Back to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty

Chapter 441 Calculating Cao Cao

Chapter 441 Calculating Cao Cao
"Don't worry, as long as the alliance with Liu Bao is successful, Feng Yao thinks that Liu Bao is an alliance, so he will not be on guard. At that time, he will cooperate with Liu Bao inside and outside. With the bravery of Guan Zhang and Liu Bao's cavalry, the battle will be victorious! "Chen Deng said.

"Okay, follow Yuanlong's advice!" Liu Bei exclaimed.

Later, Liu Bei retreated to the left and right, leaving only Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Chen Deng, and called Chen Deng's uncle Chen Yu. After the five discussed closely, they formulated several strategies for Feng Yao's attack.

at the same time
Feng Yao had already led [-] elite soldiers including Tiger Guards to Wude County, Hanoi County where Lu Bu was located.

Wude County is just across the river from Juan County, facing Qinshui in the west and the Yellow River in the south. It was the first stronghold that Lu Bu captured after crossing the river. The soldiers fought eastward with Cao Cao, hoping that Feng Yao's army could cross the river and attack Huai County, the prefecture of Hanoi County.

Because Cao Cao was invited by Liu Bei, he took over Chaoge and Jixian counties in the eastern part of Hanoi County without any effort, and fought with Lu Bu's army. Both sides suffered casualties, but the situation was extremely unfavorable for Lu Bu's army. All the counties in the east of the country were ordered by Liu Bei to fully cooperate with Cao Cao, but did not dare to help Lu Bu.

Wude County became Lu Bu's only reliance, and all the ships had been transported back to Wang Cheng's army in Xingyang to help Wang Cheng's army cross the river.

If Feng Yao hadn't predicted Mi Zhu's attack early on, all these ships would have been burned by Mi Zhu. At that time, not only Wang Cheng's army would not be able to cross the river, but Lu Bu would also be a lone army in Wude, unable to retreat!
"Father-in-law! What's the current situation of Wude?"

In Wude City
Feng Yao and Lu Bu sat in the secret room as guests and hosts.

Lu Bu sighed, "My son-in-law, you came just in time. I have found out that Cao Cao has exhausted his troops from Chaoge, Jixian, Gongxian, Huojia, Xiuwu, Shanyang and other counties. He wants to encircle Wude. Cao Cao The main force of the army will be stationed in Xiuwu City, which is about [-] miles east! If you come one day later, Cao Cao's army will completely surround the city!"

Feng Yao immediately scolded Cao Cao and Liu Bei, saying that the two are insidious and cunning, and they are not real heroes!

Lu Bu's complexion improved, and he couldn't help nodding to Feng Yao, as if he was very relieved.

As an elder, as well as the governor of Yanzhou, even though Lu Bu hated Cao Cao and Liu Bei, he could only curse a few times in his heart. As a junior, Feng Yao has no taboos.

After cursing Cao Liu, Feng Yao cursed again: "The magistrates of Chaoge and other counties are also ungrateful people. It's fine if we don't think about the past and advocate Yang Jiuen. Now we came here to avenge Zhang Yang, and we actually help the enemy! Hateful! After our army breaks through these counties, we will take them all to the downtown area and behead them for public display!"

"My son-in-law, you can't blame the magistrates of these counties for this matter. Many of them were directly appointed by the imperial court, and Liu Bei now holds the prefect seal. If they don't obey the order and pursue it, it will be a serious crime of treason. !" Lu Bu said.

"Hehe, father-in-law, son-in-law is just trying to have a good time, let's vent our anger by cursing first!" Feng Yao laughed.

Lu Bu also laughed, his eyes were full of gratification, he nodded and said: "My son-in-law, I know that you are trying to make me happy, and I am very satisfied if you have this heart! Lingqi can marry you as a wife, It is also the favor of God!"

After a while, Feng Yao put away his joking mentality, clasped his fists and said solemnly: "Father-in-law, the battle has changed, this time my son-in-law came across the river to pick up his father-in-law's army to withdraw!"

"What? Withdraw troops? Why?" Lu Bu paused, surprised.

"Father-in-law!..." Feng Yao then carefully analyzed the situation in front of him, and told all about Liu Qubei's investment.

Lu Bu pondered, nodded and said: "Although I can't just take revenge, what my son-in-law said is very reasonable. Okay, father-in-law agrees to withdraw troops!"

Feng Yao said again: "Father-in-law, my son-in-law has two other plans, which are enough to avenge the thousands of brothers who died! But this plan, it is not convenient for my son-in-law to come forward, so I have to carry it out in the name of my father-in-law!"

"Let's talk about the plan!" Lu Bu's eyes flashed when he heard the words, and he looked directly at Feng Yao.

"Cao Cao knows that our army has ships and must be worried that the siege will fall short. Seeing that the big revenge will be avenged, he will not be reconciled, so I predict that Cao Cao will launch a surprise attack tonight and attack Wude!"

"Father-in-law, please immediately move all the people of Wude out to the south of the Yellow River, and then slowly move to Yanzhou to enrich the population of Yanzhou. At the same time, send more scouts to prevent Cao Cao from getting this news tonight! "

"Order an army to lie down at the place where Cao Cao's army must pass from Xiuwu to Wude. When Cao Cao's army comes, kill it, then feign defeat, flee back to Wude, lead Cao Cao into Wude City, and then fill the city with firewood and oil. , set fire to Wude City, and burned all the enemy troops trapped in the city to death!" Feng Yao said.

Lu Bu's eyes lit up sharply, and he nodded in praise, "This plan is not bad! It's just that Cao Cao is suspicious by nature, can he really fall into the trap?"

"Although Cao Cao is suspicious, he is also very confident. If our army does not send troops to ambush, Cao Cao will think that it is abnormal and dare not venture forward!" Feng Yao affirmed.

"Okay, I'll immediately summon the generals and make arrangements. I don't know if the son-in-law is going to lie in ambush in the city, or what is his plan?" Lu Bu said.

"Father-in-law, our army is limited in number and does not play a big role. If it is in the city, it will not be convenient for father-in-law's unified command. It is better to be responsible for relocating the people and crossing the river. If necessary, we can also serve as a reserve army to join the battle! "Feng Yao thought about it, clasped his fists and said.

"This move is very much in line with my wishes! The matter of withdrawing troops from the rear is left to my son-in-law!"

Lu Bu's expression was determined and his eyes were piercing.

Soon, the two left the secret room, Lu Bu went to gather the generals, and Feng Yao also started to act.

Wude County has a total of more than [-] households. It is a large county. Excluding the people in the village, there are thousands of households living in the city. Those who can live in the city are from better families, and some families have lived in Wude for generations. He has a lot of land outside the city, and he is unwilling to move out of Wude to Yanzhou.

The rest of the people had long been yearning for Feng Yao's Yuzhou. After hearing the news, they were all overjoyed.

It took only two round trips for thousands of households. From after lunch to Shenshi, it took more than an hour to finish all the crossings, except for some aristocratic families who insisted on staying.

"My lord, these aristocratic families are really hateful, why not take this opportunity and kill them all! Our army can also get more money and food!" Xu Chu reported.

Feng Yao comforted: "Zhongkang, if we want to win the emperor to our territory now, we can't do this anymore. This will make the officials in the court think that we are cruel and heartless, and they will use this to slander us vigorously! The aristocratic family didn’t want to move, so they tied them up, accused them of murdering the court official Hanoi prefect Zhang Yang, and took them to the south bank of the river first, and then decided according to the situation after the matter is over!”

"Of order, this subordinate understands!" Xu Chu's eyes sparkled, and he nodded to leave.

(End of this chapter)

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