Chapter 381 Four Seas Inn
"Ah!... Unexpectedly, Liu Biao judges people by their appearance so much! Wei Zhang, let's go, I'm going to visit him in person!" Feng Yao said.

When Xu Qian heard this, his face showed joy, and he said a little excitedly: "My subordinate, on behalf of Wang Can, thank the lord first!"

Feng Yao asked about the inn he was staying at, which was owned by Huang Yi, and he thought, "Just to see how Huang Yi is doing recently!"

After calling his superior Yang Wu, this time Feng Yao only brought a hundred entourages, so that the rest of the entourages could take turns to rest.

Considering Wang Can's illness, Feng Yao ordered his subordinates to bring a carriage, and wanted to transfer Wang Can to the medical center so that Hua Tuo could treat him better.

The Four Seas Inn is where Wang Can settled down.

From the outside, there is no difference between this place and other inns in the city. In terms of decoration, the Four Seas Inn is not top-notch, it can only be regarded as passable, but the business of the Four Seas Inn is the best in the entire Pingyu City.

The two-story wooden building and the big signboard with gold characters are not the reasons to attract customers.

The Four Seas Inn has advantages that the three other inns do not have.

One, the Four Seas Inn never happens by accident! !

Those who often stay in the inn gradually find that the law and order of the Four Seas Inn is very good. As long as they pay the money and live in the inn, within the scope of the inn, there is no need to worry about someone secretly playing tricks! !

Murder for money, money stolen by thieves when entering the store, this kind of thing happens from time to time in other inns, but here, I have never heard of similar things happening!
There was a thief who didn't believe in evil, took a knife in the middle of the night, and wanted to go to the inn with a misty fragrance to get some money, but the next day, the thief disappeared from this world and could never be found again, and the guests in the inn didn't know. The only person who knows the truth is the thief's accomplice! !
The Four Seas Inn was as usual, but the thief's accomplice was too frightened to show up again, and he was even more worried that someone would come to his door and silence him. As soon as the next day dawned, he found a reason and moved his family to another place went!
Second, the food at Four Seas Inn is delicious! !

The Four Seas Inn is the only inn in the city where all tastes and desires are shared. It not only entertains distinguished guests, but also opens to the lowest level of untouchables!
The inn is divided into three areas. The hall on the first floor is the cheapest, and ordinary people can afford to eat and live there. Private rooms are exclusive to VIPs, and the price is extremely expensive. All services are ten times the price of the lobby!
The same dish, the same taste, made by the same chef, but the price of serving it to the VIP room immediately increased tenfold!
This business model has never been done before in Pingyu City, but it has achieved unprecedented success! !

Three, the Four Seas Inn has a big enough backyard! !

This backyard is specially set up for VIP customers, where horse-drawn carriages can be parked, there are also many places where servants can stay, wine and food are provided, and horse feed is provided. Of course, these are all charged, but the price is very low. The price is the same as the lobby outside.

This change is very good. It immediately distinguishes the guests from the masters and servants. The distinguished guests can enjoy the high-end environment, and the servants don’t have to wait outside. Almost everyone is willing to do it just because of this. Come to the Four Seas Inn! !

Except for the shopkeeper of the Four Seas Inn and some key core members who know the background of the inn, the other handymen, the waiters, helpers, hands, etc. do not know. No one knows that the real shopkeeper behind the Four Seas Inn is Huang Yi. Not to mention knowing that the Four Seas Inn is controlled by their state shepherd Feng Yao.

These business methods that Pingyu people seem to be very good are actually secretly instructed by Feng Yao.

Want to collect information, want to protect some need to protect guests, the Four Seas Inn must be able to absorb anyone!

If Wang Can wanted to live in an inn, he could only live in the most common common shop, the kind of big kang with dozens of people crowded together, but fortunately, Xu Qian was there. Although Xu Qian was not rich, the money for this inn It was still affordable. After sending Wang Can to Four Seas, he directly asked for an upper room with a single door and a single bed, with a bathroom and a hut at the back.

In the lobby of the Four Seas Inn, almost all the diners were talking about one thing, a major event that shook the entire Pingyu.

"Have you heard, that arrogant Mr. An, their whole family was killed!!" A thin man with shrewd eyes whispered to a kind-looking fat man at the same table who was excited.

"Hey, brother, your news is too outdated. Not only have I heard it, but I have also seen it with my own eyes! Those big heads, one by one, were bloody, and they were carried by the envoys with weapons... , I’m so excited just thinking about it, that’s why I’m here to buy wine to celebrate!!” The fat man laughed.

"Ah... really, tell me quickly, what was it like at that time?..., and, I've invited you to this drink brother!!" the thin man said boldly.

"Okay, but come here, keep your voice down, don't let others hear you, brother, let me tell you, do you know why An's family was killed? It's because..." The fat man who spoke looked around guiltily, and saw that no one was paying attention. He said mysteriously: "Because the Niangzijun who was killed by An's family happened to be a concubine of the envoy!"

At this time, a big man with a height of eight feet was next to the fat man. He seemed to have heard the fat man's words, and immediately became furious. He slapped his palm on the table and shouted: "Nonsense!!"

After drinking, he turned around abruptly, facing the fat man, glaring at each other.

The fat man and the thin man were taken aback, they stood up from their seats, took a step back, and said loudly: "What do you want to do? This is the Four Seas Inn!! Are you trying to hit someone because of your size?"

This angry shout immediately alarmed all the diners. Some diners in the hall looked at them in surprise, knowing that there was nothing new and nothing happened. After a few glances, they gathered around their tables again, eating and drinking Talked and laughed.

What is different from the lobby on the first floor is the private room on the second floor. Although it is a private room, it does not have one table for one room. Compared with the downstairs, the space is larger and the food is served faster. Of course, the price is also lower than that of the downstairs. The first floor is much more expensive, twice the price of the first floor.

The same bowl of haggis soup costs [-] Wen on the first floor and [-] Wen on the second floor. This is not even the money that customers take to reward Xiao Er, so ordinary people will not waste this money.

Some literati on the second floor, when they heard the movement on the first floor, smiled knowingly, and one of the scholars at the table laughed and said: "There is another good show on the first floor, why don't I move the table to the corridor?" , watching a good show while drinking wine?"

"Okay, what you said is very true. Those untouchables make such and other jokes every day, and I think that strong man seems to be entering the city for the first time, and his face is tense. This time there will be a good show." !” Another scholar nodded with a smile, and they called Xiaoer, and after tipping a little money, Xiaoer happily helped them move the wine table to the corridor, so that the hall downstairs could be seen clearly!

(End of this chapter)

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