Chapter 415

"General Guan, I order you to kill all the men in the Japanese country, no matter how old or young, even if they are women, if you dare to dissatisfy with my big man, kill! Those with bad character, kill! Those with ugly looks, kill! Those with family genetic diseases, Kill the old and barren! Only those who are gentle, kind, healthy, and not ugly can survive! In order to inspire all soldiers, all captured Japanese female slaves should be rewarded to those who have shown bravery on the battlefield!" Feng Yao Ming said.

"Yes! This subordinate obeys the order!!" Guan Cheng answered loudly, his expression extremely happy.

Seeing that there was no mission for him, Guo Zu, who went out with Guan Cheng, was a little surprised, thinking that Feng Yao had forgotten to mention his name, and when he was about to ask, Feng Yao had already cast his gaze on him.

"Guo Zu! You lead an army of [-] from the headquarters and set off at five o'clock tomorrow to go to Qingzhou, take a boat from Qinglai, go to Lelang County in Youzhou, and attack Baekje and Samhan and other countries with Houlang as the rear!" Feng Yao said .

"Obey! The subordinates will definitely capture the entire Baekje and Sanhan, and kill all the men..." Guo Zu was overjoyed, and immediately responded loudly, but when he was halfway through speaking, Feng Yao stretched out his hand to signal him to stop.

After Feng Yao stopped Guo Zu, he smiled and said: "Guo Zu, you misunderstood, Baekje and Samhan have many immigrants from my big Han, and most of them have been influenced by Han culture, especially Baekje, Baekje The king of the Han Dynasty was originally from Goguryeo, a vassal state of the Han Dynasty, I think you should be aware of this, right?"

Guo Zu nodded.

"So, we can't do the same to Baekje and Samhan as we did to Wa, we just need to wipe out all the enemies who don't submit to our jurisdiction!" Feng Yao said.

"Yes, my lord, I understand!" Guo Zu said.

"But there is one thing that has not changed much. The war will inevitably bring about a large number of deaths, especially in Baekje and Samhan. Unmarried women can become wives and concubines of our soldiers!" Feng Yao said.

Feng Yao's request can be said to be very kind. He only kills the enemy and not the common people. He also adopts a gentle strategy for the married women in Baekje, trying not to destroy their family life. Women are compulsive.

The purpose of doing this is to completely assimilate the Han people to Baekje and Samhan. In the next generation, more than half of the newborn children on this land will be of Han blood. After they grow up, no matter what, they can’t change it. The fact that they are Han people cannot change the erosion of Han culture.

"Yes, my lord!!" After Guo Zu heard the words, he immediately became excited.

Only generals who have led soldiers will understand what the soldiers in the army need most! !

The first must be full, that is, food and grass.

Food and sex, sex too!

The second place is sex between men and women!

Wars cannot be resolved in a day or two. Soldiers often collapse overnight due to sexual repression and fear of death in war!This is also one of the reasons for the camp roar.

Especially in some armies, many of the soldiers are still unmarried teenagers, watching the people around them die in battle one by one, even those who have a single wife, Fangze, have no chance, let alone leave incense for their offspring, so they leave with regret. In this case, it is easy to demoralize the army.

Feng Yao has seen this kind of thing not once or twice since he led the army to fight, so after Feng Yao has his own territory, the first step is that all soldiers must be married and have children. After the soldiers have their own families and children, they will no longer be so afraid, and they are willing to take risks and fight on the battlefield if they want a better life for their families! !
The second step, after each big victory, Feng Yao would sort the captive female slaves into beauty and ugliness grades when the opportunity was right, and reward them to the soldiers one by one according to their military merits!Of course, Feng Yao's intention is to let the soldiers who are loyal to him have more successors, and it is also to solve the sexual needs of the soldiers!
Guo Zu can imagine how crazy the army he leads will be when the two armies are at war once the reward of being able to marry a civilian girl is given out! !

Feng Yao was very satisfied with Guo Zu's reaction, and said in his heart: "It seems that Guo Zu already has the confidence to win!! Yes, but Baekje Samhan is different from Japan, it is much easier to conquer, if Guo Zu is destroying After defeating Baekje and Samhan, to become king on your own...? This is not impossible!! How about this!"

"Guo Zu!" Feng Yao smiled, beckoning to Guo Zu, signaling him to come forward.

Guo Zu was puzzled and stepped forward according to the order. Feng Yao said: "Come here with your ear!" Guo Zu also obeyed.

"Guo Zu, you should have heard about the matter between your sister Xiangyan and Gong Ming! And you are going to go to war tomorrow, why don't you and I decide tonight and let them get married!" Feng Yao smiled road.

Guo Zu heard the words, took a deep breath, was instantly enveloped in surprise, his eyes lit up, he was overjoyed, and immediately knelt down to thank him loudly!And swore: "My lord, please rest assured! Guo Zu will always be your most loyal follower!!"

Feng Yao nodded, stroked his back and said, "Okay, you go down first!!"

The generals didn't know what Feng Yao said to Guo Zu, which made Guo Zu so excited. Just as he was guessing, Guo Zu had already retreated and knelt in the hall beside Guan Cheng, waiting for Feng Yao's next order.

"General Guan! General Guo! When the two of you march eastward, if necessary, you can cooperate with each other. If Wa is difficult to conquer for a while, don't rush to seek merit. In short, win with the least casualties!!" Feng Yao said.

"My subordinate understands!"

"Okay, it's better to delay the matter, take the order and go down to prepare for the battle immediately!" Feng Yao ordered his left and right to fetch tokens and military amulets and hand them to Guan Cheng Guozu, and the two respectfully withdrew.

After the arrangements for the attack on Liu Xun and the eastward expedition to the sea are arranged, there is only the most important thing left, which is to welcome the emperor and attack Liu Bei in Hanoi!
After discussing with the generals, Feng Yao made a decision.

General Feng Yao will lead the army to march in person!Because Zhao Yun's cavalry archers still need to be trained, they don't have to go out with the army this time.

Xu Shu went out with the army as a military adviser and took charge of the central army, while Zhao Wang escorted the grain and grass as the rear army.

Chang Xi is the leading vanguard, Che Zhou is the deputy vanguard, Wang Cheng is the left army, Zhang Da is the right army, Liu Shun leads the scouts to inquire about news, and Xia Houlan is in charge of military discipline for the army.

Xu Chu and Dai Ling were Feng Yao's elite soldiers, commanding two thousand tiger guard infantry, two thousand tiger guard light cavalry, three thousand bear guards, and nearly five hundred iron cavalry. Yang Wu, Xu Ding, Fan Neng, Han Shuang, and Xia Houbo all accompanied the army And go.

The whole army has a total of 20 elite soldiers, auxiliary soldiers, and handymen!

After the arrangements were made, Feng Yao ordered the generals to go to prepare one by one, and be ready to be on call at any time. As soon as the emperor's edict is received, the army can go out immediately!

In the second year of Xingping, the first day of May in summer, afternoon

Evening is the auspicious time for Feng Yao's brother-in-law Gong Ming and Zhong Lang to marry Guo Zu's sister Guo Xiangyan.

Although Gong Ming is only 14 years old, he already has some understanding of the relationship between men and women, but only a little bit, and the task of teaching Gong Ming to successfully complete the bridal chamber wedding night before marriage falls on Feng Yao.

The two were in a secret room, until Feng Yao's mouth was dry, almost half an hour passed, Gong Ming still shook his head, "Brother-in-law! What is the place where women pee?"

(End of this chapter)

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