Back to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty

Chapter 404 3 Righteous Leaders Make Contributions

Chapter 404
Xun You was startled, and hurriedly stopped in his tracks.


At this time, a cuckoo's call came, but if you observe carefully, you will find that there is no bird flying in the sky, this sound?

"Ha ha ha ha!……"

When the masked man in black heard the sound, a smile appeared on his face, and he burst out laughing.

The reason why he didn't lead the crowd to fight as soon as Xun You appeared was to delay time and wait for reinforcements to arrive! !
Those sneak attacks before were not all his masterpieces, but were secretly supported by the brothers of Xuanwutang!

There are already more than one hundred people in the Qinglong Hall, but they are divided into five teams, each ambushing and intercepting them in different places. There are not many cases in the Baihu Hall and Xuanwu Hall!
The cry of the cuckoo was the secret signal of Baihutang. If Baihutang had not come, they and the brothers of Xuanwutang combined would only have more than 40 people, and Xun You still had 50 people under his command. The grasp of victory! !

"Oops! We fell into the enemy's plan to slow down the troops!!" Xun You immediately understood and shouted in shock. All the guests were shocked and looked around, but apart from the twenty or so men in black, there were no other enemies in sight.

"Fight with them, maybe the enemy is deceiving us. We have a lot of people now, and they only have more than 20 people. If you fight one by one, they will lose!!" a doorman shouted.


"Fight, kill!!"

All the disciples of the Xun family roared in anger, and half of the disciples no longer cared about the formation, and rushed forward with their swords, and fought to the death with the men in black in Qinglong Hall.

"Hurry up and escape, protect the young master!!" The remaining disciples shouted loudly.

At this moment, more than [-] people rushed out of the grass on both sides. They were all masked in black. The man in black on the left had a red white tiger embroidered on his shoulder, and the man in black on the right also had a red tiger embroidered on his shoulder. Red basalt.

"Don't leave Xun You!" The men in black from Baihutang and Xuanwutang shouted and killed them.

"Not good, son, let's go!!" A doorman desperately protected Xun You, and Yushi's doormen were divided into two teams, each with ten people, to block the men in black who attacked from both sides.

This fight is so tragic!There were screams and blood splattered, and the people attacking each other were all elites, each with their own unique skills, even if they were stabbed several times, as long as there was still a breath, they would roar and fight the enemy desperately!

Although there were many people masked in black, the last [-] disciples of the Xun family were all determined to die. He tried his best to block it, but the disciples of Xun's family couldn't get out to protect Xun You.

There was only one disciple guarding Xun You, but he was the one with the highest martial arts skills among them. Seeing that the situation was critical, he carried Xun You on his back, roared again and again, and beheaded two black-clothed men who came to intercept him one after another. The man broke through the siege, ran towards the path, and quickly disappeared into a forest.

But here, both sides are red-eyed, people keep falling down, and there is no way to escape from this place.

In a short time, there were only thirty people on each side fighting in blood, and suddenly dozens of men in black came to help, and quickly killed all the disciples of the Xun family one by one.

"Pursue, Xun You fled there!" A man in black pointed his sword in his hand and led the crowd to chase after him, but after chasing him into the woods, he searched repeatedly, but Xun You was nowhere to be seen!


On the only road leading to Dagu Pass, there were almost no pedestrians at this time, except for a two-horse carriage with a carriage.

Just when the man in black couldn't find Xun You, Xun You was under the guard of his followers, staggered, and appeared beside the road. When he saw the carriage, he raised his eyebrows and showed a ferocious smile.

"My lord, please wait a moment, when I rob this carriage, we can escape!" said the doorman.

Xun You nodded, the doorman cheered up, jumped into the road, raised his knife, stopped the carriage, and shouted: "Get out of the carriage, or you will be killed without mercy!!"

The driver was a boy dressed as a groom, about 16 years old, this boy was none other than Feng Xi who volunteered to carry out the assassination mission!
"Spare the hero, spare the life of the hero!!" Feng Xi pretended to be very frightened, and hurriedly got off the carriage, throwing the whip aside.

At this moment, there was a sound of angry shouting from far behind, and a group of men in black were seen running towards them.

Xun You was startled, and hurried forward, but unexpectedly, the curtain of the carriage was suddenly pulled open, and a small hand crossbow stretched out, aimed at Xun You, and Xun You fell to the ground in response. , Clutching his neck, there is only air in and no air out.

The doorman was startled and angry, and shouted: "If you dare to hurt my son, see if I don't kill you!!"

A cold light flashed in Feng Xi's eyes, and he slammed into a whistle. He saw a dozen young boys rushing out of the carriage, all of them dressed in strong clothes, with a small shield in one hand, and a dagger in one hand. The smaller one was holding a repeating hand crossbow, a total of 13 people, surrounding the doorman in the middle.

The doorman asked in surprise, "Who are you waiting for?"

"Runan Thirteen Righteousnesses!!"

The thirteen teenagers shouted in unison.

"Kill him!!" Feng Xi ordered with a murderous look in his eyes.

The doorman was furious, and raised his knife to kill Feng Xi, but at this moment, there were several chords, and the steel crossbow had already penetrated the body of the doorman.

"You, you..." The doorman fell to the ground and died.

Feng Xi stepped up, cut off his head with a sword, kicked it aside, went to Xun You's side, cut off his head, tore a piece of cloth from the upper body of the corpse, wrapped the head, and threw it on the carriage .

soon.The masked man in black chased after him, and stopped in shock when he saw Feng Xi.

Thirteen righteousness! !

It turned out to be the Thirteen Righteousnesses! !
Look at the two headless corpses on the ground again!One of them seems to be Xun You, but there is no head, but I dare not confirm it.

Although the identity of Thirteen Righteousnesses is mysterious, but as Feng Yao's trusted spies, of course they know what Thirteen Righteousnesses represent and what kind of identity they are! !

Feng Xi stood at the front, with Feng Er and Feng San on the left and right, and Feng Si, Feng Wu, Feng Liu, Feng Qi in the back row, all the way to Feng Shisan.

The oldest is Feng Xi, who is now 16 years old, and the youngest is Feng Shisan, who is just 11 years old. However, in the past two years, Shisanyi has been practicing hard every day. Not because of his muscular body, but because of his agility, because of his early experiences, except for the occasional smile in front of Feng Yao and a few others, he has always been known for being cold and vicious.

"It turns out that the Thirteen Righteousnesses are here! I wonder if Xun You's head is there?" The black-clothed masked man clasped his fists, wanting to confirm Xun You's death. News, so go back and return to life! !
Of course Feng Xi also recognized these signs. He couldn't confirm everyone's identity, so it's better for him to keep the head over, so he nodded and clasped his fists and said, "Xun You has been beheaded by me, but it's not convenient for me to hand over the head." Hand it over, brothers from Qinglongtang, Baihutang, and Xuanwutang, please go back, I will also report to the lord the efforts of the three cousins ​​this time, and I will never obliterate your contributions!"

(End of this chapter)

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