copy one hundred copies, and the reward is set at 10. Two silver!"

Xu Shu nodded, added the amount of the reward on the document, called ten clerks, each of them copied ten copies, checked them one by one, and handed them to Feng Yao.

Feng Yao took the prefectural pastoral seals, stamped them one by one, and ordered everyone to rush to the counties to post them one by one.

After finishing the matter, a personal attendant came in and said, "My lord, Feng Xi wants to see you!"

"Biography!!" Feng Yaomeng's spirit lifted!
Thirteen righteousness!
Since following Feng Yao, he has been training for nearly two years!

Among them, Feng Xi, the oldest, is already 16 years old, and Feng Shisan, the youngest, is also 11 years old!

(End of this chapter)

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