Chapter 426 Raiding Luoyang
"My lord, when I went south from Changshan, I passed through Junyi County. I found that Junyi County not only has a lot of boats, but also mostly grain and grass. Junyi is not far from here. Our army can completely rely on Junyi. The army can be supplied with food and grass, and Junyi's boat can also be used to cross the Yellow River!" Zhao Yun said.

Feng Yao nodded and praised: "Zilong, if you hadn't reminded me that I almost forgot this point, Junyi's county magistrate Chen Ren is my subordinate. After defeating Yan Liang last year, I deliberately left him to manage Junyi County. If you want to build this county into a grain and grass transportation center for the five states of Guandong, Yu, Yan, Qing, Xu, and Yang, what you said is very good, there is absolutely no need for us to build another granary, and Junyi is enough!"

"So that's how it is! My lord's foresight makes Zilong extremely admirable!" Zhao Yun's eyes showed surprise, but it soon turned into admiration for Feng Yao, and he couldn't help but smile on his face. Following such a lord, why worry about the world Not fair! !

"My lord is wise!" The three generals Zhao Wang, Xu Xuan, and Dai Ling all worshiped. Last year, they all personally experienced the war against Yan Liang. At that time, they didn't understand why Feng Yao left Chen Ren here. Thinking about it now It turned out that Feng Yao had already made preparations to attack Sili Prefecture! !

"Haha!!" Military advisor Xu Shu laughed at this moment, nodding while stroking his beard, and there was a gleam in his eyes.

"I made the military advisor laugh. Yuan Zhi must have a good idea for laughing. Please advise the military advisor!" Feng Yao said with a smile.

Xu Shu bowed and said: "My lord is wise, I already have a plan in my mind. What Liu Bei relies on is the natural danger of the Yellow River and the warships of the Mi family. But now it seems that these are not problems at all!"

"During the first battle in Dongping, our army took over a hundred warships from Juyeze, and they have been idle in Juyeze, without much use. I think these warships must have been transported to the vicinity of Suanzao City. My lord, please send someone to Marquis Wen to inquire about this immediately, if this is the case, the problem of crossing the Yellow River will be solved!"

"As for the direction of our army's next move, the subordinates think that it is better to divide into three groups. One way goes up to assist Wen Hou's army to attack Hanoi, one way goes west to meet the emperor, and the other way goes north to take Xingyang as a stronghold in the rear. !"

"Ji River, Pu River, Sui River, Bian Qu, Lang Tang Qu, these five rivers all come together in Junyi and Wuchaoze areas, pass through Bian Qu, pass through Xingyang, and communicate with the Yellow River, and Xingyang even connects with Hanoi. Huai County in the county faces each other across the river!! You can attack when you advance, and you can defend when you retreat, and it can even be used as a rear stronghold for armies from all walks of life!"

"Wen Hou is currently using Suanzao as his base, and he has already gone up the river to capture the original Wucheng. As long as he continues to go up the river, he will take down Juan County and form horns with Xingyang, where our army is stationed, and cross the river to attack Huai County. It must not be resisted!!"

After Xu Shu finished speaking, he bowed to Feng Yao again, sat back to his original place, and remained silent. In the big tent, all the generals were shocked by Xu Shu's detailed plan, and they were all immersed in the battle situation set by Xu Shu. The sound of breathing is clearly audible.

Feng Yao glanced at the generals, then looked at Xu Shu, a little puzzled, logically, Xu Shu's plan is already very perfect, as long as it is implemented smoothly, Liu Bei will undoubtedly lose! !But Xu Shu was abnormal, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and there seemed to be a trace of worry that could not be eliminated.

"Yuan Zhi, your plan is perfect, but why did you suddenly hesitate?" Feng Yao asked.

Xu Shu heaved a sigh of relief and said, "My lord, my subordinates are worried about Yuan Shao and Cao Cao. After all, Hanoi County is north of the Yellow River. Yuan Shao will not let us occupy Hanoi County easily, but Yuan Shao and us have agreed to an armistice agreement. It is inconvenient to come forward directly, the subordinates estimate that Yuan Shao will secretly support Cao Cao and let Cao Cao attack us from behind!!"

Feng Yao was stunned, and immediately realized the seriousness of the problem. It seemed that Hanoi could break through it with a wave of his hand, but if Yuan Shao made a move, I'm afraid...!
"Fight!!" Feng Yao thought for a while, then slammed the case, and said loudly.

"No matter what the enemy's conspiracy is, Liu Bei and Cao Cao are our enemies, and we can't get rid of them!! Soldiers come to block them, and water comes to cover them!!"

"The generals obey the order. According to the strategy of the military division, we divide our troops into three groups and launch an attack immediately!! Success or failure depends on one action. Don't forget that the generals must not underestimate the enemy!!" Feng Yao's eyes are firm, and his tone is majestic, beyond doubt! !
Hearing this, Xu Shu swept away the worried look on his brows, his expression lifted, he nodded and said loudly: "My lord is wise, I will fight to the death!!"

All the generals in the big tent immediately became excited, and they all raised their arms and shouted: "Please give me an order, my lord, we are willing to fight bravely for my lord!!"

Feng Yao nodded happily. This battle can be said to be the most important battle. If he wins, he can conquer the world in one fell swoop. If he loses, he may become the enemy of all enemies!
"Zhao Wang and Wang Cheng obey orders!"

The second general went out immediately and knelt down to receive the order.

"Immediately lead the troops to attack Xingyang. After taking Xingyang, Zhao Wang stayed behind, and Wang Cheng waited for the opportunity to cross the river to attack Hanoi!! After your second general arrives at Xingyang, immediately get in touch with Marquis Wen to discuss the matter of crossing the river. Don't go alone. !"

"Obey, my lord!" The second general answered loudly.

Feng Yao said again: "Come here, pass on my order. After General Chezhou captures Yuanling, he will first take Zhongmou, then turn north, pass Xingyang, and cross the river as the second army to support Wang Cheng! Order General Changxi to take After going down to Mi County, go to Hulao Pass immediately, and wait for the arrival to join our army!"

The two scouts immediately stepped forward, took the command arrows each, and left their tents.

"All the remaining generals will follow me to Luoyang to welcome the emperor!!" Feng Yao ordered loudly.

All the generals responded with a bang, and the crowd was excited.

"It's not too late, let's go!!"



It can be said to be the most powerful pass in the world. It connects Songshan Mountain in the south and the Yellow River in the north. !
Luoyang is guarded by passes in the east, west and south, and there is a natural barrier of the Yellow River in the north, so if you want to enter Luoyang, there is really no good way except to break through the pass! !
Hulao Pass is located in Chenggao County. Going east from Hulao Pass, the first county is Xingyang County, which is only a few tens of miles away.

Feng Yao's army was terrifying, and the counties, townships, and villages he passed by all fell upon hearing the wind, but it didn't take much trouble, and soon came to Hulao Pass, joined forces with Chang Xi, 11 The army, with banners flying and murderous aura, lined up in front of the pass. There was a big disagreement, and they immediately crushed Hulao Pass into powder.

Feng Yao immediately summoned Chang Xi and asked, "Before you came here first, how did Hulao Pass react, why did you close the gate tightly?"

Chang Xi said: "My lord, the guard at Hulao Gate is named Yang Mingzhong, he is a general of Yang Biao's family, and his subordinates don't know why. They only know that as soon as they arrived at this pass, before they had time to meet the guard, the gate was closed. I didn’t respond to my calls, so I had to wait until now!”

When Feng Yao was about to ask again, he suddenly heard Liu Shun rushing into the tent and said loudly: "Master, a man came out of Guanzhong, riding alone, about twenty years old, claiming to be surnamed Yang Mingxiu, styled Dezu. Let's talk about things!"

(End of this chapter)

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