Back to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty

Chapter 384 The New Thief Cao

Chapter 384 The New Thief Cao
"Okay, okay! Zhongxuan, don't say anything else, follow me downstairs to see Dr. Hua!" Feng Yao was very happy when he heard Wang Can's words, and called a follower to bear Wang Can's burden. go downstairs.

The shopkeeper of the Four Seas Inn has already waited outside the door at some point, seeing Feng Yao hastily saluted, Feng Yao gave Yang Wu a wink, Yang Wu understood, and immediately took the shopkeeper aside, everyone didn't care, just said Yang Wu went to check out with the shopkeeper.

The carriage has already been prepared and has a carriage. It is a relatively luxurious type of carriage. Usually, only people with certain status have the right to ride in this kind of carriage. Commoners and people with low titles are not allowed to ride even if they have enough money.

With the help of his entourage, Wang Can got into the carriage and was touched by the scenery. When he was young, he had also ridden in this kind of luxurious carriage. On the way from Jingzhou, if he sat in such a carriage, he would not feel the cold.

"Zhongxuan, put this on, it will make you warmer!" Feng Yao took off his cloak and handed it to Wang Can.

People who have a fever are very afraid of the cold. Feng Yao saw Wang Can's shyness and understood Wang Can's feelings very well.

"Thank you, my lord!!" Wang Can took the cloak and nodded his thanks.

At this time, Yang Wu had already dealt with the matter, walked out from the Four Seas Inn, met Feng Yao, called the lord, and stood aside.

Feng Yao summoned ten entourages, and said: "You send Wang Zhongxuan to Doctor Hua, and pass on my order that Doctor Hua must treat him well, and tell Doctor Hua that Wang Zhongxuan is very important to me!"

He followed his orders and left with the carriage guarded.

Cang Ci has been following Feng Yao, seeing what Feng Yao did, although it was not for him, but he also felt the same, was greatly moved, looked at Feng Yao's eyes, and his admiration grew.

After Feng Yao finished dealing with Wang Can's matter, he was in a good mood. He looked back at the Four Seas Inn, imagining the scene of those diners running away in fright when they heard that he was leading his entourage just now. Am I that scary?? The people still don’t know me well, but... it seems that it’s not bad to let the people be in awe, at least the people will abide by the laws and regulations, and won’t think that I am soft-hearted and dare not punish severely!”

I glanced at the crowd and felt it. Although there were only a hundred people, the murderous aura emanating from each of them was indeed a bit too heavy. This may also be due to the long-term battle with Feng Yao. He said: "After Pingyu City is stabilized, we will go out in the future. As long as we don't leave the city, we don't need to bring so many followers. This will also free up more time for the followers to practice martial arts!"

When his gaze touched Cang Ci, Feng Yao nodded, and beckoned to Cang Ci, making Cang Ci come closer.

Cang Ci leaned over respectfully, cupped his fists and said, "My lord! What can I do to call my subordinates?"

"Xiaoren, do you have any other companions or family members when you come to Pingyu this time?" Feng Yao asked.

"Returning to my lord, this subordinate came here alone, but this subordinate has already married, has a wife and parents, and the family members are still living in Lujiang County, so there is nothing to worry about for now!" Cang Ci replied truthfully.

"Okay, you go back to the mansion with me first, and I will arrange a job for you according to your ability. If it's suitable, I think you can bring your family to live in Runan after you stabilize." Feng Yao said.

"Yes, my lord!" Cang Ci was overjoyed.

Feng Yao nodded, and led the crowd all the way back to Taolin Mansion.

Xu Shu came to see Feng Yao and said, "My lord, Cai Meng has something to see! He is waiting in the meeting hall!"

Feng Yaodao: "Yuan Zhi, it's just in time for you to come. Regarding Cai Meng's matter, let him wait for a while. I will go over as soon as I finish my work. Come with me!"

Several people entered the reception room in the front yard together and sat down one by one.

Cang Ci and Xu Shu introduced each other, and after a set of etiquette, Feng Yao asked Cang Ci, "Xiaoren, I see that you have a mighty figure, and you don't look like an ordinary person. I wonder what you used to do for a living?"

Cang Ci said: "My lord, to tell you the truth, this subordinate used to work under Liu Xun. He was a thief named Cao Chuanshi. Shi et al rely on the support of the people, but they can't do anything for the people, so they resigned from their positions and came to join the lord!"

After Cang Ci finished speaking, he looked at Feng Yao. He used to work under Liu Xun, so of course he also understood Liu Xun's thoughts. Although Liu Xun was appointed by Yuan Shu, he always treated Yuan Shu in a positive way, and Feng Yao was the son of Yuan Shu, whose real name was Yuan Yuan. Cang Ci has also heard about Yao's matter. Given his current status, it is perfectly normal for Feng Yaoruo to be suspicious.

"My lord will definitely believe me!" Cang Ci's eyes revealed expectation.

At this time, Yang Wu's expression changed secretly, a light flashed in his eyes, he glanced at Cang Ci warily, and then turned his gaze to Feng Yao.

Xu Shu's expression didn't change, and he picked up a cup of tea as usual, as if he didn't hear what Cang Ci said at all.

"Hahaha! Xiaoren! You can be so open and honest with me, which shows your loyalty. Now the law and order in Runan is really not good. Talents like you are needed. How about it, I want to use you as the governor of Runan County Cao, would you like to assist my father-in-law, Prefect Gong, and be responsible for the security of Runan County?" Feng Yaoxi said.

Cao Cao, the governor of the thief Cao, is the chief of the history of the thief Cao, and his power status is very high. In the county, he is second only to Gong Cao, Hu Cao, etc., and is one of the five major Caos in the county.

Cang Ci's expression was startled, he was overjoyed, but he calmed down soon, and asked with clasped fists, "My lord, what about the current thief Cao?"

Feng Yao snorted coldly, and said: "If the current thief Cao is capable, how can he let people like the An family run rampant in Pingyu City? I was about to ask about his crime, and now I entrust this important task to you, I hope you don't want to it disappointed me!"

Hearing this, Cang Ci got up immediately, and bowed to Feng Yao under the table: "Thank you, my lord, for your reuse! If this subordinate takes office, I will definitely do my best to make Runan have a brand new look, my lord, please wait and see!"

"Okay, I believe you, go down today to make some preparations, and you can also recruit some of your confidantes, and report to the county mansion tomorrow morning, and I will formally appoint you!" Feng Yao said.

Cang Ci stood up and said goodbye, Feng Yao ordered someone to take another 100 taels of silver and gave it to Cang Ci, saying: "This is my reward for you, don't refuse, I hope you don't begrudge the silver, but use it to think something to do!"

Cang Ci excitedly accepted the money, bowed again and retreated, leaving Taolin Mansion.

Yang Wu asked puzzledly: "My lord, you brought Cang Ci all the way to the mansion, and you only asked a few words!?"

"Hehe, Yang Wu, in fact, I have been secretly observing Cang Ci's words and deeds since I was in the Four Seas Inn, and the superior on the way here. I believe that Cang Ci will definitely live up to my expectations!" Feng Yao said affirmatively. .

Yang Wudao: "I hope so, but the subordinate will not relax his attention to Cang Ci, this is the duty of the subordinate."

At this moment, Xu Shu put down his teacup and said with a smile: "My lord, talents from all walks of life are now attracted to vote. The prosperity of Yuzhou is just around the corner!"

"Yuan Zhi, Yang Wu, it seems that we still can't take a break for a while, we have to go back to work again! Come, come with me to the meeting hall!" Feng Yao said with a wry smile.

(End of this chapter)

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